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Registered: | January 15, 2021 |
Last post: | September 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM |
Posts: | 307 |
There is a plan to introduce a 5 stack competitive circuit that you could play with friends like LoL's Clash tourney system. Hopefully it comes out soon.
Cget won't, any change might eventually though so I'd like to see them trial Chet!
Unlikely that this will fix them, but maybe it will. Changes are needed and this was almost certainly one of them. A coach that tells them exactly what to play seems like a good fit.
Uh.... internal problems I presume since he's always been consistent?
AP exam, class test, AP exam, break for a few days, AP exam
not to take away from your point but EU changes a lot too...
I do agree that EU is the best region, with BR second and NA third probably. People who only watch their region are likely to think that their region is the best, but they are not watching other regions so they shouldn't get to talk about it :)
Yes it is, I forgot to state that since I mostly have just watched recent gameplay of the finals between people who qualified.
That seems like a good change, maybe her ult still affects everything though?
I noticed that the ```https://www.vlr.gg/7775/top-10-players-valorant``` thread was getting brought back up, and that the discussion was getting bogged down by people with little concept of time. Here is a new thread so that we don't have to scroll past 30 messages about how ratings from 4 months ago are stupid.
Like the dumbass that I am, I forgot to say that this is based off of what I know about the players, which is mostly from their most recent games, or the finals of the events that qualified people for masters and podcasts about Valorant. I value IGLing a lot, and as such vanity is on the list where penny justifiably could be instead.
I do agree with all of you that MW almost certainly deserves a spot, but he didn't make it to masters and that is where I am taking players from so that I don't have to watch 10,000 games.
Yes, and very likely in this form. There already is a tac pause system it is just more manual.
Sharks stepping up is definitely that would happen
Br are Dark Horses because other regions don't respect them, that's why I said "BR and LATAM teams somehow" because I really like them and favor them as possibly winning Reykjavik, but they are not respected by other people and thus: Dark Horses.
I haven't watched much of Sharks but that seems very reasonable, I was mostly doing one player per major region.
MVP I think will be the best performing player on the winning team and since I think Fnatic are winning... it kind of has to be their best player Derke.
I could 100% see VKS or Sharks or even the LATAM team winning, I just think that FNC has the highest chance of winning.
A little surprised about no Yoru changes but maybe we will see him played at Reykjavik and he won't need any changes.
The Viper changes are good, but we will see what effect they have.
The amount of cap is negative
FNC still a top team before the buffs, I think that the current patch will be the Reykjavik patch so no worries there.
Happens in Gold/Plat/Diamond too. People think they know something that makes them better that others in the same rank don't know and they are usually wrong and an asshole about it.
Perhaps we will get a more superteams in BR? I could see the GL move, but we will see.
FNC trolled in that finals and almost still won....
Yes it is and no, you make the site worse :)
Most Solid:
Biggest Flop:
"Steps Up"
Dark Horses:
Biggest Impact Player:
Revelation Player (assuming means looks the best compared to expected performance):
EDIT: typos were bothering me
I just haven't learned it and I dislike it cause of that. Once it gets played a bit I'm sure it'll be enjoyable at worst.
FNC was running troll comps in that match (like triple duelist Split) and almost still won. BR might not be the best region or have the best way to play but I think that the pace of BR could surprise their opponents and ruin their play, leading to wins for BR even though they might not be as good. It's more a ranking of who will win rather than who is the best.
Needed change for the decrease of Decay to 30, although I'm not sure that this, or the Decay increase, were the right choices for the buffs to Viper in the first place.
I'm saying the same things? Both teams have excellent players but a problem with how they play that leads to them not having success? TSM have players that are very streaky and GL have players who play to set up two incredible duelists that become more consistent but then they rely on those players to win every round for them. Neither team can beat good teamwork with skill diff at the highest levels regionally and it shows in the lack of results. TSM is worse than GL though since GL always makes it to the top events while TSM struggles to make it in the qualifiers into those top events.
Bulldog 1 tap HS on anti-eco rounds and has a good chance of burst HS + BS for a kill against rifles. Actually a great gun. You should go for rifle half shields before Bulldog full shields though.
Guardian is the worst gun in the game, or at least the most situational. Even the Odin and the Shorty have more situations that they are usable in. The Guardian costs too much for being a slightly more effective Sheriff some of the time.
Cause an environment with two of the best duelists with a team that focuses on making those duelists better isn't a recipe for success.
nah, he has to prove himself locally in this new meta since they can't even make the tourneys consistently.
4 is almost 5 smh
Off of backchat with Sacy and saadhak I am inclined to rate LATAM higher than I otherwise would. As such:
European teams are the most balanced with absurd talents at all roles and BR are the others that might qualify as having absurd talent across the board, with Sen/LATAM and V1 being behind those. As such I place those teams above the others. I also believe that EU’s way of playing the game is the best, with the caveat that BR and NA might be able to turn up the tempo enough to beat EU, but I generally think that the team play along with the skill will carry EU and BR to the win. KR could beat people with absurd team set plays but I don’t think skill matches up enough to mot have 3 players just get skill diffed regularly by any player on the top 7 teams.
Anyways this isn’t coherent as a result of mobile and lack of sleep, I might try and justify my points more in the near future but idk yet.
KR doesn’t have that big of a player base or viewership and that’s mostly what the slots are based off of rn.
Omegalul paura was literally the best sentinel in EU for a bit. He’s not a duelist.
Also when you have the best Jett in the world you put your other Jett on something else.
Watching EU pro match gameplay recently should show you quite a bit of Viper. The players you see playing it there are good shouts.
Best podcast for both Valorant and OW. Valoranting does a great Valorant podcast too and Tactical Crouch is great for OW too.
If all you do is shitpost then you are just shit at posting
So insecure and with such shit takes that all you can do is meta post about your shit takes in the hope that people will finally like you.
It does feel bad, but I think that it doesn’t 1 tap so that the Marshall has a place in the meta.
Every post you make like this is getting downvoted bc of how annoying they are. Touch grass and stop metaposting
you are just annoying and self obsessive. just stfu about yourself and post good posts
Lets go Fnatic, EZ win over NA, might be close against BR.