Flag: International
Registered: June 16, 2023
Last post: October 27, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Posts: 1349
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Oh. My apologies. I didn't think you were incapable of reading a few sentences. I sincerely wanted to give an explanation of what happened here in the EDG match yesterday, then some. If you think it's too much to read, by all means. Drop it. Pop off. You do you. Maybe it is childish. I'm not defending mine nor anyone's. So... Hostile... Sheesh. Calm down, "Batman" it's just a comment/reply to answer your question and a little extra. No need to be... That. That type of "everyone out here trying to get a gotcha out of me" type of thinking. You down to chill or no? Oh wait... Maybe this paragraph is too much for you... If you wanna be that bad... Despawn yourself.

posted about a year ago

good now go to this thread(https://www.vlr.gg/254069/early-edg-laugh-thread) and laugh with me

posted about a year ago

Guess who is laughing now


posted about a year ago

Yes after EDG gets grouped, your happiness might not last, enjoy while you can

posted about a year ago

Still laughing


posted about a year ago

Today was the happiest day in my life, I woke up at 430 am to laugh, but the match was done 20 minutes before I woke up.I used to dream for days like these
Anyways that match was so funny I laughed so hard, I laughed so hard I threw my phone, my stomach hurt, my nose started bleeding and I fell of of my bed and then I laughed so hard that the vibration from my laughter caused me to slide across the floor like some kind of fucked up caterpillar. Then I laughed so hard that I cried. Then I laughed so hard that I began flying. I flew threw the roof of my house and continued to fly up up up, up into the sky and I continued flying upwards until I went to outer space, I laughed so hard I went to outer space. Then I continued to laugh and the radiation from outer space started to disintegrate my body, my body disintegrated but I continued to laugh. Then I met God, God wasn’t a man or woman, God was two different cubes with different colors and I transcended God because I laughed so hard. I transcended God into a world of light and laughter. I could not stop laughing, all I could do is laugh now. I miss my friends, I miss my home I hope that I can see them again but I know that I never will, because I will never stop laughing I will laugh for eternity.

P.S: I didnt bother watching to wake up at 3am and laugh at them but the next match, where they are getting grouped I'll be there no matter what.

posted about a year ago

You forgot about EDG

posted about a year ago

Tl had no co ordination on the second map, they had 2 duelist and they waited for the last 25 seconds to enter the sire, Instead of nAts lurking they had their Jett lurking, the duelists were peeking before Skye used her util to clear angles. nAts had to 1v5 most of the round in 1st half because the rest of the team died so early. Also Less and Tuyz played good. Also viper/harbor might be the best combo on haven, loud destroyed TL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

EDG getting grouped. It's time to get exposed BotBot


posted about a year ago

EDG their fluke has ended

posted about a year ago

Its the EDG bandwagoners trying to cope

posted about a year ago


Cope harder that EDG lost

posted about a year ago

Holy shit bro, finally they are getting exposed these bandwagoners, where are they now? Probably changed their flair to FNC or something after today's loss. Wait after they grouped the site will be free of EDG flairs and BotBot d-riders. Also did you see the downvotes, I told you

posted about a year ago

So when did you start considering losing as an achievement? "They got close to taking off a map", STFU no one cares about how close you were, you lost in the end this is life grow up. Also, how are you comparing these two teams based on how close they were to losing a map against PRX? Botht the teams have a different playstyle but no lets cope harder that EDG lost 😭😭😭🀣🀣🀣🀣😹🀣🀣🀣😹🀣
They are getting grouped in a few days which is inevitable

posted about a year ago

Its the EDG fans, say something that they dont like about the team even if its true, they all come in to downvote you

posted about a year ago

Cry is free


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

chokers and flukers

posted about a year ago

Cope harder their fluke run ended

posted about a year ago

This is the beginning of the end of their fluke run, they are getting grouped you dont get second chances EDG. Both giants or KRU can send you home. Giants looked sloppy the other day and KRU, keznit can 1v5 you

posted about a year ago

Just woke up to laugh, their fluke run ended


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro said cNed, LMAO

posted about a year ago

Was on a call with redgar rn, he burst into tears. It was the first time I've heard him crying in our 12 year long friendship. He told me that just before the walkouts, aspas and a Riot admin went over to sayf's PC and changed a few settings, sayf checked his PC and found nothing. After the game sayf was emotionally hurt so just before getting up he opened vlr.gg to see the reactions here, but, what he saw was disgusting. The site took 15 seconds to load. Sayf quickly called redgar and redgar yelled, "Run the fucking speed test!". Sayf hurridly opened ookla speedtest and found out he played on 10% packet loss and 60ms ping. Then immediately an admin came and wiped their PC's data and smirked and whispered to redgar, "brazil clears" and left. I'm completely heartbroken.

posted about a year ago

mb i read it as soulcas, everyones shitting on him

posted about a year ago

stop acting like jampii was any good with his jett, shit was awful to watch

posted about a year ago

How do you know?

posted about a year ago

How do you know?

posted about a year ago

How do you know?

posted about a year ago

no he meant the viper comp not the regular ones

posted about a year ago

bro is snusing up

posted about a year ago

Bro they literally lost, what are you on?

posted about a year ago

yo its his first post, go easy on him

posted about a year ago

I didnt know it was a bait untill I saw EDG

posted about a year ago

Looks like someones mad

posted about a year ago

and all of the players remaining peek together, he literally has no chance

posted about a year ago

NRG literally copied all LOUD comps pearl,haven,split

posted about a year ago

Been my favorite player for a long time but he can not 1v5. Feels bad for him now

posted about a year ago

Less is carrying currently

posted about a year ago

yeah actually cry about it fatso

walking to the fridge when your mom isnt home to make you dinner doesnt count as working out + you'd have to be socially inept (you btw) to even say "never touched a woman". I've gone to school with literal neckbeards and drug addicsts that get play, seems like you're the only person that even thinks its hard.

And I will keep posting on every sad little thing you say because you are an actual loser and need to be reminded every day, at every opportunity, because going on the way you are now is unsustainable and you will be 40 years old and alone with no prospects while your parents sit around the dinner table and try to figure out where they went wrong raising you.

posted about a year ago

bro inting at this point

posted about a year ago

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posted about a year ago

Aspas MVP
LOUD 2-1

posted about a year ago

I meant this is off topic discussion, site discussion is where you talk about the UI of the website or something related to the website

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tell me you're delusional without telling me you're delusional and also EDG are getting gropued lil bro, they are not playing LOUD

posted about a year ago

6 hours and 30 minutes left to get exposed

posted about a year ago
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