Flag: International
Registered: June 16, 2023
Last post: October 27, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Posts: 1349
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This video shows all the meta's and some insane highlight moments too and pro's reactions. I'd recommend you to watch it if you want a deeper understanding of that meta and how it played out in pro scenario

posted 11 months ago

This one?

posted 11 months ago

This one?

It goes like Tun- tunTun- Tun

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

No wonder the chinese fans welcomed him with open hands

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Stop lying you're Chinese EDG fan, I've had many encounters before with you

posted 11 months ago

According to r/ValComp average jonas is top 1%

posted 11 months ago

I wanted to leave this website for good but the users did not want me to leave. This shows my influence in the community.

https://www.vlr.gg/254069/early-edg-laugh-thread( look who was based all along)

Blud thought he did something by asking "who are u"?

So I should be asking, "who r u?"

posted 11 months ago

I knew I was based all along but was getting mass downvoted. IDK maybe this site has bots, Enigma fix this shit, Thanks

posted 11 months ago

Man I dont want to watch nAts suffer another year because of this one trick-washed jett. Hope FUT/BBL buys him

posted 11 months ago

nobody said that, stop making up stuff

posted 11 months ago

Sorry mate, Im playing with my gf now. Maybe next time

posted 11 months ago

Not surprised you can not miss op shots that determine the round/game outcome against teams like FNC,LOUD,PRX ......

posted 11 months ago

isnt that true?
wasnt he the 6th?

posted 11 months ago

In 2022 after the rostermania EG received the same hate as GE is getting now. However, EG went to prove the haters wrong by winning Champs 2023.

In 2023 in the rostermania GE is receiving the same hate, so how likely are they to win Champs 2024?

For comparison
Demon1(2022)=Lightman(2023) (Not yet played on LAN)
Boostio(2022)=Blazek1ng(2023) (Not yet proven on bigger stages)
COM(2022)=Russ(2023) (Hated a lot for poor performance in their previous rosters)
Jawgemo(2022)=Surf(2023) (No one knew about these players before they started playing for the franchised team)
Ethan(2022)=Benkai(2023)(Both were extremely valuable in their old teams but Ethan was recognized after Tokyo 2023)

Anyways, can't wait for the banger of a match between GE and FNC next year

posted 11 months ago

"New player announcement if Elon Musk likes this tweet"- GE

posted 11 months ago

inb4 someone says "If I speak"

posted 11 months ago

Ok I seriously dont know who you mean by midkey?

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

I was right all along, BotBot himself admitted. Go ahead and downvote this thread but you can not change the fact that he is overrated even after he himself admitted it.



Exposed one overrated player, qw1 and Laz are next.


posted 11 months ago

He himself admitted it.
Also stats from champs playoff
He is the 2nd worst player in his team. And their only achievement in champs was defeating GIA and BLG.

FUT KeK(q)w1. Bro can not hit an op shot. You can not beat teams like EG, LOUD, PRX, FNC with weaknesses which has a huge impact on game/round outcome. IDK why some consider him top 5 duelist in EMEA when QutionerX clears him.

Zeta Laz. One trick chamber, very afraid to take duels without chamber and luckily could farm Pacific LCQ, but FNC and NRG exposed the problems with nerfed chamber in champs.

KK and qw1 complement each other well, one can use op but not rifle and one can use rifle not op.

posted 11 months ago

Apparently SK and Japan are xenophobic. I've seen multiple articles where they tell how they were secluded in public places and could not fit in the local culture and people talking on it on reddit. How true is that?

posted 11 months ago

The problem usually exists (if your pc is older than 2yrs) most likely because your battery's life is coming to an end and the battery is unable to completely power your WIFI adapter which is causing the issue you're currently facing. You can try out the below-mentioned fixes.

Fix 1: WIndows+X, go to device manager, then to network adapters expand it and then right click on the wireless adapter option then update the driver.
Fix 2: If it is already updated go to network and internet settings and click on network reset, then reboot your pc.(Also you can uninstall your wifi adapter and reboot your pc but there is a chance where it might not work and you will lose your wifi adapter and then you have to reinstall it or choose pc recovery option)
Fix 3: If that doesnt solve go for LAN if you have the option.
Fix 4: If you cant use LAN buy an external Wifi Adapter it usually costs less than 10€.

posted 11 months ago

Step 1: Go to a therapist and discuss it with them carefully not giving all of your private information just related to your problem
Step 2: If that doesnt help talk with your parents on how this problem is affecting your grades and convince them to buy the latest gpu, mouse, keyboard, monitor......
Step 3: If that doesnt help I'll send you a discord link where all the top pro's are on line you can discuss with them.
Step 4: If that doesnt help I'll personally listen to your problem and help you.
Step 5: If that doesnt help I'll hack Riot Games HQ and delete the game.

posted 11 months ago

the org has no vision but only following clout

NA has it too

posted 11 months ago

Hush baby, speak softly, tell me you're awfully sorry
That you pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me
Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
Run out the room and I'll follow you like a lost puppy
Baby, without you, I'm nothing, I'm so lost, hug me
Then tell me how ugly I am, but that you'll always love me
Then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
Destructive path that we're on, two psychopaths, but we
Know that no matter how many knives we put in each other's backs
That we'll have each other's backs 'cause we're that lucky
Together, we move mountains, let's not make mountains out of molehills
You hit me twice, yeah, but who's counting?
I may have hit you three times, I'm starting to lose count
But together, we'll live forever, we found the youth fountain
Our love is crazy, we're nuts, but I refused counseling
This house is too huge, if you move out, I'll burn all two thousand
Square feet of it to the ground, ain't shit you can do about it
'Cause with you, I'm in my fucking mind, without you, I'm out it

posted 11 months ago

Halsey better

LMAO stay delusional

posted 11 months ago

Someone's getting exposed here, this is the beginning of the end of his valorant career.

posted 11 months ago

How do you know its a yt link even without opening it?

posted 11 months ago

yet you clicked on it and downvoted me on realizing you got rickrolled. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

posted 11 months ago

Elfen Lied

posted 11 months ago

The next scapegoat for the Sentinels fans. Feels bad for him tho after every loss he will be blamed and when they wont make it to masters/Champions the fans will ask him to get kicked. Wait and Watch

posted 11 months ago

ok and?

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Please no, I don't want him to play with and against bots, come to international LAN, stay clueless, and not clear the "washed" allegations. Anywhere but china is a good option

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

I've seen at least a thousand threads and comments similar to this from 2022.

posted 11 months ago

Oh, didn't you notice? I thought my absence would leave a gaping void in your life, my bad I must have overestimated my importance

posted 11 months ago

No, I can't watch NA teams with their mediocre performance on the international stage. Just give them 1 slot or nothing. Champs 2023 for example proved how mediocre these NA teams are.

posted 11 months ago

but she aint playing tho, op asked for players

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Downvotes in 3...2...1

posted 11 months ago

Wow, Vogue fell off, No way they put a mid-player in their video. He isnt the best player in his own team LMAO

Proof: https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/1657/valorant-champions-2023?exclude=20118.20119.20120.20123.20129.20130.20131.20132.20133.20134.20135.20136.20138.20139.20141.20142&min_rounds=0&agent=all

posted 11 months ago
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