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Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 2:07 AM
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where is DeyahAlAjarma? he clears all these frauds

posted 4 months ago

who gives a shit aot is the greatest of all time

posted 4 months ago

nah without boosty and ethan and demon1 playing like shit i dont see it

posted 4 months ago

yeah but eg new that. they got better players for less money and they look way better than the other players they let go

posted 4 months ago

OK so we all know the situation where EG mangement make the team take pay cuts and tore the team apart, but what if i told you that was the most 5 head move they could make. Look at every player whos left EG now:
Demon1-looks shit even on jett
Ethan-horrible igling, trash fragging
C0m-extremly mid
Boostio doesnt count because he was planing on leaving since tokyo anyway so the paycuts didnt effect him.
EG roster now looks insane, beating the "superteam, top 2 players in each role, best player itw" and the former champs. Potter is showing why shes the best coach itw, Dawgemo looks like a top 3 duelist itw, derrek is putting up numbers we havent seen since 2022 lcq, nature looks like one of the best igls in the leauge, supaman is a top 3 smokes player in the leauge, and apoth may be the best sentinel in americas besides less rn.
EG managment have better players rn for bassicly no money, and currently look like they could make it to shanghai. everyone clowned on the management for being broke and evil, when they were actually just 50 steps ahead

posted 4 months ago

so bassicly then you and then from there you get and thats that! hope this helped

posted 4 months ago

real talk is my goat cooked? will he ever get out of china on to a top team? my goat is so fucking good, the second best flex itw after forsaken, 2nd most flexible after forsaken, god tier on every agent and role. PLEASE SOMEONE GOOD SIGN HIM. PLEASE.

posted 4 months ago

after what he did to sen idk

posted 4 months ago

i could do top 5 MAYBE top 10 anything after that is impossible

posted 4 months ago

sorry bro even im not that delusional

posted 4 months ago

added bruv

posted 4 months ago

its because saadhak is the real coach, they just there to sit and look pretty while goathak does all the work

posted 4 months ago

Not in any order
bren with 1 hour no cameras no police
some dudes grandpa
jamal (with the nine)
Sideshow when making youtube videos about tenz
TTR Coach (they dont have one)
MapleBrown12s dad (he was a football coach)

let me know who i missed (bound to be alot)

posted 4 months ago

imo they dont break top 3 in americas

  1. Kru
  2. Lev
  3. EG
posted 4 months ago

as an iron 3 (high elo) jett/raze main, you just need better teammates

posted 4 months ago

i loved it, i find people just hated it because they didnt know how to play it

posted 4 months ago

to play:
Fracture Ascent Bind Haven Pearl Lotus Split
to watch:
Bind Split Haven Pearl Fracture Ascent Lotus

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

bro cant even play kj and he calls himself a sentinel main

posted 4 months ago

Not riots fault he chooses to be on shit teams and only play 2 agents

posted 4 months ago

they look like shit, only getting wins off of the worst team in the leauge and a mid loud with no practice

posted 4 months ago

for a reason lmao

posted 4 months ago

The nail that sticks out gets hammered down

posted 4 months ago

thats what im saying!

posted 4 months ago

ok and? they might not have aspas but the have less (THE best senti/viper player itw), Caunzin (top 3 initator itw), and Tuyz (top 5 smokes player itw)

posted 4 months ago

look at the stats brother, Saadhak in his last 5 series is 4-1 on raze, while Qck is 2-4. You say his calling will be bad, but look at the calling of other teams when their igls play dueilst, Loud got 2nd at lock//in and 1st in americas when Saadhak played raze, Lev got 5/6 at copenhagen and 7/8 at champs with kingg on raze, tl also got 7/8 at champs with scream playing raze. Boostio even played reyna on bind during tokyo and managed to place 2nd

posted 4 months ago

as much as I love optic...prime EG, you got boostio funny ass making fun of ever other team with dawgemo shitting on everyone with rqaze, demon1 1 tapping the entire other team, c0m lurking spawn every round, and potter having the best reaction to her team doing the craziest shit.

posted 4 months ago

look at the stats brother, I am aware the saadhak on raze is not the best in the world, but neither is Qcks, im just saying puttiing Qck on his best agents while having Saadhak (a better raze player) on raze would help the team

posted 4 months ago

idk why everyones hating, the roles make sense on the team now
Saadhak: raze
Cauanzin: Intator
Tuyz: Smokes
Qck: Viper/Senti
Less: Viper/Senti

posted 4 months ago

Saadhak last 5 series on raze: 4-1 in Maps played on raze (only loss to 23 EG which, fair enough)
Qck last 5 series on raze: 2-4 in maps played on raze (only wins were vs Sentinels and C9 where he went negative)
Conculision: Put Saadhak on raze and put Qck on his best role Senti/viper

now that qcks gone (and probably will never return to T1 valorant) lets update his stats with his last (forever) 5 raze games
bottom frag vs 100T Bind 11-18 3-7fk fd (lost 13-6)
bottom frag vs G2 bind 11-13 5-4 fkfd (won 13-11)
third frag vs Sen lotus 19-15 5-1 fkfd (won 13-7)
second frag vs Kru split 14-16 1-4 fkfd (lost 13-8)
fourth frag vs C9 bind 14-18 4-6 fkfd (won 13-11)
fourth frag vs C9 lotus 11-16 3-5fkfd (lost 13-9)

posted 4 months ago

imo NRG because of the players/coaches, EMEA except BBL, T1, C9

posted 4 months ago

oh yeah my b i blocked the sen game out of my mind. Imo they are up there with 3rd but I have belief that dawgemo will shit all over them

posted 4 months ago

brother im sorry...they can not be losing to NRG Sen C9 if they want to be top 3

posted 4 months ago

lev and kru 100% 1 and 2
3 is up for debate among EG and 100T

posted 4 months ago

I heard they signed DeyahAlAjarma, hes a jett and raze monster, should carry them to victory

posted 4 months ago

Mako, aspas, jinggg, DeyahAlAjarma, kingg etc.

posted 4 months ago

My top 5
1) Kinggg a heaven on haven vs xset - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek8ErxPkh0g
context (third map in the seres both maps before being 13-11, lev need this round win to go to OT, and continue to the next round in the elimnation bracket)
2) Aspas insane round in OT vs Optic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFEx5r1xxc4
Context (Grand final map 2 vs Optic in OT whoever won this would probably win the seres)
3) Demon1 takes out two to win split vs Nrg in OT- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExBFrOTlAn8
context (second map, eg had lost first map 11-13, this when eg was still viewed as not that good, having barley made into playoffs, massivley upsetting C9, and needing an OT win to push it to map
4) Alfajer 1v2 vs Loud on icebox- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss36UQefDhU
Context (Im sure everyone knows about this match but watching the comeback live was absolutley insane, especially since this round was when they took the lead)
5) Nobody stunned gets 3 vs Loud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5JSLcsrWWU
Context (EDG at the time were no where close to how people precive them now, they had a super close game vs Navi, and beat a mediocre T1, losing to TL, Loud at the time were looking like the best team ITW, and this round cemented the upset, I vividly remember falling out of my chair when this happend lmao)

Honrable mentions:
Rb spraydown Haven vs optic
Aspas 1v4 on bind vs Optic
Jinggg takes down 4 vs Nrg to stop the plant on Bind
Ardiis 1v3 on ascent vs DRX
S0m Cove incedent vs PRX
Mindfreak 1v4 vs FNC on ascent
Davai 1v3 vs Optic on Haven
Suygetsu 1v4 on Breeze vs PRX

posted 4 months ago

they beat both of the teams in the upper bracket and get PRX in single elim, and if SOMEHOW they win they face DRX

posted 4 months ago

so youre telling me sen have a chance?

posted 4 months ago
  • NRG agent pool
    Demon1: Jett, Brimstone, Astra, Chamber
    Victor: Raze, Neon, Kayo
    Ethan: Skye, Kayo, Breach, Yoru
    Crashies: Skye, Sova, Fade, Gekko
    Marved: Astra, Omen, Viper, Brimstone
    Notice something? Nobody but marved can play viper/omen, and nobody can play KJ the most meta characters can not be played. Half the teams roles are overlapping, which was given the excuse "everyone is flexible they will figure it out", but clearly they havent. Now imagine if NRG, knowing they were signing a flex player and a jett player, kept their igl sentinel/viper player and their god smokes player who can flex onto any role. Som and FNS would make this team 10x better imagine:
    Raze: Som
    Skye: Ethan
    Viper: FNS
    Omen: Marved
    Jett: Demon1
posted 4 months ago

i mean...yeah. thats like saying
every raze is a worse jinggg
every jett is a worse aspas
every viper is a worse less

like theyre the best players itw for a reason, saying hes worse than them doesnt mean much

posted 4 months ago

regular season

  1. Lev 9-0 (undefeated)
  2. 100T 8-2 (Lose to Lev Sen)
  3. Sen 7-3 (Lose to Loud EG Lev)
  4. KRU 7-3 (Lose to Lev 100T Sen)
  5. NRG 6-4 (Lose to Kru Sen Lev 100T)
  6. C9 6-4 (Lose to Sen 100T NRG KRU)
  7. Loud 5-5 (Lose to Lev 100T C9 KRU NRG)
  8. G2 3-7 (Beat Furiia MIBR EG)
  9. EG 3-7 (beat furia mibr sen)
  10. MIBR 1-9 (beat furia)
  11. Furia 0-10
posted 4 months ago

https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Hades%23Deyah/overview im a demon fr havent been able to play much because of school

posted 4 months ago
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