Promise me you will ends T1 losing streak against drx, i dont need you to be great all the time.. Just this one time please
That would be cinematic(and unexpected) if DRX goes down tomorrow
i wanna see buzz lift a trophy so badly bro
Surely you would rather see MaKo win one?
ive been a fan of buzz ever since i watched airens analysis of the 2022 champs furia drx comeback. buzz locked in to win that game and for some reason hes been my favorite player since
People always say BuZz is a choker but lowkey he has the minerals to do it. He spooked me with 101 kills against us in Pacific Grand Finals.
his phone might be buzzing, if you know what I mean
buzz alone can't do it man, look at pacific grandfinals. Others need to step up esp meteor. i prefer drx in playoffs tho
he has the team to do it, i believe in him
The buzz (buzz huzz) will save us