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Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 2:07 AM
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ik hes not my goat Rb who can play any agent at the highest level but hes top tier on

posted 1 month ago

id rather if they picked up Rb

posted 1 month ago

"And weeeeeell keep on fiiiiiiighting till the ennnnnnnd! Down 10-2 what did we do? We kept fighting! We kept fighting! We fought back! Down 10-2! Tarik was laughing in the call! Sam was laughing! Pujan was laughing! THEY SAID IT WAS OVER! THEY SAID WE LOST! They didnt BELIVE in us! But who did? GOD DID! GOD DID! GOD DID!"-EG "world champion" Shanks

posted 1 month ago

Fr wheres TEC?

posted 1 month ago

I want to blow Rb


posted 1 month ago

Ever since they dismantled G2 in reykvaik 22. Was so funny watching Carlos lose his mind on Tariks stream

posted 1 month ago

I bet PRX regret trading him right about now...great igl who could shoot, reign the w keyers in, and fill any role/agent needed

posted 1 month ago

Chinese player or China player? because Rb easily clears him

posted 1 month ago

"Forsaken performing under the pressure-SUYGETSU AIMS THE RESET, ABSOLUTLEY RIDICULOS"

posted 1 month ago

its cause all the teams with the storylines are either performing like shit or in an easy group

sen-performing like shit
lev-in an easy group
g2-boring af
kru-performing below the others in their group
th- performing below par
fnc-in an easy group
fut- performing like shit (and broing af)
vit- performing like shit
drx-boring af
prx- performing like shit
geng-in an easy group
tln-are shit
edg-in an easy group
fpx-in a group with th/geng/sen
blg- performing like shit
te-only decent story, too bad theyre broing af

posted 1 month ago

nah drx 100t fnc furia was highley competitive, fnc almost lost to fur, did lose to 100t, 100t almost beat drx, drx almost lost to furia, and fnc beat 100t in the rematch

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

ive already made that thread lmao, dont like to reapeat myself

posted 1 month ago

Jinggg has been a consistent performer for PRX, but in recent tournaments, his performance has taken a nosedive. This isn’t just a slump—it’s as if he’s an entirely different player. Fans have pointed out that he’s missing shots he would normally hit and making uncharacteristic mistakes. Some say his reactions seem slower, and even his voice in comms sounds slightly off. Could this be the result of fatigue or burnout? Or is it because this isn’t the real Jinggg at all?

Everyone knows how somehow Jinggg was able to avoid military training, but what if he didnt? We know PRX subbed in Monyet but quickly pivoted after a lackluster kick off and Madrid performance. With all the hate they were getting PRX needed to safe face and keep fans happy in order to self bundles. The solution? Find a lookalike or a skilled actor who could step into Jinggg’s shoes while the real Jinggg completes his service. By doing this, PRX could maintain their brand and keep the hype around Jinggg alive without risking a major PR disaster.

posted 1 month ago

Nepotism will never let this happen

posted 1 month ago

Our best athlete has won more medals than 161 countries

posted 1 month ago

he will be remembered for winning 1 farmers leauge trophy, 2 mickey mouse trophies and 1 real trophy

posted 1 month ago

1 farmers masters
2 mickey mouse masters
2 trophies back to back at the biggest and hardest events in VCT history

posted 1 month ago

nah at champs 23 he was going crazy

posted 1 month ago

Greatest player oat no?

posted 1 month ago

hes not an import lmao

posted 1 month ago

better on every agent, can flex to any agent. Brings good vibes is agressive but can also pull back

perfect for prx

posted 1 month ago

Nrg had 3/5

posted 1 month ago

IF G2 win its because Icy has stepped up too play above average. I dont see them winning if he keeps playing like he is

posted 1 month ago

hes tried before but he (and the team) look like shit when that happens

posted 1 month ago

keithjoy exists

posted 1 month ago

Doubt he will. He has so much chem with the team-could see him taking over main duelist and playing jett (which when hes played in ranked has been pretty good) and cutting something. His only problem is the op but forsaken/davai can easily pick it up.

posted 1 month ago

2 of your worst teams? the 4th and 2nd seed from your entire region? if these teams are this bad cant imagine how your other teams would do

posted 1 month ago

Didnt Sylvan play on GenG last year?

posted 1 month ago

Top 1 aim/movement
Can play any role and any agent at the highest level
Great team player
Brings good vibes/eneergy
Can flex too any language
Is very rich and handsome

posted 1 month ago

Grass is green
Water is wet
Rb is the goat

posted 1 month ago

Lmao no. No way are they replacing Raze on her best map with Neon

posted 1 month ago

I applied but some dude named "kdot" writes kendricks songs

posted 1 month ago

idk if this is the highest for a intl bo3 but Mako dropped 51 at copenhagen

posted 1 month ago

ok but they will look to make upgrades and hes 100% the weak link. 1/2 good maps doesnt excuse a terrible split performance (same way apoth will be dropped from EG despite having a life game and beating SEN)

posted 1 month ago

100% keeping Keznit/Heat
80% keeping Shyy/Melser
15% keeping MTA

posted 1 month ago

No More Ls

Well, I'm Rb, and I'm known to dominate
Clutching up rounds, I don't hesitate
When the match is tight, I'm calm, not tense
My aim's so sharp, like a sixth sense
They ask, "How you flick like that, bro?"
I just smile and say, "It's all about the flow"
From Jett to KAY/O, I've mastered 'em all
No more Ls, we rise, we ball

No more Ls, we take the Ws
I lead my team, we're breakin' through
On Ascent, Split, or even Fracture
With me on the team, it's pure rapture

From Korea, to the global stage I go
Outsmarting foes, with a mind so cold
In the clutch, I'm the one you can trust
With my Phantom in hand, they're all dust
They try to flank, but I read them quick
My game sense is something they just can't predict
I study the game, I practice all day
No more Ls, I'm here to stay

No more Ls, we take the Ws
I lead my team, we're breakin' through
On Ascent, Split, or even Fracture
With me on the team, it's pure rapture

They ask me, "Rb, what's your secret sauce?"
I just tell 'em, "It's focus, no loss"
Grinding ranks, till I reach the top
No more questions, this train don't stop
From scrims to tourneys, I bring my A-game
I'm here to build a legacy, not just fame
So when you see me on the server, better beware
No more Ls, we're winning, I swear

No more Ls, we take the Ws
I lead my team, we're breakin' through
On Ascent, Split, or even Fracture
With me on the team, it's pure rapture

posted 1 month ago

they will win champs (i just want money)

posted 1 month ago
  1. Korea-Was where Rb was born, grew up, and lives for half the year
  2. China-Rb stays there half the year
  3. USA-Rb was here once
  4. Tokyo-Rb was here once
  5. Brazil-Rb was here once
posted 1 month ago

thats for the thread "how to spot the dumbest people on earth"

posted 1 month ago

NEVER disrespect my goat governor again

posted 1 month ago

Unfortantley Rb has stated this wont happen

posted 1 month ago

every player on GenG clears him
every player on FNC (except boaster) clears him
Aspas/Kingg/Mazino clear him
Valyn/Leaf/JonahP clear him
Keznit clears
Forsaken/Something/Davai clears
Sayf clears

and thats only like half the teams.

posted 1 month ago

its primmie governor jitboys and 2 bums +awful coach

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Title is truth
Explanation is cap

posted 1 month ago

Rb is the best player on every agent

posted 1 month ago
  • "Yay/Optic werent good they only abused Chamber" EDIT: Yes they did use chamber but the argument they were only good because chamber is idiotic since litterally every team used him on a majority of their maps
  • "TenZ/SEN werent good in Reykavik 21 they only were good because it was farmers leauge"
  • "Loud were by far the best team in 2022"
  • "Jinggg is horrible PRX should replace him and play meta comps"
  • "DRX are better now then when they had Stax/Rb/Zest"
  • "Zekken is a top tier jett player"
  • "Potter isnt a good coach"
  • "FNS is washed"
  • "Saadhak is washed"
  • "Primmie is better than Aspas"

idk theres probably more but this is just the ones I could think of now

posted 1 month ago
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