Flag: Canada
Registered: April 18, 2021
Last post: June 4, 2021 at 12:35 PM
Posts: 166
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Some variation of 100T, Envy, C9, V1 likely. Maybe throw faze in there.

I think 100T are pretty consistently the second best team in NA. But really It’s tight between the top 5 outside of Sentinels. C9 are definitely in the come up after restructuring their roster. Honestly, they’d be nasty now if TenZ had stayed there.

Edit: obviously this is outside of sentinels if they decide to compete in masters 3 since they’ve already qualified for champions.

posted about 3 years ago

It’s not like 100T is THAT far behind sentinels anyway, they beat them to win First Strike and all of their matches have been closely contested.

Sentinels are definitely better, but it’s not like 100T can’t compete.

posted about 3 years ago

How many times to NA teams have to set up and execute well before we drop this contrived narrative of them only being able to rely on aim?

posted about 3 years ago

What? Literally the top 15 teams in NA are all stacked. Sure, they aren’t on sentinels level but that’s because NO ONE is. EU or Na... but 100T, Envy, C9, Faze, and V1 (without the sub) are all at or above the level of Fnatic. I don’t even think V1 is the second best team in NA... they had a good masters qualifiers run but 100T, C9, and Envy are better overall in my opinion.

And then you have the tier 1B teams like XSET, Gen.G, TSM, LG, Immortals, NRG, T1, ANdBOX, and BBG who could all compete with the majority of EU teams. The depth in NA is as good if not deeper than EU. I take it you don’t watch much NA Valorant because 100T has been very competitive with Sentinels. They are the second best team in NA and possibly the second best team in the world. I see 100T beating Fnatic relatively easily.

posted about 3 years ago

Lol some of us live in a real first world country that takes care of its people. Don’t lump us all in as Americans 😂

posted about 3 years ago

This is relatively accurate. I’m here for it.

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe, but just looking at the top 15 teams from NA and EU in their respective rankings and the level of competition isn’t close in other regions. The top 10 would be virtually all NA/EU teams in my opinion.

Sentinels, 100T, Envy, C9, Faze, V1, Fnatic, Liquid, Heretics, FPX, Guild, etc would all beat up on any team from other regions more often than not. I say more often than not because anyone can lose a match here and there... hell sentinels lost to BBG and 100T lost to Nocturn (whoever that is) but if they played 10 times, they’d win 9/10.

posted about 3 years ago

Not even close, despite their masters appearances NA and EU are so far ahead of the other regions the top 10 would be completely comprised of those two regions. Several of the NA/EU teams who DIDNT make masters (aside from sentinels) are arguably better than the teams that did. And the top 10 teams from each of those regions could likely beat the best team from others more often than not.

Off the top of my head and In no particular order, I’d place Sentinels, Fnatic, Liquid, V1, 100T, Envy, C9, Faze, FPX, Acend, Guild, G2, Heretics etc ahead of virtually any team from the other regions. Hell even the Tier 1B teams like XSET, Luminosity, NRG, Gen.G, ANdBOX, BBG, Immortals, NiP, Soniqs, Gambit, etc would likely beat up on most any team from the other regions. It’s really a two horse race. The top 15 teams from NA/EU are all stacked and could have all made masters depending on the day.

posted about 3 years ago

If pigs could fly, bacon would be a lot harder to make.

If Ifs and Buts were cocks and nuts you’d be swimming in a sea of dicks my friend...

posted about 3 years ago

Lol brimstone s tier? Y’all been smoking the same crack as boaster 😜

posted about 3 years ago

Most people are talking about the best “fragger” when they say best player. So it’s nearly always a duelist.

posted about 3 years ago

Unfortunately... got my hopes up though. This dude has the worst takes I’ve ever seen lol dude misses more easy shots than Wardell in a clutch round

posted about 3 years ago

All negative 5000 of them lol

posted about 3 years ago

That’s my name!

In all seriousness, read all of this dudes comments/takes. They are all just bait and trolls lol. Don’t take him too seriously.

posted about 3 years ago

Aaaaaaah dang, forgot about those little buggers brb.

posted about 3 years ago

What kids?

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

What is CS?

posted about 3 years ago

I’m not that cracked with the Awp... I tried man

posted about 3 years ago

What is happening here today 😂

posted about 3 years ago

Ah well, worth a try.

posted about 3 years ago

Lol, I think you skipped over the part where it’s my day off. I too work in healthcare, and earn roughly $30,000 more annually than my wife. But we are both making great living. I appreciate your concern brotha, me and the family are doing well.

Also, I’m plat 3 as we speak, if you are in NA East or Central maybe we’ll get a game or two in. My name is HELiX in game too, see you around.

posted about 3 years ago

Well, my response to that has 2 points I suppose. The first being that I’m of course talking about relationships between consenting adults. I didn’t think I would have to specify that but apparently I do.

The second being that we still live in a world where people are innocent until proven guilty. If Sinaatra is guilty, he deserves whatever punishment is dished out. Until then, I’ll reserve my judgement as no decision has been made in regards to the allegations themselves, by either riot or the police. Riot has suspended him for failing to comply with their “investigation” which in all likelihood was at the recommendation of his Attorney because the legal implications take priority. In my honest opinion, at this point I think Riot took whatever opportunity they could to ban him for a while because they don’t want to touch those allegations with a ten foot pole.

posted about 3 years ago

My life is going just fine... it’s my day off, my wife is a nurse and is working at the moment, my kids are playing Roblox after just having eaten lunch, I’m relaxing before Liquid/Fnatic starts. I’ve been following eSports for a decade, why stop now? Life’s good brotha but I appreciate you checking in.

How’s your day going?

posted about 3 years ago

1600 posts, no stars. Oof.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah VCT points would be the closest thing to a world ranking I guess...

posted about 3 years ago

Isn’t that your third post about girlfriends today? Are you okay man? I have a wife and kids lol

posted about 3 years ago

Why are y’all weirdly obsessed with player girlfriends? Live your own life man. We watch them play Valorant, who they date is irrelevant.

posted about 3 years ago

Yep, you’re on drugs, confirmed. 1600 posts and 0 stars.... after reviewing your posts I see why. You don’t have a single non-troll opinion lol.

I hope you get well soon bro. Much love. You have a family that loves you.

posted about 3 years ago

With their challengers win Yea most likely.

posted about 3 years ago
  1. NA
  2. EU
  3. KR
  4. BR
  5. SEA
  6. LATAM
  7. JP

But it’s more like NA>EU>>>>KR>BR>>>>SEA>LATAM>>>JP

posted about 3 years ago

Or maybe CSGO and Valorant aren’t the same game, and people can be more suited for one over the other? Nah that makes too much sense. Spewing random hate is more fun apparently lol

posted about 3 years ago

Fair enough 😂

posted about 3 years ago

Going to have to respectfully disagree, I Havnt seen anything to disprove that the Sentinels are BY FAR the best team at Masters and it’s not even close.

But it’s Valorant, anything can happen.

posted about 3 years ago

Aside from the obvious money women and fame esports champions are notorious for.... they get a buttload of VCT points that all but guarantees their spot at Champions later this year.

posted about 3 years ago

It’s Gotta be liquid right? I mean we’ve already seen them 2-0 Fnatic. Derke is cracked but don’t we all want to see TenZ vs Scream? I know I do.

posted about 3 years ago

Scream is a monster but be honest, do you really think liquid can beat sentinels? I’m no sentinel fan but I don’t think so.

posted about 3 years ago

Agree... I can understand why. I’m not 1/50th the player scream is but Phoenix/Sage happen to be my go-to characters and I find I usually have a lot more time to post up on an angle or line up shots on sage.

With Phoenix I’m always flashing around corners, wide swinging, or trying to entry. It’s a lot more chaotic and harder to hit headshots when you’re running around trying to get kills before the flash wears off.

posted about 3 years ago

Breaking news. Scream and I are officially dating... we didn’t want to have to announce our relationship like this, but I guess it’s time.

posted about 3 years ago

I don’t know if that’s support of my point or troll copy pasta... either way I’m here for it lol

PS. The Soniqs seem like cool dudes. Im rooting for them to make a bigger push out of tier 1B (with teams like Renegades) and into 1A with the more mainstream NA teams.

posted about 3 years ago

You on drugs? Asuna is a top 2 duelist in NA. The only person even close to his level is TenZ. Dude is absolutely cracked. Guys like TenZ, Asuna, Victor, and BabyBay are the best fundamental duelists in the region. Wardell isn’t even close.

Asuna is one of the top players in the world. You could have at least picked on a boomer like Hiko or Steel or something it would have made SLIGHTLY more sense lol

posted about 3 years ago

Sounds like a bad owner who won’t do what’s necessary to win. If I were the other players, I’d be trying to get out of there and find a better front office situation.

Their duelists had a bad event in general. I Havnt watched enough Brazilian events to know if this is a pattern or not.

posted about 3 years ago

Cool, whatever works for you man. Just making sure you didn’t think you had to wait to watch the re-broadcast to see something you missed!

posted about 3 years ago

Lol that dude seems hilarious. This tourney has definitely made me a fan of his. He needs to drop his brim obsession and get with the meta though! Lol

posted about 3 years ago

Huh? I’m not even a sentinels fan man. I’m just being honest, they seem to be objectively the best team right now. They Havnt lost a map yet.

They are objectively the favourites to win.

posted about 3 years ago

You know that all the twitch streams get saved as VODs and you can just re-watch them whenever you want on their channels right?

Not trying to be condescending, just helpful incase you didn’t know. You can essentially re-broadcast the matches whenever you want yourself.

posted about 3 years ago

They both have their pros and cons. I think Scream may have the most cracked accuracy in the tournament but TenZ is the ultimate duelist... he’s almost ALWAYS playing ultra aggressively and taking first contact, creating space for his team. I Havnt watched a ton of EU outside of masters but the only person who plays duellist as well as TenZ in NA would probably be Asuna or maybe Victor.

The downside to TenZ is sometimes he doesn’t know when the turn down that aggression in situations where he should be just a little more patient. It’s all gas no breaks.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like they had to go from a hard fought loss against sentinels in upper bracket straight into another tough match with a rested Envy in losers to qualify and it really bit them in the ass. They were burnt out going into that match I found.

Just my opinion, no excuses though, it’s all part of the game. I think they are the second best team in NA when they are on their game still though. Asuna is freaking cracked lol

posted about 3 years ago

Derke has been up there too I agree. He took over that version1 match they had no answer for him.

Still, TenZ vs Scream is what I want to see more.

posted about 3 years ago

As much as I’d like to see TenZ vs ScreaM (the two most cracked duelists in the tourney in my opinion), Fnatic has looked better on LAN so far. I think a Sentinels/Fnatic final is most likely. I’d rather liquid though like I said!

But honestly, both teams lose to Sentinels.

posted about 3 years ago
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