Flag: United States
Registered: May 5, 2022
Last post: February 22, 2025 at 1:03 PM
Posts: 268
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I'm happy to perpetually shit on a weird little cock-n-balls like you, though. The weird thing is how disruptive you're wanting to or determined to be since your irrelevant team didn't even make it to the event. It's almost like since your team sucks and didn't qualify you're just THAT bored and that much of a loser that you're going to just waste away in these comments because you're mad and sad about it. xD

posted 1 week ago

No one fucking cares what your first language is you blithering idiot, lol.

If you're gonna talk shit in English, learn it. If you don't show it, shut your fuckugly face. :P

"lean a fucking flags" what a fucking retarded little rat shit you are. xD

posted 1 week ago

this one?

" "easily" lol "

Yeah, I'm supper pissed right there. I can totally see what you mean.

posted 1 week ago

His team is at Bangkok. Where's yours?

posted 1 week ago

Coming from the one person in the comments who has easily been the biggest, most obnoxious, needlessly shitty and childish cunt by far. Your team's not at the event you autism-suffering dipshit. You possess the IQ of a stick of butter, you walking, talking dildo of a human being. Also, learn to fucking spell you uneducated piece of trash. It's embarrassing just to sit here watching you try to communicate with actual human beings.

posted 1 week ago

Your mom's personal; collection wasn't enough, huh ya little creepo? I guess if she's a dog it might not have the desired effect, though, even for an incestuous frog like you. :]

posted 1 week ago

I'm not one, so why are you replying to me you tizmist? Your team's not even at the event. Go cum in your hand to your mom's old pornos xD

posted 2 weeks ago

Relax, little fellah. This event did just start, you know.

posted 2 weeks ago

I will, and you'll be wrong. Statspas isn't a factor and has been on questionable teams for years now, so bringing him up is a moot point. Relax, Moobs.

posted 2 weeks ago

I feel this is the right idea. There's about an 90% chance of this, me thinks.

posted 3 weeks ago

"Remember your fathers" - xDDDDDDDDDDD

posted 3 weeks ago

That's def a SoyCity take, lel

posted 3 weeks ago

Bro you ooze some bigtime "my girlfriend's boyfriend provides the D, and I just provide the money" energy

Have some self respect, cuz your micro-peen is showing.

posted 3 weeks ago

A pool of fat people who are still better than all the shit Brazilian teams. Big bummer for you considering how obnoxiously arrogant Brazilian teams are. I mean imagine if there was a team in NA called "MINA" Made in North America. We're nowhere near as arrogant as teams like MIBR, and at least we have something to show for it. All you had to show for it was LOUD's dream team, and that dream team is no more.

Keep sucking aspas' dick only to again and again have absolutely nothing to boast of. Loser :]

posted 3 weeks ago

"However, it was Zellsis on Vyse getting off to a white-hot start on the defense, finding an ace in round 5 and consistently shutting MIBR down the C site. The Vyse player racked up 20 kills in just the first half to secure a 9-3 lead for his side."

This horseshit is for sure written by AI, right? I could write far better than this in my sleep, guaranteed. Wtf

posted 3 weeks ago

NA is easily the best region in the world RN. The only teams that can even close to challenge their top tier squads are Vitality, EDG and maybe Heretics. You should relax, lil bro, lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

One of the brightest young footballers in the world is coming out of America, dickhead.

posted 3 weeks ago

It seems like he's having a better day today, and the series is gonna be fun to watch one way or the other. People go through a lot, especially pro-anything. Pro athletes basically destroy themselves to be the fastest, strongest, toughest and gamers put themselves through so much stress from anxiety and tension, emotional turmoil from that can then effect life too, so it's hard to watch. He clearly cares a lot, though, and I feel confident his career is just getting started.

Have fun, gamer

posted 3 weeks ago

Cuz it's aspas. He's just gonna play whatever he wants every game.

posted 3 weeks ago

Zelly popping off early

posted 3 weeks ago

In the past three games, yeah, but the ones before that he's meh. I think he's the only one worth mentioning, but the rest are so on a backpack ride.

posted 3 weeks ago

EZ for aspas, not all of MIBR

posted 3 weeks ago

MIBR is literally ASS getting backpacked the fk around by Asspads. Wild how little the rest of that team deserves it besides their golden boy.

posted 3 weeks ago

I just think recently EDG have leveled down and G2 have clearly leveled up is all, but regardless this first event is gonna be pretty competitive. We'll see who the team to worry about will end up being soon.

posted 4 weeks ago

your instead of you're incorrectly at least once, maybe twice
of instead of off
reply instead of replay

pay more attention to your fingers than your emotions. Your brain is frying.

posted 4 weeks ago

Says the grown child who resorted to peddy jokes to try and win the exchange. Lol, calm down, Prince of cringe. xD

posted 4 weeks ago

Sure, lil cringe guy. Whatever you say. xD

posted 4 weeks ago

You need to get your hands on the keyboard, because you literally can't spell. xD

That Aussi education aint it, lil fellah

posted 4 weeks ago

Whatever you say, little boyo.

posted 4 weeks ago

That is a very possible outcome, I agree.

posted 4 weeks ago

He's a scary player, but I genuinely do not think he can handle an in form Leaf + Jaw, bro. We'll see, though.

posted 4 weeks ago

I absolutely read your comment, which is why I know you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". You called me stupid for thinking they're the best team in the world, I said they're on a different level and maintain that I think they're the best in the world. I don't give a fuck if you think that they're the best in NA, because that was never the argument. So your mention of that is completely irrelevant. The only thing we're arguing is best in the world or not best in the world. So what the fuck are you suggesting that I missed in your previous comment?

Answer? Nothing. I missed nothing in your previous comment, you're just off the point and not intelligent.

posted 4 weeks ago

I don't think that it would. EDG's been showing some cracks in their own region as other squads are beginning to emerge. They're not what they were last year.

posted 4 weeks ago

That is a crazy take. This G2 roster buttfucks EDG 100%

posted 4 weeks ago

You can downvote all you want to, but it's the truth. They're on a different level.

posted 4 weeks ago

You are on the CRAZIEST drugs. You're not paying attention to how good G2 is atm.

posted 4 weeks ago

Not looking so crazy atm. This G2 roster is different than any other in the world rn.

posted 4 weeks ago

I DO NOT GAF what region you are from. If you are not FULLY AWARE that G2 is the current "Final Boss" in international Valorant, you're an idiot.

posted 4 weeks ago

Fine, that's fair, but I'm still not impressed by them either. I think Riot, for quite a while now, has been more and more prone to producing disappointing stuff for the fans, but we can agree to disagree.

posted 4 weeks ago

Equality and uniformity? Wtf is this, a trans rights rally? We're talking about the lazy job that they clearly did. Are you telling me that this most recent iteration of cards and skins look as though they spent MORE time and money on these or less? This CLEARLY looks like they spent much less time and a whole lot less money. But Riot will still take it's like 80% cut or whatever, so I'm sure they just don't care.

posted 4 weeks ago

Player/team/region cards are the same, lame trash art regurgitated and reused between each region with simply different league logos and colors. Not the worst thing I've ever seen, but it's clear to me Riot cheaped out(AGAIN, which is a growing trend).

posted 4 weeks ago

Except this one appears to only be sketched with STRAIGHT lines exclusively... wtf kind of design team does that? It's weird.

posted 1 month ago

It looks like it was made for the fkn movie Tron...

THE FIRST ONE from the early 80s. Trash

posted 1 month ago

Relax, nerd. China will inevitably bottom out early in the tournament. Trace better than EDG anyway. :P

posted 1 month ago

Relax, your region's still piggybacking on NA.

posted 1 month ago

Regardless of outcome, these two teams should be a very even matchup. Should be a banger.

posted 1 month ago

So many pissed Brazilians

posted 1 month ago
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