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Registered: May 5, 2022
Last post: January 20, 2025 at 1:02 AM
Posts: 186
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He was just trying to shit on NA alone but forgot he's an idiot and doesn't know wtf the regions are.

posted about a year ago

You're a psycho if you think Sentinels couldn't make top 6 EMEA. Despite the fact that region is twice the size of NA, your only real powerhouse is FNATIC and you know it. You're coasting of a single team's dominance at events. Everyone else in EMEA is just an afterthought.

posted about a year ago

No he is not.

posted about a year ago

I agree, he'd need a little time, but we're also talking about a guy who day in and day out is streaming valorant. He's still an incredibly innovative and talented player with good aim. I think if you give him a couple months on a Tier 1 squad and he'll quickly become a problem for other teams.

posted about a year ago

My logic

Sinatraa is the "black sheep talent". This dude should absolutely be playing in tier 1 Valorant for NA, and I still don't understand how teams are that afraid to give him a shot.

Dapr to me has always seemed to be a really cool head with the players he's worked with and I think he's one of NAs best Sentinels

Vanity... yeah, I see why people would have a problem with Vanity here, and although I think he's a decent shot caller I don't think he's talented enough to exist among the FNS's and Runi's of the league(Runi having been a huge breakout IGL for someone so young).

Yay I feel like speaks for himself. Yes, he hit a brick wall and had some issues on C9, but when this dude's on one he's an absolute menace. Heaven forbid Chamber return to an actual, useable form, then you'll have Yay going off all over the place again. Though granted I hope he works on his Jett/Reyna and shit like that because he used to be much better on Jett it seems like.

And Zombs to me was always a really talented smoker and controller style player who I thought fit well in here, and I don't really credit him with the inner implosion of Sentinels way back, but really who knows 100% what happened.

But anyway, this is just a subjective opinion. I'm just making conversation and seeing what seems like a dope roster that we could get excited about. Plus we can do this for other regions too. Could be fun, but if people want to shit on it then meh. We can just kill the thread too. It's whatever

posted about a year ago

Christ, guys, this is supposed to be fun. Don't all take a shit on my soul at once. ffs

posted about a year ago

Sinatraa - Initiator/Duelist(Fragger)
Dapr - Sentinel/Support
Vanity - IGL - Controller/Support
Yay - Oper - Duelist/Initiator(Fragger)
Zombs - Smoker - Controller/Support

This is my first impression for what could be an absolute
monster of a new roster that would almost certainly qualify
for the next season from challengers. It does, however have
a few places that it could be enhanced if the M80 guys are
for sure going to end up being available. All in all, though,
I still think this squad absolutely slaps and any enhacement
would be very minimal.

I could, however, see the roster being just a bit stronger with
some of the very disciplined and structured guys from M80 too.
So I think that this second roster could also just be totally
insane... and when you consider the added advantage of the M80
guys being young and still having plenty of time and room to
grow it just starts to make sense.
Y'all tell me what you think, though.

Sinatraa - Initiator/Duelist(Fragger)
Dapr - Sentinel/Support
JohnQT/Zander - IGL - Controller/Support
Yay - Oper - Duelist/Initiator(Fragger)
Nismo/Zander - Smoker - Controller/Support

Additionally I also considered that someone like Nismo could
also run this squad as the IGL too considering his being a bit
older, more mature, likely handling pressure at events a little
better than some of the younger guys on M80. That could also
make for a great IGL, plus if I'm not mistaken I heard that he
was sort of functioning as a secondary IGL anyway, which is
oftentimes the case with a lot of these best squads. A lot of
the time they end up having another player on the team play in
a sort of "Supportive-IGL" role, which again is basically a
secondary shotcaller.

But yeah, let me know what you think, because I sort of have
the feeling that if they put a squad like this together they
would absolutely start smacking the fk out of people.

NOTE: This is meant to be just a fun little discussion about which teams we hope to see form, or at least something CLOSE to what we think would be successful that could end up coming to pass. That being said, feel free to submit your dream roster and we'll talk about why they seem like they would be so dominant, because the current structure of these regional leagues leaves a WHOLE lot of talent out there to be mixed and matched, and sometimes you'll find the "diamond in the rough" that becomes an absolute monster on the server.
So yeah, have a blast with it.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, that format's fucking nuts. I remember that shit from halo. That's a gauntlet of a way to have to win a tournament, but again. We're talking about giving a team an advantage, right? But who decided that giving a team a pocket full of bans is the way that makes most sense? It's about an advantage, right? So why wouldn't you give them a map choice that EG can't touch with a ban? Literally just goes - Fnatic map ban > Fnatic map choice > EG then gets their first ban after that, and the rest of picks and bans goes the same way.

posted about a year ago

They made it to the finals of a major, little dude. I don't think anyone can justify saying "eg's just ass". That's a pretty dumb thing to say.

posted about a year ago

I was actually thinking the same thing the other day. Instead of Fnatic being able to ban half the map pool before EG even gets to make a pick OR ban they could have just let Fnatic have their first ban, and then have their map choice(which makes more fucking sense anyway) BEFORE EG gets their first ban.

If we're strictly talking about giving a team a "performance bonus" that's meant to be an actual ADVANTAGE, then shouldn't it be to get your map of choice instead of just granting them all of the ban power? The reward for Fnatic's performance could have been a map selection that EG cannot impact/change with a ban.

So it goes

Fnatic map ban -> Fnatic map selection -> Eg map ban - EG map selection -> Fnatic map selection -> EG map selection -> and so on.

And before some idiot can just come and read like two sentences before saying "but fnatic getting two bans IS their performance advantage though!"(yeah, no shit). I get that. I'm just saying that if we do it the way they did it last tournament with just bans as the advantage then we're gonna have a whole lot of boring finals dude because THAT shit's a recipe for 3-0, 3-0, 3-0, just over and fkn over again.

posted about a year ago

...........................I didn't say they should get any advantages, bud...

...just that they still performed well, made it to the finals and then got fucked so hard by terrible rules that the finals of the event was literally boring as fuck to watch... so... I don't really know how you're not following that. I said it pretty plainly.

posted about a year ago

"First, you give no suggestions what advantage the upper bracket finalists should have and just hate on the system that Riot have now."

A: You didn't ask. If you'd like to, you should ask instead of presenting a bs start to your oddly contrived argument instead of making yourself look like an idiot making assumptions.

"Yes, of course they will have an advantage, they went unbeaten in the finals, defeating EG ON EQUAL FOOTING. It has to be rewarded in some way."

A: Which I've already stated myself. So now you're just repeating what I'm saying. I said they should get a performance bonus. I just disagreed that the advantage they were given was in any way fair. It's an unreasonable amount of power to grant the finalist team just for not dropping a series.

"And? Fnatic won against every other team without an advantage. Guess who didn't? EG when they lost against FNATIC beforehand. Sounds like copium to me at this point lol."

A: You have yet to make any valid argument for why I'm wrong about what I'm saying besides "They should get an advantage" and "Sounds like copium, har har" like a complete idiot. The contents of your previous reply is just full of needless, empty crap, lol.

"Also, were the other events where the upper bracket finalists got an advantage and were beaten at the end also "something that Riot already decided for us just isn't exciting at all"? Just stay mad, cope and seethe that your team was not the better one at the end."

A: I didn't say anything about any other tournament. I was clearly talking about this one which had a few silly rules/systems for their process. So again you're just needlessly drooling all over the conversation like a two digit IQ having smooth brained 12 year old, and frankly that's not surprising. Fnatic fans are all preteens just like TSM fans tend to be. Not to mention I'm not even an EG fan. They impressed me, but again you're making grand assumptions based on nothing because... well... 12 year old kids make grand, baseless assumptions a lot, and you appear to be keeping to the trend.

Later, kiddo

posted about a year ago

Didn't say that finalists shouldn't have an advantage, idiot. Read the whole message. I said that the advantage that Fnatic got was absolutely series crushing. Wasn't even fun to watch at that point. Getting back to back map bans before EG get to do anything and then getting side selection is an insane advantage. They should have just given Fnatic the trophy. It would have saved everyone a lot of time.

posted about a year ago

If roles are reversed, the amount of bitching from the EMEA fans would be unreal on this very same topic, but as long as they win it doesn't matter. They don't care if it's fair or bullshit unless they're on the other side of it. That's fine, kid. You do you xD

posted about a year ago

I mean I literally pointed that out in my post that "I get that them getting to the finals without dropping a series is rewarded with an advantage, sure." so it just doesn't sound like you read my post at all. Just a couple of lines and then you made an opinion based on 10% of the information...

They can have a performance advantage without also getting the privilege of banning out half the fkn map pool before EG even gets to make their first selection. Or we can just give them the trophy next finals series because there's no point. Just go put some fish in a barrel and load a pump shotgun. Should be super exciting for ya.

posted about a year ago

I still do not understand the justification for Fnatic to get the advantage of not one, but TWO map bans before the first map selection AND get to choose if they start offense/defense. Fuck sakes, I get that them getting to the finals without dropping a series is rewarded with an advantage, sure. That's fine, and that tends to be the case with most games like this(CS:GO). But shit, you just get to ban everything you're worried about with a team and THEN play them? wtf...

Why bother trying at that point? At that point it's not just a "performance advantage" for the team that got to the finals and waited for the loser's bracket final to be decided. It's just a stacked deck against EG...


Fnatic work hard and they were the best team at the tournament, yeah, but when you give them THAT much of an advantage against the other team just as a performance bonus... despite the fact EG scrapped their ways to the finals and got no advantages at all despite having a great event? I mean shit, I turned this series off after map two, bro. Despite not missing a single series ALL tournament long. Cuz I dunno. Watching something that Riot already decided for us just isn't exciting at all.

But anyway, ggz/gratz to Fnatic

posted about a year ago

Ready for the rematch.

posted about a year ago

The irony of your Team Liquid crest. xD

posted about a year ago

Wow my post aged like fine wine, didn't it? EG exposed the HELL out of LOUD. Smacked them and made them look weak at the Major. Did LOUD even win a single set? I think they just doubled out, lol.

But no, wait, tell me more about how they were intentionally throwing games... at the Major...

posted about a year ago

Oh, one last thing. LOUD has about a 66% map to map win rate and C9 has about an 83% map to map win rate against other teams, so LOUD technically isn't even the strongest team in the Americas based on the stats, and now that C9 has tied them they're playing second fiddle to an NA team. So yeah, again. Get over it.

posted about a year ago

If you think that a Brazilian team, especially a Brazilian team like LOUD who have players like Less that absolutely HATE NA players, are throwing games against NRG, you're an idiot. I watched Less BM and shoot Zekken's body literally every single time he got a kill on him when they played Sentinels, and even on occasions that someone else killed Zekken. Even though that fat pussy let aspas do all of the work and carry him every game because that's what losers do. Talk trash and BM while the actually talented player carries them.

You can ask silly questions like "do you have any brain cells" all you want to, but your cope is as blatant as I have ever seen before. If LOUD was throwing games it would be actually... ACTUALLY be obvious, and they could incur fines as well as backlash from fans on a large scale and the team could even be dissolved for it. That's actually happened before, kid. They're not intentionally throwing games. You're wrong.

LOUD might be a 7-0 team, but they're also one of the only teams who have been pushed to three maps in almost every series they have. Worship them all you want to, but five matches out of seven they have dropped at least one map against their opponents. You can fellate aspas all your fragile little heart desires, but when you look at the actual game to game stats they do not appear nearly as strong as you seem to think. That'll be exposed during the next major, so get ready, Precious.

posted about a year ago
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