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Registered: June 16, 2021
Last post: October 7, 2024 at 11:07 PM
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Hoody and Nukkye for sure need spots, wouldn't be surprised if Mixwell went to KOI/Heretics and I doubt Meddo or Avova is on a franchised team.

posted about 2 years ago


Are the best options for them instead of OBV Mistc and Enzo IMO

posted about 2 years ago

Pls put him back on controller on a good ascension team or even on a partnered squad like HRT KOI KCORP

posted about 2 years ago

Ethan and EEIU are quite good but there's better IGL's than hazed and better fraggers than S0m and Tex

posted about 2 years ago

VIT are a top coach,duelist player and initiator/duelist flex from being an insane team. We already know Bonecold is an insane IGL, BaddyG performed really well this year, and Cender is a solid sentinel. Give this team 2 STAR players and they are golden with no weak links.

posted about 2 years ago

IDC if the LEV org makes it but those 5 players(or at least 3 of them together) deserve to be in franchising. I feel the same way about XSET where they have a few standout STARS but might not have the org to make it through

posted about 2 years ago

Sheydos FNC
Redgar TL

posted about 2 years ago

Wow guy had his first bad LAN in over a year, and by "bad" we mean ONLY TOP 5 controller player

posted about 2 years ago

Less(Suygetsu very very very very close second)
Marved/Mako(really can't decide I guess I'll do slight edge mako because of worse team and better champs performance)
FNS for IGL spot still I think he had the best overall year
bzkA or D00mbros(either are good, Onur would be hear as the guy who took a meh team to the best spot but IMO COTY has to be one of the winners)

posted about 2 years ago

He also isn't good at fragging but dude has the best fragger in the world and 2 of the top 5 fraggers in their own support roles in crashies and marved, it's not like he should or has to frag for them, and he's not as bad as Ange1 Klaus or Crow when it comes to fragging where he's an actual detriment to the team.

posted about 2 years ago

PRX are 5th, Jingg is top 10 at worst

posted about 2 years ago

If I have to take one from each(at their tournament) I'm going

Nats(either those two or Redgar+Marved)

Nats would play more smokes role in his M3 form, MVP Zeek entry, Tenz who had the best tourney ever, Shao was FPX' best player and had the best sova/fade role performance of anyone on this list, FNS probably had the most clean IGL'd tourney apart from Saadhaks and bzkA because this tourney felt like more of an overall team diff instead of a singular player which shows a great coaching performance. Players I wish I could add are yay, chronicle, bonecold, marved, Less

posted about 2 years ago

Oh I see what you're saying my bad you're talking about way back when. Ya IMO the team would be worse because they wouldn't have a secondary fragger and Sacy/NZR would have to be on a weird role

posted about 2 years ago

Well Loud has the 5 best players in BR(Mwzera only argument) so I don't think they'd be better if they added another sova player lol.

posted about 2 years ago

I actually think current Meta with last years form of Acend plays into their favor. Prime Zeek and cNed on Raze and Chamber is probably gonna frag more than Aspas Less, and Starxo and Bonecold were at their peak form back then. The big ? is Kiles, if he played like full time smokes and Bonecold played Sova that would work really well.

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry for not writing a manifesto lol, he had objectively worse calling than last tourney and was getting mid rounded like crazy by Stax in their loss. His calling on Haven attack was absurdly bad lmfao, they literally gave up 10 straight rounds despite having double smokes on A hits. I don't think the comp was good either but IDK if that's a D00mbros, Neilzinho or Ange1 decision. Either way he was a detriment in fragging and also called worse than he has all year. Compare it FNS and Saadhak and it's night and day

posted about 2 years ago

I just put him there because I felt like I should put one loud player but he definitely isn't top 5. Just IMO he had a bit worse of a tourney than his last 2 where he was LOUD's carry and this tournament it was more of an old GMB type of style where the 5 players just diffed everyone else alongside insane igling to the point where Aspas didn't have to be a Yay or old Cned type carry player.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Ange1
    Worse IGLing than the rest and was abysmal at the actual game itself
  2. RB
    Probably the worst of the players on fragging roles, played a lot of agents but was by far the worst of the "fraggers" in the top 4(I'd characterize them as Yay Ardiis Buzz Aspas Victor Zypaan Rb and Less)
  3. Shao
    wasn't "bad" at all but disappointing after being the best player last LAN. Crashies and Sacy definitely performed better and of the regular 4 stars of FPX seemed to be the one most off their game in their final 3 matches. Still has a lot of impact and again I'll reiterate wasn't a bad player but of the top 4 teams probably looked the shakiest of the sova/fade players.
  4. Victor
    Had his heroic moments but in general wasn't the number 2 fragger yay needed in the majority of rounds.
  5. Marved
    Has been the best controller all year but frankly was shown up by both Pancada and Mak0, seemed to have less impact this tourney.
    HM: Aspas(I felt like I had to put one loud player on here just cuz and IMO he was the only one who didn't look at the top of their game, I thought Ardiis Yay and Buzz were all better awpers but similar to Shao he was still very good just not carry Aspas that we're used to)
posted about 2 years ago

Yay was the best player this tourney but Less was Loud's best player in this game and most of the tournament, you have to give it to him.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh I agree about not adding in the M3C players based on bias, but IMO people are less likely to care about voting when half the question are Victor VS AE Kush or Pancada V Shazham. I think there's enough people on only LAN qualified teams that you could make a much more engaging survey that also has less regional bias and would still have likely the same or a more accurate top 20 but be more user friendly

posted about 2 years ago

Why even have players from teams like EXL, AE, OGLU etc. You should just have players that played at LAN, even if someone was amazing all three qualifiers but didn't qual I don't think it would be fair to have them in the top 20 if they never played at LAN. The only players that I think would ever actually deserve to be top 20 without having qualed are Chronicle and Nats but even then that's a stretch

posted about 2 years ago

Well he has the best Controller Initiator and IGL in NA, and I'd say Chet has deserved the award for best coach at this point. The literal only other upgrade would be Zekken>Victor but I don't think that will happen or is necessary. The team is still sick and being top 3 top 2 and top 1 this year is crazy impressive.

posted about 2 years ago

FRZ should not make any franchised roster lol, guys gotta be a nepotism king if he does

posted about 2 years ago

They've fallen short at every tournament despite being favored as the best or 2nd best EU team in every single one. Teams are only getting better coming into 2023, and keeping the same roster that's only getting worse results is not the formula for winning in '23.

posted about 2 years ago

+Sheydos(Hoody, Jady and Trexx would also be sick)

Enzo and Mistic are a clear cut worst of the 5(Boaster gets a lot of hate but he's one of the more consistent IGL's in the world) and have not shown enough proficiency as initiators to be together on a franchised team. FNC will be a top spender and rn the current meta is very based on Kay/o and Fade players who can both flex to breach while kayo plays skye and fade plays sova. Leo is one of the best fade's in EU and has proficiency on sova, breach, fade, and sage. He is a for sure upgrade over Enzo. Sheydos can play every initiator+sage at a very high level, but is especially proficient on skye and kayo. All of the guys I listed are either FA's, on teams that won't make franchising, or in Hoody's case G2 may blow it up. Those are the 5 guys to look out for, and IMO should be targeted to replace at least one of the 2 guys I mentioned.

posted about 2 years ago

Their Haven is fine, IMO they can play top teams on the map(Mainly Loud and FNC) to the point where its not a weakness. It's true tho that they will lose on IB and Breeze which is a problem when they have to play LOUD and DRX and IB they can never beat a team like FPX. I still think they can win on all 5 other maps though against pretty much any team and their pick ban does look good in Bo3's as long as Haven is comfortable. As long as they ban Breeze and then ban IB against Loud they should be able to play Pearl Ascent and Haven/Fracture which IMO plays into their favor

posted about 2 years ago

Well he's been a t5 initator this tournament, and frankly all year, while IGLing a top 3 team so far this year(its debatable but its for sure optic fpx tier break into a team like loud PRX or FNC) so i'd say he's pretty good haha. Also was really proficient on sentinels

posted about 2 years ago

Not having anyone that they trust to play Raze is a huge detriment, and though Stax is insane Kay/O being his worst of his comfort agents is really bad for maps like Breeze Ascent and IB

posted about 2 years ago

Well most importantly they need an IGL which Redgar should be first choice and should replace Dima. IMO after that Nats is just better than soulcas, and if you can have nivera playing kayo breach and redgar skye sova fade they would be in a great spot. Redgar obv would have to learn fade but he's got a long time to do that and its worth sacrificing Soulcas for Nats

posted about 2 years ago

Taco getting so much unwarreted love for a player that put up under 200 acs on chamber this tourney with a negative K:D. The tip 5 if pretty comfortably

  1. Yay
  2. Ardiis
  3. Cryo
    4/5 Derke/Laz
posted about 2 years ago

Nats at this point is a smokes player with his extensive time on Astra nad Viper this year, have him play smokes and sentinel, have redgar play initiator/smokes, and have nivera play sentinel/initiator with scream and jamppi on fragging roles. Basically soulcas and Dimasick for Redgar and Nats

posted about 2 years ago

He fits into G2 and TL really well it's just which team is willing to drop more of a bag. I doubt FNC tries to grab him but Sheydos makes a lot of sense for them.

posted about 2 years ago

are they likely to make franchising? I have no idea abt anything past their valorant players

posted about 2 years ago

Most likely the 5 will stay together(maybe not Ayrin) and get poached by a completely new team or a squad like TSM will grab a big number of them. If not, Cryo and Zekken will be 2 of the biggest commodities in NA and Dephh is a top 5 igl in NA atm, those 3 in particular will get a lot of attention.

posted about 2 years ago

D3ffo was a liability on M3C in every online event and was bad in their last bit of online play. They didn't even get to LAN this year so why keep the guy who is a duelist who is ass at duelist that turned initiator and was also bad at that.

posted about 2 years ago

Boaster Derke Alfajer is still a sick core, FNC has been a top 5 emea team since it's inception and that's all due to the fact of the core of Boaster and Derke. Mistic has also been there and deserves his roses but at the end of the day Derke and Boaster are most important, and Alfajer's versatility and fragging talent/potential means he will be a valuable asset for a long time, whereas imo mistic and enzo have smaller shelf lives for this team. I wouldn't be suprised if by the end of 2023 Enzo is igling full time for another team and Mistic is playing full time smokes somewhere else while FNC focuses on better players to fill the initiator/viper/sage role.

posted about 2 years ago

Alfajer is miles ahead of RB

posted about 2 years ago

and ariana grande is my gf

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Mistic
  2. Delz1k
  3. Ayrin
  4. Rb
  5. Nagz
    H/M Sushiboys on Raze
posted about 2 years ago

my bad ill change that

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Ange1
  2. FNS(I have them more as 1a 1b but who cares)
  3. Benkai
  4. Boaster
  5. Kingg (I believe he's the IGL)
  6. Zest
  7. Saadhak
  8. Haodong(maybe too high but this is based on what I've seen of them tactically so far)
  9. Dephh
  10. Crow
  11. Klaus
  12. Stellar
  13. Foxz
  14. NZR
  15. Boom IGL(don't know much abt them sorry)
  16. Scream(fight me he's an amazing player but tactically he's not a great caller)
posted about 2 years ago

shit one

posted about 2 years ago

Cned(if not possibel then Sociablee)
Alfajer(if not possible then Xistou or a guy like russ/izzy/qutioner)
Mrfallin(best turkish IGL)

This would be my preferred roster for a team like BBL when there's likely only one turkish franchising team, obviously alfajer likely wouldn't happen, and I doubt Cned does either, but in general these are the best guys that I'd want for a turkish "super team"

posted about 2 years ago

Big disclaimer this is only for domestic play, this does not take into account their play at LAN's

HM: Saya

HM: Jawgemo

HM: Vanity


HM: Derrek

HM: Dapr


HM: Vanity

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #9 3/8

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posted about 2 years ago

no clue honestly

posted about 2 years ago

My guess is Sova, Brim, Cypher, Kay/o and Omen

Soulcas is best at Fade and Astra but can play Kay/o and Skye
Scream will play Entry but can flex to kay/o and sage
Jamppi is best on Breach and Chamber but plays a lot of Omen and has ability to play Jett, KJ, and Sova
Nivera will always play one of Viper Chamber KJ

That leaves them with an obvious hole at Brim and Sova as well as him probably needing to pick up Kay/O on maps like Ascent or IB and Omen when Jamppi is on Breach

posted about 2 years ago

Dima is for sure a better fragger than L1nk, the real problem is two things

  1. He hasn't played meaningful games at all this year
  2. His agent pool is very odd (Cypher and Phoenix who are ass agents, KJ which Nivera is much better at, Raze which will likely go to Scream, and Sova) He'll likely have to learn Breach, Kayo and Sage for the team to gel well
posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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