I have lol
among na raze players that have 200+ rounds against 1750 or better teams(BBG is the lowest for example), he is in the bottom half, only ahead of Zekken(good player but plays on a t2 team so his stats are with a grain of salt), Kaboose(dropped) Subroza and Ayrin(both off of Raze and played a completely different style) and Shawn who ill give to him is a great player but Raze is undeniably shawns worst duelist while he has 2 other ones he is better at.
So on his one trick agent, he doesn't frag out when playing against good teams, which is odd since Raze has always been the most important agent on the LG teams
Reyna is the other agent he plays a lot, and from this one we can see that the only ones who are statistically worse than him are Kaboose and Roca, two dropped players. Even Poiz is above him.
for Phoenix he is at the very bottom.
He played basically one agent all qualifiers and historically isn't even that great. So he is a onetrick that isn't statistically that good at the character and also doesn't pass the eyecheck when watching the games. He's also bottom tier on the two other agents he plays. What about the stats says he's great, or is it just that you click on his vlrgg profile and see that he has acs because he's dropping 30 on teams like Dababyclan lol.