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Last post: October 7, 2024 at 11:07 PM
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This literal thread is calling for Sen to replace him, so do multiple that are made on this site everyday. People love to make him out as a problem on SEN when he isn't, and people love to act like there are better controller players in NA to replace him. And I bring up ACS because it is by far the most overrated stat and is widely used by many as a way to gage player strength. Last large post talking about Zombs had people comparing player acs, and I bet I could prob find someone in this thread if I really cared enough.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Tier 1 is
and Gen.G

Tier 1.5

Solid Tier 2

Tier 3

posted about 3 years ago

If you genuinely say drop Xeta you instantly invalidate your ability to analyze Valorant and instantly show that you only care about the scoreboard

posted about 3 years ago

Zombs is better than Andersin and has always been. Love seeing people using ACS to try to say Zombs is bad, it always shows me who actually knows anything about the game

posted about 3 years ago

In general the VLR rankigns are pretty bad compared to thespikegg. IDK what it's based off of the most but V1 should still be above GenG and all the teams from 7-11 aside from c9B are not that high up. The top ten should be

  1. SEN
    2-4 some combo of NV 100T XSET
  2. V1
  3. GenG
  4. C9
  5. ABX
  6. NRG
  7. any of Faze for what they did earlier in the year(if their rankings base success from the past 6 months), KCP/Rise for their recent performance or Soniqs/T1 for nearly beating top teams and in Soniqs case being a very good overall t2 team. IMO it would be KCP but if NRG or ABX underperforms again they'd easily leapfrog
posted about 3 years ago

It's always been between Zombs or Nitr0, but with Astra and Viper you can't say Zombs isn't number 1 over the psat 3 months. Nitr0 is still a better fragger but Zombs does more than anyone I've ever seen on AStra

posted about 3 years ago

IK people keep saying drop people for an IGL but I'm still struggling in my head to think of who they could pick up to IGL. I completely agree but it def isn't as easy as people make it seem like it is. Off the top of my head they could grab

Stellar(former IGL of LG, LG never had top tier strats but it's better than nothing and has T1 experience)
Iyen/Stronglegs(IGL's for the best T2 teams, neither would prob leave their team tho)
Poised/Oderus(The two emerging teams from this most recent qualifier, I'm a big fan of both so these two would be my favorites
Rossy(prob unlikely but IMT does like to sell players)
Payen/Dcop/Valyn/Ryann/dsr (all players that either aren't t1 level or don't have enough IGL experience IMO)

So I think if they add Levi and dropped Subroza/Hazed (IDC who but I'd honestly prefer Subroza at this point) for one of Stellar,Poised or Oderus I'd say it's an improvement on the roster.

posted about 3 years ago

Auti was new T1's best player and was one of the better ones on Dazed T1 team what are u on

posted about 3 years ago

S0m top 2 omen lol and Tex is def better than S0m atm

posted about 3 years ago

I mean it's a longshot kinda idea but if they somehow were able to rebuild into a team with

Dre Duelist/Sage
Wardell Jett
Levi(he's going to them) Sova
IGL(obviously the toughest part)
Aproto Cypher/KJ/Viper

That in theory is a solid team if they find the right IGL who will play smokes. I still like Bang so maybe Dre isn't even necessary as much but Aproto at least would be very good for them

posted about 3 years ago

He plays like a duelist and is a very aggressive player no matter which role he is on. Guy is a good player but hasn't been too good on anything that isn't Omen/Brim,his skye is decent too but unless they put him back on Omen/Astra his hero pool most resembles a duelist, even though he's not that good on them

posted about 3 years ago

That's what happens when you replace an IGl with a player that can't IGl, forcing ur best duelist onto sentinel, and making ur entire team based off of fragging. s0m is easily the worst duelist of Android and Tex and they should be trying to find SOMEONE that will play sentinels that isn't android

posted about 3 years ago

Similar to what the other guy said Rara really never proved himself. He has actually only had 99 rounds against top tier competition since joining DIG, and though he was pretty decent during them it was never anything special. He was better than most of the Tier2-3 duelists that they went against but he never really proved himself against anyone too decent. Suprised he hasn't been playing as much though since he's definitely talented.

posted about 3 years ago

wippie is russian....

posted about 3 years ago

I'm genuinely curious in what way you think that's true because I watch a lot of SEN and V1 and never have I felt that Vanity's Astra was better.

posted about 3 years ago

Col and EG are the only ones I see pulling a DIG and just leaving the scene. I wouldn't be surprised if teams like TSM LG and maybe even T1 making large roster changes to stay relevant

posted about 3 years ago

not if Astra is at all in the meta, plus this team has 4 aggro players and needs a pure anchor/support

posted about 3 years ago

I'll most likely miss someone but

Jett: TenZ
Phoenix: Asuna
Raze: Mwzera
Reyna: TenZ
Yoru: Otom
Sova: Chronicle
Breach: Stax but currently probably Leo
Skye: Starxo
Kayo: Paincakes I guess? Not many people have played him so prob him
Omen: Nitr0
Astra: Zombs
Brim: Ange1 or Boaster, prob Boaster currently tho
Viper: Mistic
Cypher: Dapr
Killjoy: Logan
Sage: Sheydos

posted about 3 years ago


HM: Sick, Vanity, Victor, Yay

posted about 3 years ago

Wait this guy actually thinks Zombs is bad I thought he was trolling lol

posted about 3 years ago

no one needs to go. It's obvious from seeing this team in the past that A. The team plays well together and B. They all are individually skilled players. The main problem with their team is that they are stubborn and can't adapt their agents and comps. Scream is always stuck on one duelist at time when he should be playing whats best on what map, Jamppi is awping on omen when he should be using his versatility to not be an OP one trick. Soulcas is killer on skye, but that's kinda it. The team needs to make comps that A. feature scream on the best duelist/sage per map as well as Soulcas skye and B. finding which of the other three is best at each agent. They need to put a lot of time in the server finding who should play Sova, Viper and other agents.I think role changes for L1nk and Kryptix could be beneficial for both.

posted about 3 years ago

Oh I def remember when he was the best phoenix in NA, but when was that, October? Over time he's gotten worse and worse and at this point there's way way better phoenix players than him. I think if we are pinpointing singular points in time then ya his phoenix is his best agent but at this point I'd take his Sova much more than his Raze(was awful), Breach(hasn't played in a while, wasn't anything special), or Phoenix. I don't see any org that currently has a team that would replace their main duelist with him, maybe you can make the argument for Rise or RNG but I doubt they would drop their players for Drone. Put him on Sova or another role though? teams would def give him more consideration.

posted about 3 years ago

Drone's also not really a duelist lol. He's played like 4 agents total and has really only ever been statistically good on Sova. Though I do agree that he doesn't seem to have the understanding of the champ like Crashies or Effys do, he's prob got his best chance as an LFT by playing Sova. Maybe Sentinels or Smokes could be good for him, but of his actually played champs Sova is the only one that he's ever had much impact on.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean I wouldn't say they as a team are better as they have had better results with Zellsis but I will say I personally gave Thief a hard time on LG and he has def showed that he can be a top 15 Main duelist in NA.

posted about 3 years ago

ya idk hes not human 100t IB comp is best in world who cares

posted about 3 years ago

G2 finally starts looking tactically sound and performs well, beating teams previously better than them.

Vlrgg idiots: Koldamenta bad cuz he no kill.

He's already showed how good of an IGL is with two teams that he had to basically start from the ground up. He is literally the definition of playcalling and playing for others, which is why he rarely frags. Calling out Kolda after this past tourney may go down as one of the worst takes on this site

posted about 3 years ago

Odd that once they start adding Jett into arsenal they don't play her on her arguably best map. Feels like having Asuna Jett and Ethan Sage would make a lot of sense, but I also don't mind Asuna on Reyna since he is a freak on the agent.


posted about 3 years ago

Drone hasn't been a good duelist since First Strike, his Phoenix is behind almost every t1 duelist at this point and has never had a good Raze. Drone was by far their weakest link in the last qualifier and is probably the last of the 4 "duelist" players on the roster.

posted about 3 years ago

Oh i def get questioning it, but this guy is blindly simping for Thief when hes been the biggest underperformer on an underperforming team. I'm not saying they will instantly be upgrades or that LG has 100% made upgrades, only time will tell for that. What I am saying is that Thief isn't this god duelist like this guy really wants him to be. Ban at least plays a more impactful agent, brings an OP to the team which they needed greatly, allows for Dre to get off of Jett and onto other agents and has a higher overall upside. He also was playing Sage and Skye in his last tournament which is a good sign for team flexibility. I truly do think that LG needed a change and Thief IMO was the likely candidate, and Ban is very much a high upside player to bring in

posted about 3 years ago

I have lol

among na raze players that have 200+ rounds against 1750 or better teams(BBG is the lowest for example), he is in the bottom half, only ahead of Zekken(good player but plays on a t2 team so his stats are with a grain of salt), Kaboose(dropped) Subroza and Ayrin(both off of Raze and played a completely different style) and Shawn who ill give to him is a great player but Raze is undeniably shawns worst duelist while he has 2 other ones he is better at.

So on his one trick agent, he doesn't frag out when playing against good teams, which is odd since Raze has always been the most important agent on the LG teams
Reyna is the other agent he plays a lot, and from this one we can see that the only ones who are statistically worse than him are Kaboose and Roca, two dropped players. Even Poiz is above him.
for Phoenix he is at the very bottom.

He played basically one agent all qualifiers and historically isn't even that great. So he is a onetrick that isn't statistically that good at the character and also doesn't pass the eyecheck when watching the games. He's also bottom tier on the two other agents he plays. What about the stats says he's great, or is it just that you click on his vlrgg profile and see that he has acs because he's dropping 30 on teams like Dababyclan lol.

posted about 3 years ago

There's one dude on his site that has some crazy and hostile love for him who will prob tell u he's the best lol but hes decent. Very good at fragging, very much a solo player and probably won't be as team based as Zellsis was. Cracked aimer, basically a raze one trick though. He should be good and prob was the most proven duelist FA.

posted about 3 years ago

god I see why people avoid this site holy shit, you give actual insight and analysis and these are the people that react, cool.

posted about 3 years ago

Idek why I try to reason with baiters and dumbasses like u but here goes. LG had the same problem teams like Gen.G, Envy and C9 had where they had a duelist that played one agent and was not particularly good at anything else. Thief is basically jsut a more fraggy kaboose, very solo oriented and puts up monster stats on Raze, but has underperformed in every way on every other agent. He's a Raze one trick, and having duelist one trick players that can only play Raze will put u at a deficit before the match even starts. Thief is a great player and a really good aimer but having him on the roster probably would never get them past this current SEN team, unless the meta really fits them. Stellar in general was pretty replaceable and the idea as far as we can tell is that they are looking for young players that have the potential to be absolute stars, but are right now big gambles. Ban was one of the best T2 Jett players in the past few months, and Jett was an agent that LG was really lacking. I'm a bit more skeptical of the Dazzle pickup, but he is an experienced player(has ties with Moose from CS) and is a self sufficient fragging IGL.

posted about 3 years ago

Most top tier NA teams don't have a spot left. He's a tier 1 level player but the only teams that need a 5th are V1 which would make sense except they already have a viper KJ player and need a duelist/skye player, and T1 who already have Curry and need a sova player. So unless he roll swaps to accommodate for that he is likely going to either make his own team for the next event or sign to a t2 squad that needs a fifth. I still think he's better than plenty viper or kj players in the top tier orgs but rn there isn't a place for him

posted about 3 years ago

EEIU is what S0m said

posted about 3 years ago

So they kept Potter but dropped Aleksander for Pho, interesting. Atleast something is being changed cuz everyone but Temp and Alek is not T1 potential

posted about 3 years ago

Especially if the NRG and LG rumours are true, Jammyz only real options for orgs rn are T1, Ghost or possibly EG i guess if they are swapping up their roster(hopefully they do), I feel bad for the dude, I'd easily rate him above many other viper players that are currently on T1 and T1.5 orgs

posted about 3 years ago

If wedid signed to NRG and what I've heard from S0m's stream is right it will be WeDid on Astra/Viper duty, Som and Tex playing Duelist as well as Sage for Tex and Skye for S0m, EEIU still on Sova/Skye and Android on Sentinel. Will be interesting to see for sure as I've always rated android and even Tex as better duelists than S0m but they should be very fun to watch

posted about 3 years ago

Theres a chance that its just for content creation but ya NRG and Ghost are the only orgs that could possibly have picked him up

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think thats true and also George Geddes said it would be instead of Kehmicals

posted about 3 years ago

Marved is going to Envy

posted about 3 years ago

Ya DaZed def deserves another shot lol

posted about 3 years ago

Let's not get ahead of ourselves on either sides of this. Poiz can still practice with them but also they could still prefer Xeppa and want to play him over Poiz. They could even try 6 people, but I doubt that. Also xepppa is almost undeniably the more "cracked" player, he's had that reputation since CS.

posted about 3 years ago

Wardell is still a Jett one trick I would not use him as the example. Actually of all people he's prob the most likely to get shafted if Jett gets gutted.

posted about 3 years ago
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