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Registered: July 3, 2024
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 1:55 AM
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We are almost guaranteed for champs though, Lev just has to win 1 game against c9 or Kru. Also if you look at Sen's record against 100T I'm not scared. Also you act like FPX is any better.

posted 7 months ago

I feel like most of the US initiators are mid no, I feel like we have much better players who play different roles.

posted 7 months ago

The last time 100T won against Sen was almost 2 years ago, this does not bode well for 100T. But who knows maybe 100T break the curse.

posted 7 months ago

There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to it tbf. Like you get the advantage of the game models feeling bigger, and more confidence in crosshair placement, but you also have more input lag, a feeling of decreased FOV, and you have to play while not in full screen. Also something that isn't really a disadvantage or advantage is that it makes the game feel faster pace which some players prefer. I think that with its advantages and disadvantages it makes it overall fair, I think it is really more about how it makes the player feel kind of like the left handed gun vs the right.

posted 7 months ago

Ok, but the crazy thing is that Sen has the potential to face G2 3 times in this tournament if this happens https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/bbd4e860

posted 7 months ago

Victor was very subpar, but I do not think he was the issue, I think a certain trashies was much worse, and they should have either kept only victor, or got rid of both victor and trashies.

posted 7 months ago

With how many good players there are its hard to say tenz is the definitive best player, also he is not the most decorated player in valorant. Also just because he's a good player doesn't mean he's the best at his role, there is a lot of competition and I will admit that tenz is really good at his role easily in the top 5, but there are other players who play the same role who could be considered better.

posted 7 months ago

lelouch526 doesn't understand that all teams have only been in franchising for 2 years because valorant has only had franchising for 2 years. I think he means that sen lost to a team that doesn't have much history in e-sports

posted 7 months ago

I mean oxy has looked pretty good ever since the nrg match, but KRU might do the thing where they win like 5 times in a row, and then start a losing streak

posted 7 months ago

Logo - DRG
Name - idk
Slogan - Hawk Tua
Jersey - PRX
Players - 2022 LOUD or 2023 FNC, if we're talking about best org possible, but personal opinion obviously Sentinels players

posted 7 months ago

Worse than BLD YAY

posted 7 months ago

Worse than c0m

posted 7 months ago

Worse than FNS aim

posted 7 months ago

JMZxp is just proving OP's point

posted 7 months ago

How did this thread become so braindead

posted 7 months ago

Well I was basing my reply off of vlr so blame the site not me

posted 7 months ago

Lev also usually bombs out of any international events

posted 7 months ago

Lev is chile

posted 7 months ago

zellsis thought he was on c9 again, next time they'll win surely

posted 7 months ago

I would have loved if dort made the same bet for NRG to make champs

posted 7 months ago

Bro is why people don't like sen fans

posted 7 months ago

Well I mean if you think about it bleed prob has the least toxic fanbase because they hardly have a fan base. But I don't know because I don't think I've come across someone with a bleed flair on vlr.

posted 7 months ago

Ok, but this makes me conflicted because I obviously want Sen to win, but if they loose swvyboi1 leaves. I guess its a win-win situation if we loose we get rid of swvyboi1, if we win we win.

posted 7 months ago

Does the list go worst to best or best to worse? I'm assuming it's worse to best because GE and BLEED are at the start

posted 7 months ago

s0m but worse

posted 7 months ago

Also today was an off day for sentinels with the tech pauses stopping any momentum they had in the first game, and with sacy having personal issues which probably affected the whole teams mood. But I do think G2 looked really good, especially icy, if G2 keep icy in this form then I think it will be very close.

posted 7 months ago

theres dark and darker which is free on steam

posted 7 months ago

Monster Hunter World
Hollow Knight
Ori and the Blind Forest
The Witcher 3

posted 7 months ago

What does a team being in franchising for 1-2 years have to do with anything. Also franchising started like 2 years ago are you stupid or are you an idiot

posted 7 months ago

You're team just lost to mibr. I don't wanna hear you talking.

posted 7 months ago

tenz is still better than s0m though

posted 7 months ago

Hate to say it but zellsis is not the best flex player in the world, and I don't think zekken is best duelist, I think zekken could be top 5 best duelist, but not number 1. Also I think sacy is good but he has areas he needs to work on currently. Also tenz only really plays omen as controller, he doesn't really play other controllers so saying he's the best controller is a bit much, I could understand if you said best Omen, but even then there is a lot of competition. As for johnqt, I think he's a really good igl but I think there are better igls. What makes this team work is not that they have the absolute best players, but their chemistry, energy and teamwork imo.

posted 7 months ago

Also even if s0m was better than tenz, sen would then have to sign FNS, and FNS is not better than JohnQT

posted 7 months ago

.01 difference is not s0m being better bro

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Lev always tend to get knocked out early at international events but hopefully this time they make top 4

posted 7 months ago

I can't believe fluffy aimers actually won

posted 7 months ago

I never said mine have, but when has sen had 4 of there players in the top 10 of overall performance for a single year? Never.

posted 7 months ago

FNC has all these top ranked players and can't win champs really says something doesn't it

posted 7 months ago

You're team was supposed to be the best last year and they were literally gapped by our continent, look at what happened to FNC against loud, EG won Champions, you're region consistently only has 1-2 teams also I haven't mentioned anything about where your from like you have me but it kind of annoys me when your insulting Americans when you're from Gibraltar. You're just mad because you're team was actually the team that was overrated last year, you're team may have looked good stats wise, but when it came to winning anything other than a single masters event they amounted to absolutely nothing. This year guess what, FNC amounts to absolutely nothing again. And next year it will probably be the same, and the year after that, FNC always throws when it really matters and can't even win when they are easily the strongest team with the best players.

posted 7 months ago

Are you saying Leo who was sick was going to do better than Hiro who was not sick at all obviously not, also you just contradicted yourself there by saying that TH was not a full squad but you literally just proved that they were a full squad, its not like miniboo was benched so TH was a full squad they just decided that miniboo was better after shanghai, and sorry for not knowing every little detail on your mediocre league, like you guys have FUT and TH and those are the only note worthy teams from your region, and you may say, oh but FNC this and FNC that, FNC has hardly any success when it comes to masters and champions. They only ever have success in the regular season in a sense they're just like KRU.

posted 7 months ago

I'm saying FNC should not have been doing badly even without Leo, they have one of the best rosters and even without leo they have been doing fine recently, you act like leo is the only reason FNC was doing badly, and that if FNC doesn't have Leo they can't do anything. Also it was miniboo's choice to take a break, TH also isn't only miniboo, and I doubt miniboo would have really changed the results, and patitek wasn't even that bad, if you look at the mistakes that TH made during those loosing matches against G2 it was obviously not a duelist diff. Also Hiro may not be as good as Leo but Hiro is putting up consistent numbers and is doing fine. FNC has no reason to have actually done badly, and even if Leo was sick they could have replaced him with hiro sooner and done better.

posted 7 months ago

This is why don't generally do AP classes, I'd rather do dual credit and ensure I get the credit, and don't have to take the class in college. Also from my personal experience DC classes are easier than AP, also a bit of advice don't take AP Lang and Composition because that class sucks

posted 7 months ago

It doesn't matter if FNC was nerfed or not, also you act like FNC is Leo and friends, they have a strong team even without Leo, you can see this because Leo is currently benched and they're doing fine in stage 2, you can't say a team is nerfed if they are missing one player who isn't even doing that well, also TH may not have been a full squad in madrid but how does that explain their two losses to G2 during shanghai, and you may say that they won against G2 in LF, but they only one one time out of the three times they faced off.

posted 7 months ago

You always say that FNC got unlucky or they went against a hard opponent, that doesn't change the fact that they didn't produce results. Also Leo may have been away with an illness but FNC still has Alfa and Chronicle, easily two of the best players in VCT. Also FNC won one game against TH and lost the very next game to TH, to me it just seems they got lucky when beating TH. If you compare TH has lost multiple times against American teams, they lost to Sen in Master Madrid, and they have lost to G2 2 times. Also why are you bringing up America when your team hasn't faced an American team this season, just because TH can beat American teams doesn't mean FNC can.

posted 7 months ago

I think TBD is the stronger team tbh

posted 7 months ago

His literal point is that despite there being better players, tenz still holds the record for being the highest rated player in a VCT international tournament. He never mentioned anything about one year being harder than the other he just stated that tenz record is the peak even if tenz had it easier

posted 7 months ago

Weak teams you say, Kru beat 100T who placed 4th at masters shanghai, they beat EG who won every stage 1 game except against them and Lev, and then c9 beat Lev, beat EG, the only weak teams they really faced were mibr and Furia, and then there was G2 in that group 2 who was also very strong, and I could go on, but the fact that the 5th place team in this group had a 3-3 record, which was the record of GenG really says something about how good all the teams were

posted 7 months ago

vanity really popped off that game

posted 7 months ago

I mean your team lost to T1 in stage 1 which is a very subpar team, also Kru and c9 did not look weak during stage 1, you only say they are subpar now because they fell off, but back in stage 1 both teams looked very strong.

posted 7 months ago
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