Tipo, nem o básico eles tão conseguindo fazer mais direito e ainda tentar inventar umas comp diferentes, óbvio que essa porra vai dar merda.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
Tipo, nem o básico eles tão conseguindo fazer mais direito e ainda tentar inventar umas comp diferentes, óbvio que essa porra vai dar merda.
Another football slander reference to brazil noooooooooo, we are so mad now.
Isso que é foda, se eles pelo menos pegassem o gekko em uma bind ou lotus mas me vem com uma deadlock antes de um gekko?? eles vão usar gekko na sunset com certeza mas já deviam ter usado bem antes pra se ''acomodar'' no meta e com o agente.
Rapaziada será que o gekko é a nova astra? em 2021 os times BR estavam atras do meta e não usavam astra nos mapas pq nao sabiam jogar ou tinha receio de pegar o agente e perdiam feiamente, só que eram horriveis e meio que nem importava tanto, mas será que tamo tendo uma reprise parecida dessa porra agora em 2024? não é possivel que nenhum time BR pegue um gekko bem jogado pqp...
Hes gonna prove everybody wrong next game against C9, im just saying you guys will be amazed and shocked.
If you play on FURIA you are not a S-tier player. havoc is mid.
Their breeze looks bad, with LOUD was the same, probably their ''worst'' map right now.
NRG doesnt lose this even if they just rushed every round, FURIA is garbage and MIBR somehow looks worse than in kickoff, brazil is finished in this game already.
Let frod cook.....
Feel bad for qck, he doesnt need to fit aspas shoes in this new LOUD roster but he will never be at the same level aspas was or will be.
MIBR on top of americas and best team in the world right now, what u talking about.
They have frod, maybe they can pull some really good performance after this 1 month of pracc for sure.
You dont know shit about competition if you write bullshit like this.
Jetlag + no pracc + not even playing the game in ireland + cauanzin was playing with standard crosshair, NRG are pretty mediocre tbh.
1 month of scrimming and still struggling to the team that got shit on by MIBR lol
He literally molded aspas you dumbass, sacy is one of the smartest players in this game period, in a interview he literally said that he did the same thing with zekken that he did with aspas but went easier on zekken, hes a support player inside and outside of the game, you are just a clueless guy who just look at stats or come with some bullshit excuse of ''he was shaky''.
Less underperfomando? tem um cauan pinando ontem e hoje e usando utilitaria extremamente mal mas o less ta performando abaixo? uma adaptação extremamente mediocre do saad em jogo com um coach que não sabe usar pausa direito e o qck que mata 20 mas parece que nem ta no jogo pq parece que ele não tem utilitaria no agente dele, parece que eu não vi uma parede boa do phoenix nos dois mapas direito.
Crescimento inverso, acorda irmão o time não é o mesmo desde o ano passado mas não é horrivel tbm, o jogo que a LOUD jogou hj eu ja vi a furia e mibr jogando.
Please riot, bring them back for me to smile and be happy and think LOUD is still a contender team...
Well, doesnt matter if he choose right or wrong, he just didnt wanted to try another year with LOUD.
He knew something behind the scenes, he didnt wanted to stay in a team that he knew that would never win big again. Loud still great but him choosing LEV just proves that it wasn't for money only.
Tokyo LOUD was better ngl, this shit is burning my eyes, literally ''trash x garbage'' this game.
Feels like just another BR team to be honest, but lets see tmrw.
FPX 2-1 tmrw. LOUD disband incoming, qck back to furia.
LOUD losing here is straight up just disband, simple as that.
I like qck but holy shit so many rounds he get FD'ed and dumb decisions in other ones, hes not bad but hes so inconsistent.
2x0 GenG this game, LOUD will comeback 2-1 later though
EU humor i guess, same 1 joke and people pretend to be ''funny'' or ''new''
Joke doesnt even make sense
Dumbass, watch the video for the format, no same team region matchs.
Disrespecting the hand that feed him, i expected more from tarik for real 😔
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK piada mesmo miblixo e fofuria, e LOUD vai ter o mesmo destino se bobea
Yeezus too, that shit stinky and BOUND 2 is kanye most annoying GARBAGE song EVER.
Quem vier com desculpa de ''time novo'' ou ''esse camp não vale nada é off-season'' é um puta de um idiota delusional que não entende que a LOUD não só é o melhor time do brasil como é o melhor time criado da américa do sul TODA até hoje, sempre dão desculpas mas a vdd é essa mesmo, quem fica chamando pessoas como você, eu e outros de ''emocinados'' são um bando de retardado que ano que vem vai ver uma FURIA e MIBR apanhando com chinelada na bunda, e vamo reza pra LOUD também não entrar nessa conversa depois da saida do aspas kkkkkk
More like ''yes or of course?''
He was too young..... now he needs to change his name to cauanzão
Ohne is just a XQC wannabe with less stuterring, he even copies xqc catch phrases and even some emotes/memes from xqc community, all he does is ocassionaly talk shit about val and then open some cases with some boring watch parties.. dont like tarik too much but he wins easily.
True but cauan was really the key against EDG today, less was just less basically.
Tão ganhando round só em clutch parece, não tem um round convincente direito velho
Maybe his manager is the actual GOAT, because how the fuck is he still on a tier 1 team and its Liquid.
Where and who the fuck is bonecold nowadays? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Tier 2 player at max now.