Flag: Argentina
Registered: December 28, 2021
Last post: June 12, 2022 at 2:07 PM
Posts: 319
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yeah but you've gotta consider they've only been playing with curry for a month or so, xeta played in c9 for more than a year. And they didn't change xeta for comm issues, he had them but he wanted to achieve new goals and play with another team. They got time for improvement

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

bye bye G2 ahora solo queda G de Guild

posted about 2 years ago

literally KRÜ but with Onur and saadhak
(btw nagz looked like a consistent whiffer at masters so i'd change him for Tacolilla)


posted about 2 years ago

Based in team/player development and how far they're getting, ZETA no doubt.
Based in the games and the hype, KRÜ. Just bc it was the first great upset of the VCT and the match against GMB was the best of the year.

posted about 2 years ago

Instead they've got their own *religion

posted about 2 years ago

They talked about that in an interview after losing against Optic. Klaus said they couldn't prepare very well for the event since BR teams didn't want to pracc with them, all bc of keznit's drama with Gamelanders. Also they spent 20 days in Mexico trying to compensate that and still lost to E-Xolos due to poor conditions in the Challengers Finals event. Not to mention Onur leaving the team since that's an old problem rn.
Not an excuse, just giving context for those who didn't see the aftergame press conference.

posted about 2 years ago

They were playing a really slow game, compared to today's match in wich they showed fast paced executes and adaptability. It's not the LAN buff, they just found their playstyle (and xand's birthday buff ofc)

posted about 2 years ago

totally agree but the players are still the same as last year, we all know how LATAM and BR can turn things around

posted about 2 years ago

appreciate it man!! really hope this year BR makes it further than LATAM did last year and proves its worth

posted about 2 years ago

100% true, KRÜ could still make it against NIP, just not how they played against TL. Just a lot of mistakes and rounds given away.
Against LOUD, no chance at all.

posted about 2 years ago

True, and it's not only bc of keznit not carrying. They weren't able to outsmart TL after the first few rounds of both maps. After round 5 they started to play flat rounds and couldn't keep up. Although i think FNC is the easier opponent between them and TL (2 subs lol), NIP managed their individual situations way better than KRÜ did.

posted about 2 years ago

I guess you're kinda right? I mean, Boaster knows how to exploit their opponents' weaknesses and he certainly couldn't react or recognize them at time (that's something that NIP did throughout both maps). But I guess even if Fearoth and H1ber top fragged we don't know how much different they could've played around the team and vice versa.

posted about 2 years ago

Those are the reasons why they're merging LATAM North and South for the Challengers Finals, there's not a lot of dominating teams in both regions, but Korea and Japan are single countries. If 2 regions can't come out with 2 top tier teams qualifying to Masters, how could a single country do the same? Doing a Korea+Japan Challengers Finals with the top 2 teams of each region could give a chance for Japan to improve in the future.

Ofc that means a lot of imports not only for JP, but KR would import some of the best players from Japan too.

posted about 2 years ago

Riot: slightly rotates Yellow box
G2: we're going A then...

posted about 2 years ago

How are zeek and Leo underrated if they're considered some of the best players on their respective roles?

posted about 3 years ago

Nah but PROD might be even more retarded AND cracked than Dgzin. At some point Dgzin has got to stop the braindead Jett plays and play it intelligent, he's a pro player after all.

posted about 3 years ago

Probably LOUD instead of FUR, NIP could be there but will need to exeed expectations.
Also another strong LATAM could surge but we'll need time to see that happen.

posted about 3 years ago

that's definitely not what he said

posted about 3 years ago

That would be actually pretty useful. That way, breaking down strats from this site and debating them would be pretty easy.

posted about 3 years ago

nice. Ty bro

posted about 3 years ago

with new orgs i'm referring to orgs coming from other esports, new teams being picked up, massive roster shuffles. I'm basically describing what's happening mostly in BR and JP, not only in NA and EMEA. And not everybody who plays the game will instantly go watch the pro scene. In most cases they watch world finals or the orgs they like, and with that we go back to what I said before. The best thing we could do is stop discussing and watch the scene develop. The game won't die soon, but it doesn't take a lot of factors to lose viewership in a few regions.

posted about 3 years ago

True, anything else than what we've got rn or more than 12 slots for Champions would be a big investment.

But man... We're talking about one of the biggest Esports right now, competitive events deserves more investment if Riot wants to develop the Valorant pro scene.
They invested a lot with LoL, why not with Valorant?

posted about 3 years ago

how could you know if the viewership from those regions will increase if the most probable thing is that it could decrease? Viewership in those regions is increasing RIGHT NOW just bc there's new orgs with good players, but if none of them qualifies for masters/champs and leave the events early it's most likely to decrease

posted about 3 years ago

But if the better team is from a bigger region eg: NA or EMEA the viewership will stay the same for them, while for the other team it will decrease.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah ofc they bring a lot of views but if the regions keep playing at the same level they played the last year that viewership won't last long. Most people, specially new viewers, stop watching the events when their teams lose.

posted about 3 years ago

Dude I never said they didn't listen to the community, only in this case specifically, i said that if they do nothing about this decision the game will lose a lot of viewership.

posted about 3 years ago

Really good idea. The thing is that better teams will qualify from the LCQ and some of the already qualified teams will have less chances to advance in the tournament.
But the better team always wins so it would be fair.

posted about 3 years ago

until they stop listening to the community at all. The game won't survive if they don't care about what we want to be added/fixed in the game.

this year's Champions' slots are already decided and we can't do anything about it, we'll have to wait until the next year to see some changes. If this decision goes poorly and they do nothing about it (which would be weird) the game will eventually lose viewership. It won't die thanks to a big part of the community not caring about every aspect of the game, just as CS.

posted about 3 years ago

W for the community, but the game still needs more (and better) maps. No need to have 40 in the future when the meta is as complex as it's getting rn.

posted about 3 years ago

all of them, mainly those who are not playing in tier 1 rn.
Ofc we'll all be watching players that are new in t1 like Cryo, Zander, braveaf, and Twisten. But I'm asking mainly for players that are not playing at the top of their region yet, some sooner than others.

posted about 3 years ago

saving ares (buffed) in buy rounds

posted about 3 years ago

We can't deny he fulfilled his role when G2 needed him the most, but that's it really. Yeah ofc we all know there's wayyy better players than him, but he's getting all the recognition bc of his fanbase, and that's good! I hope every top player could have the fanbase that he has rn, that amount of support could motivate a lot of pros to keep grinding in the competitive scene.

posted about 3 years ago

he just hating everybody, ignore him

posted about 3 years ago

NEW TO TIER 1 / FUTURE TIER 1 PLAYERS So they get more exposure and we can watch them in the next Challengers and VRL events! :)

In my case, I don't really watch LAS that much, so I don't know any upcoming Argentinian players.
Maybe puleule, UNNSTO and Closer (the latest just moving to LAN) could do really well in the next LATAM Challengers.

posted about 3 years ago

Aimlabs and/or shooting range routines, play a few deathmatches before every ranked (if you feel comfortable try to play them with no sound, that way you'll work mostly in aim, reaction time and gamesense), watch pro matches even tho that won't make you improve a lot, trying to see how they're positioned, why they die and how they use their utility (even if the players you watch don't play your agents).
Also what #6 said, watch basic comm and positioning videos if you feel you are down bad

what agents do u play btw?

posted about 3 years ago

I correct, not average but decent. Average is around silver 2 and gold 2 (not gold 3 bc a good part of them are deranked plats). Any plat 2 player could reach diamond in a month only with aim training. That's definitely not the case for gold players and those who play in the elo hell that is silver.

posted about 3 years ago

anything around plat is average, new act included. Rank reset does not affect your elo, so you keep playing with people of your level, just grind your rank again and you'll end up like last act.

I'll say diamond 2 is considered good enough. Any plat 2 could reach diam 1 easily if they keep grinding. Diamond 1 players keep making the sames mistakes as plat players (not including players that reached ranks over diam 2 and deranked, they most likely know how to avoid taking the same decisions).

posted about 3 years ago

ngl asado is kinda overrated man, it's gotta be really well made to be good, our empanadas are the best we've got just below dulce de leche and they've got a lot of variations. Impossible not to love them bro, just try fried empanadas and your life is solved

posted about 3 years ago

Apparently there's a rule about academy teams not being able to compete and makes sense... academy teams are like the backup roster in case a player from the main roster doesn't want to play with the team once their contract ends (or gets buyed by another org). They pick the player that fills the role and figure out how to make the team work. There's no need for the org to make them play in a qualifier, their academy teams use is to keep decent players from going to another teams for a b plan (or for them to not destroy their main roster like TSM did xd).
About fem teams, they can play if their org is already qualified. If they advance, at least the org knows how good or bad their roster is compared to the teams in the main circuit.

posted about 3 years ago

love how this thread is all about the calypso drama and no one said anything about ec1s xd

posted about 3 years ago

you forgot about the god tier EMPANADAS TUCUMANAS/SALTEÑAS

posted about 3 years ago

ay si re goals blda boee q le pasaba

posted about 3 years ago

proceeds to lose against knights
(jk hope they do great)

posted about 3 years ago

I would've included paurA and russz instead of AsLan and aimdll. Idk about Brave and XiSTOU, surely top 10 players but not in this list.

posted about 3 years ago

There's been some people saying they could pick up this roster in the future. If they don't, other orgs will def have an eye on them.

posted about 3 years ago

just imagine the firepower of Shot_Up in just a support role, can't wait to see how they play.

posted about 3 years ago

Dude FaZe visual artists are the best. They've done the best roster presentation videos.

posted about 3 years ago

nah like Ambi has turned into a better player thx to Giants, hopefully he gets back on top with a renewed roster.
It's crazy the potential Twisten has to demonstrate against tier 1 opposition. Even tho BIG is not the best roster he could be playing with, gob b's guidance will help him grow a lot as a player and hopefully we will se him on LAN events soon!

posted about 3 years ago

I hope FishkaVTom gets signed by Virtus.pro so we can all se these guys in top tier events, purp0 really deserves the chance.

posted about 3 years ago
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