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Last post: August 30, 2024 at 3:03 AM
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I mean, it's clear if you watched their games too. They were never perfect.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, true. I want them to lose even though I support them. I want them to get better.

You can ignore people who say they are saving strats. None of us are on the team. We can only guess. I do wonder what they were doing throughout this tournament, though, because they didn't really bring anything new out so far.

posted about a year ago

They have more problems.

posted about a year ago

I mean, Fnatic is doing the same shit for a long time now.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yeah, he looked so much better in the last few tourneys. Why is he going back to his old form now

posted about a year ago

He had improved a lot, but he seems to going back to his roots now. Sadge

posted about a year ago

Yeah, maybe Zest and Stax could share. Or Rb and Stax share duties if they want to play Foxy. Stax plays flash, and Rb plays KJ, so I guess they might be able to divide IGL duties for defense/attack halves.

posted about a year ago

Derke was a little off on attack, but some of the deaths were just because they didn't clear the Cypher trips properly with shocks. Leo somehow got more shock hits on players than cypher trips last map.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, but Alfa trolled a round away and Boaster keeps overheating after 2 kills. The man can get a 4k if he wants to, but he will decide to pull out util or go push somewhere randomly and dies with a 2k. Fnatic also played into Liquid's retake style by staying gen and hell too often and dying to shorties.

posted about a year ago

chill, we don't have to make these threads every hour. I just want Fnatic to come up with new comps and strats. I just want them to play beautifully, I don't care if they win the trophy or not.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

He played well on Ascent in the first 15 or so rounds.

posted about a year ago

I support Fnatic, but that Ascent was very disjointed and had several bad decisions by individual players. A lot of bad decisions. TL played well till 12.

posted about a year ago

Lol. Fnatic looked pretty disjointed this map ngl. There are many mistakes on both teams, but liquid looked really good till they reached 12.

posted about a year ago

WP Liquid

posted about a year ago

These setups have been around before nAts was playing internationals. nAts has insane gamesense to know when to use which setup and has great reads on the opponents. It's his brain and decisions, not the setups themselves. I am not trying to discredit nAts. He is the reason the traps work. The traps are nothing special.

posted about a year ago

If Fnatic plays like they do now, yes PRX, Loud, and NRG can beat them.
I think they will have different comps and plays by Tokyo though.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This is true. That's a good read by him.

posted about a year ago

Watch any Cypher Youtuber. His setups are very common.

posted about a year ago

he's a little tilted, I think. He kept spraying the odin even when he got pinged by the cam.

posted about a year ago

Less is overall better than both. nAts is good, but his setups are not that crazy, I have never seen a defensive cypher setup from him that I have not seen before from Cypher YouTubers. nAts has really good lurk setups and timings though. His attack setups seem more interesting. Alfajer's got the worst setups out of these 3. nAts and Less both have good setups.

posted about a year ago

Botfajer threw that lol

posted about a year ago

Yeah he kinda threw that lmao

posted about a year ago

Soulcas is back too. Now TL is unbeatable.

posted about a year ago

Agreed lol

posted about a year ago

Fnatic seems to have forgotten that Sova dart breaks cypher traps. 2 times in a row.

posted about a year ago

I called Derke. He said they are on it.

posted about a year ago

Bro Loud is not NA. Also Fnatic choked hard before Loud did or else that final would have been 3-0

posted about a year ago

Yeah, I feel like DRX needs a better IGL with solid mid-rounding. Stax can be a huge impact player if freed from IGLing.They have strats and firepower, but keep losing when they encounter new stuff.

posted about a year ago

Derke decided to nerf himself by temporarily getting rid of the bald buff.

posted about a year ago

I think they will change this Lotus comp and a few other comps too. Fnatic isn't playing the best comps on some maps, and I would assume they know that.

posted about a year ago

They do want to win the final, obviously, but they will change this comp before Tokyo. Everybody can see that it's not a good comp for Lotus. I think they will be switching up most of their comps by the time we see them in Tokyo. Most teams will be changing some comps, Loud included.

posted about a year ago

I'm concerned about how Stax has been performing recently. He used to be a star player.

posted about a year ago

You say he is a worse ange1, but there was a time when he had slightly worse players than FPX and would still win the EMEA title. They were also fairly consistently top5 ish since 2021.

posted about a year ago

lol, sorry guys

posted about a year ago

Forgive me, my lord. Jampii GOAT.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

-soulcas, -jampii
+trexx, +sheydos

posted about a year ago

Derke, Aspas, Sayf, Demon1, Leaf are top 5

Honorable mentions: something, qw1, victor

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Didn't 100T under Steel play Kayo, Jett, Omen, Sova, and KJ on Ascent?

Edit: they probably played Skye instead of KJ, because I remember that Steel was on Kayo and Ethan was on Skye, so they must have not had KJ.

posted about a year ago

He was asking about Ascent. The Ascent comp is really old. As far as I can remember, even 100T under Steel has played the current Ascent meta comp at a time when Kayo was not even meta.

Haven and Pearl are definitely by Loud. NRG's Bind comp might actually be better than the Bind comp Loud played today. I think Loud will also play Harbor on Bind soon.
Loud even used the Pearl comp on Icebox and did well with it.

posted about a year ago

Boaster is better than FNS and Saadhak in terms of fragging and clutch %. He has improved a lot.

posted about a year ago

I think he is talking about Champions, not Masters

posted about a year ago

It doesn't even make sense

posted about a year ago

Imagine this team:


posted about a year ago

Yeah, either +trexx or +Sheydos.

Sheydos plays well on the same agents that Soulcas plays. He has played with both Redgar and nAts before.
Trexx plays Raze and initiators really well. He has played with Sayf before.

Both are great options.

posted about a year ago
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