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Last post: August 30, 2024 at 3:03 AM
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So far, Geng is better on Jett maps and Sen on Raze maps.

KC's map pool doesn't look as good as Geng or Sen. I still wouldn't rule out KC because they might cook something. Their map picks against Sen were not ideal.

posted 6 months ago

His Gekko on Icebox had 1 assist, but he pulled things back the next two maps. WP.

posted 6 months ago

Sen vs Geng will be interesting. Sen has been shaky on Jett-Kayo maps, and Geng has been good on Ascent and Icebox. Geng also has a good Lotus.

posted 6 months ago

When did TH beat FNC? Which year are you talking about?

posted 6 months ago

I used to comment on every post after Tokyo that Fnatic should play new comps, but the more I watch them play, the more I start to see patterns in their style. If I can mindlessly watch games and see stuff, I'm sure coaches can see much more. KC had great reads on what FNC was doing at most game stages.

posted 6 months ago

They should play more confidently to win. They plan to retake too often and give away sites very easily, and now other teams have observed them enough to walk in and take sites for free. They also don't make a lot of bold lurk plays. Alfajer is very good in 1v1; he can take more space than he does now. Being unpredictable > playing methodically.

I think they will be back to the top of EMEA once they have seen other teams play, but I don't think they can win international events if they don't make their playstyle harder to predict.

posted 6 months ago

we're not bandwagoners

posted 6 months ago

crazy how the guy they hyped to be the best raze did not even play raze this time.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

I think qck is a flexible player who picks it for the team.

posted 6 months ago

He definitely proved it. I just can't help but wonder what happened in TSM.

posted 6 months ago

I didn't say he was the problem. He has been comm-ing like this ever since I can remember.
However, I would personally prefer NRG's comms if I were on a team and had to choose.

posted 6 months ago

It was like this even in the videos uploaded last year.

posted 6 months ago

Boostio and Jawg were good even before franchising (before Ethan joined). C0M was not at the same level and improved a lot.

posted 6 months ago

s0m will break his back

posted 6 months ago

Bring someone like jawgemo, reduxx, zeldris

posted 6 months ago

Sen's Bind is a bit old now

posted 6 months ago

This is what they should have done months ago

posted 6 months ago

I think teams have studied Sentinel's Bind by now.

posted 6 months ago

He was not the ONLY reason.

posted 6 months ago

South NA

posted 6 months ago

that nade is gonna hurt

posted 6 months ago

Watch them throw the map now

posted 6 months ago

Yeah, we will never know what could have been.

posted 6 months ago

Yay was good on Andbox. That's the reason why NV got him in the first place. Yay peaked because of NV/Optic, but he was good without Optic and Chamber as well.

posted 6 months ago

Finally, someone who remembers Andbox yay.

Yay fell off because of C9 dropping him, but not just C9's fault. I think he should have tried to find a better T2 team instead of DSG and he would have been in VCT Americas this year.

He can still come back.

posted 6 months ago

Subreezy Enlightenment Arc

posted 6 months ago

Util was good

posted 6 months ago

North NA

posted 6 months ago

bdog > add3r

posted 7 months ago

They were crazy in the league, but lost crucial matches in playoffs.

posted 7 months ago

Your hate for Pancada is just bait.

posted 7 months ago

100T looked crazy in the off-season last year.

posted 7 months ago

bang - recon phantom

posted 7 months ago

Oh, my bad, thanks. I didn't notice that. I thought the whole lower bracket was BYE.

posted 7 months ago

Yes, I agree. Supamen is crazy good. I have watched a lot of his games.

posted 7 months ago

MIBR was last in LCQ and KRU was last in league. However, KRU won LCQ. So MIBR and G2 are #10 and #11? One of these two teams gets eliminated on losing the first series?

posted 7 months ago

Jawgemo and Boostio were carrying EG before franchising, even though they didn't win anything. They had very good stats in challengers tournaments etc.

posted 7 months ago

Who are teams #10 and #11?

posted 7 months ago

we were only looking at stats on Raze and ignoring other agents.

posted 8 months ago

corey on bdog's team? TTR?

posted 8 months ago

Boaster is not washed yet. He is a decent IGL with decent fragging. Nothing too crazy. His fragging has improved a lot from his early days.

posted 8 months ago

USA or Brazil

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

I did check the ACS. It doesn't give the full picture, though. Jawgemo had only 224 in Tokyo, but his FK was pretty good. You don't need to be the best in a tournament to 'do well'.

I agree that Asuna was better than Jawgemo on Raze.

posted 8 months ago
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