Flag: England
Registered: August 23, 2022
Last post: January 22, 2025 at 11:37 AM
Posts: 58
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wo0t is a massive upgrade over patitek firstly
benjyfishy is still benjyfishy to be honest, he has great maps a lot still (but having harder opponents makes it less often)
riens was always super good if you watched TH games and has just been going crazy recently
miniboo has taken a dip in performance playing different roles (raze/jett vs neon/yoru)

overall they are still the same team more or less

posted 1 month ago

i mean, based off your overall stats, a 1.21 kd with a <50% win ratio maybe means you're playing too passively - you can play killjoy (your main) quite aggressively on both attack and defense, so i would recommend trying that. other than that, just play more and you should get your mechanics up over time.

posted 4 months ago

then your stats are fine tbh, on brim you wont always be getting high acs, anything over 200 is fine, good kast and an alright dd/round. if you actually want to climb, you would probably just have to get the acs and kast up to get more rr, but in terms of impact/game you're doing good

posted 5 months ago

then for you kast is a big stat, i guess kd ratio but having a bad or good kd does not make you a bad or good player - more importantly, play your role properly. just do good smokes, stim your team up on executes and rotates, molly common rat spots or to stop enemies pushing you, maybe even learn post plant lineups for bomb. that's WAY more important than stats

posted 5 months ago

it depends what you play - if you play support roles, than kast is really important. if you play duelist, i guess acs would probably be best? and then obviously just for climbing rank win rate is most important but you dont always control win rate so i wouldnt consider that an improvable stat

posted 5 months ago

i mean esports is unstable but i feel like he has another 5 years in him? i guess they can get jawg as a good replacement but still gonna miss zekken :((

posted 5 months ago

he wasnt the best on his team in 2024, in 2023 while it wasnt all his fault he still didnt look the best on his team, 2022 his team were just bad, and 2021 similarly but he still won a trophy

posted 6 months ago

he had his chances to prove himself and he proved himself? optic/nrg's failures cannot be fns' fault

posted 6 months ago

isnt n4rrate a bit of a baiter? zekken's jett is obviously not the best, but he takes loads of first engagements on it which sets up sentinels for great rounds (i might be wrong about n4rrate tho)

posted 6 months ago

i mean stats dont tell the whole picture whatsoever, not saying aspas is necessarily better than zekken but kd is not always impact

posted 6 months ago

firstly, let's think about what yay has experienced in his valorant career:

  • 2nd place in first international (highest rated in the tournament by a significant margin)
  • grouped in champs (small sample size obviously, but still 5th highest rating in the tournament)
  • won reykjavik (3rd highest rating in the tournament)
  • 3rd in copenhagen (4th highest rating in the tournament)
  • 2nd in champs (highest rated in the tournament)

then, after all of those incredible placements both as a team and individually, he is rightfully considered the best player in the world. he joins c9 with this reputation, and gets removed after 2 games even tho he clearly wasn't the problem, joins disguised, takes a significant hit in performance with the expectation he would drop 30 every game, joins bleed, has a similarly poor performance.

and yet, after all that, he's still going, and the reason i believe he will make a return is not only this mental resilience, but also his work ethic. in the interview with the bleed coach, he says that yay would do lots of work outside of the game on other teams and generally put in lots of effort. he's had his name smeared for both performance and individual reasons, and even now he's still looking to play next year. not many other players can deal with that sort of pressure, and that is why i think yay will make a return!

(sorry for yap, pretty much: yay has a great work ethic and super strong mental resilience)

posted 6 months ago

0 rounds on attack side lotus is INSANE

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

if ur an nrg fan you can surely admit that ethan is t he best init no?

posted 6 months ago

i dont think he's a one trick at all, but he is one of few to really "mastered" harbor, he can also play omen and astra at an incredibly high level as one of the best smokes itw of 2023, and then you'd put him on duelist? idk, i think he just looks so good on smokes it would be a risk to move him off it

posted 6 months ago

why would you put s0m on duelist? he's not a duelist player? his only experience on duelist was like 2 years ago and the game was so different back then, just keep him on smokes. also demon1 should NOT play neon, neon is an entry duelist he is not an entry player. also, fns is an incredible igl, why would you replace him with a decent sentinel who can decently call?

posted 6 months ago

curious to see the source for this, i mean its the most likely move but even so

posted 6 months ago

edg looked awful for the rest of the year and looked amazing in champs, eg looked awful start of the year, looked super strong in tokyo, and then obviously looked amazing in champs - i think it's very different

posted 6 months ago

alfa might be one of the biggest overheaters in vct and was way worse decision making wise as a player than derke, i think derke leaving is a personal choice as fnatic is (arguably) holding him back from more trophies considering his recent form and also he's been on that team for so long probs just wants a change

posted 6 months ago

1 Geng
2 TH

posted 6 months ago

why? new team with rookies, got 2 international 2nd places, 2 regional 2nd places, and took both international 2nds to a map 5. they were one of the best teams of the year with not a single standout player. so no, there is no good reason for them to make roster changes. they looked incredible this year and will only grow as players

posted 6 months ago

shanghai grand finals he crumbled tho?

posted 6 months ago

problem is tho entrying with little util is super difficult, and while he does find first kills, he's going to find a lot more first deaths due to the fact that a duelist running it down on a site will find it hard to deal with site anchors consistently without the proper support

posted 6 months ago

idk, i think this is just the way LEV plays - if you look at 2023 loud, aspas played a hard entry role and looked incredible on it. i think on 2024 the lev system is to set up him to frag way more and not just be a hard entry

posted 6 months ago

but then its unfair to players like miniboo, where the whole team idea is that miniboo makes space with little support, dies, gets traded, plays a post plant - i would argue miniboo is a top duelist and one of the key reasons heretics made it so far in champs

posted 6 months ago

when talking about the "best duelist", what do you think classifies a player as the best duelist? is it their fragging, consistency, teamplay? for me personally, i would say the community opinion is that (up until the grand finals) aspas was not only the best duelist in the world, but also the best player in the world - but he is beaten in terms of fragging and teamplay by other duelists, consistency being his only claim to the best duelist. idk, just curious to see how people define "best duelist"

posted 6 months ago

well firstly, it legitimately does not matter what ur hs% is whatsoever and if you think its limiting yourself then i would have to hard disagree. players like leaf, zekken, derke etc. have relatively low hs% (like low 20%) yet are considered some of the best players itw. if you do wanna improve your hs% tho without throwing your games, just take your time to go for headshots, go for taps/bursts instead of sprays, dont play phantom, op, judge or other guns that encourage bodyshotting, and focus more on your movement to let the enemies spray on you to get an easy 1 tap!

posted 6 months ago

also if you keep watching that interview from the 1:55 point he talks more about it as well!

posted 6 months ago


about 1:55 in, but also evident through their team comps in kickoff especially on maps like ascent

there's also probably otrher clips where he explains it in more detail but couldnt find any, just remember him not liking them

posted 6 months ago

i guess this is what saadhak was thinking too?

posted 6 months ago

only started watching val from early 2022 but from what i can recall sick was sen's only good player in 2022, the team was straight ass and yet he would still be performing - who knows how good he would be if he was playing today :(

posted 6 months ago

definitely, but in Reykjavík he hadn't found the same dominance that he did in the later part of the year (i.e in champs) in my opinion, and his dominance was nowhere players like Alfajer.

take the stats for example - yay had a 1.19 rating over the tournament, which is incredible, but the #1 rated player mako had 1.29, a whole 0.1 rating over. in comparison, alfajer had a 1.33 rating over the tournament, and the next highest player that wasnt his teammate was 0.18 below.

in other words, yay was great in Reykjavík, but alfajer was a different beast in tokyo

posted 6 months ago

yay is way too high on this list in my opinion, he was obviously an incredible player in Reykjavík but to say he was more dominant than alfa in tokyo or demon1 in champs is insane

posted 6 months ago

Prime less rivaled most of the best val players at their peaks, meteor hasn't really

posted 6 months ago

better writing and story, but fo4 clears in gameplay and is way better in terms of crashing (new vegas crashes every 5 minutes!)

posted 6 months ago

miniboo is literally a sova drone in player form for heretics - he goes in and dies and they win anyways because that's how they play. they didnt lose today because miniboo "performed badly", they lost bc they were the worse team

posted 6 months ago

i think it will be 2-1 either way, potentially leaning into heretics winning bc they just have so many shooters but if sacy/zellsis step up then it could be 2-1 for sen. either ways, its gonna be a banger and i cant wait to see who wins

posted 6 months ago

definitely, 2 masters win and a champions win. despite their inconsistency, i dont think any other team would really be in contention (correct me if im wrong)

posted 6 months ago

agree - they went from looking like a mid-bottom tier team to one of the top teams itw. just because his performance doesnt necessarily look great doesnt mean he isnt contributing heavily to flexibility and entrying for the team. one of the most underrated players imo

posted 6 months ago

This is going to be one of the best matches of the year I feel...

posted 6 months ago

chamber over phoenix, astra over sova, brim over kayo and then it's a W comp.

posted 7 months ago

ascent has legitimately been here forever, so all map pools have been brought down by it
abyss is eh, kinda fun to watch but super ass to play
sunset is mid asf
icebox is also mid
meta is pretty good tho imo!

posted 7 months ago

"L map pool" only bad maps are really Icebox and Abyss atm (maybe sunset too)
"L meta" no insanely broken agents, variety of duelists (jett, raze, neon, even some yoru and iso from fnatic)

Everything else i agree!

posted 7 months ago

replace omen with iso and you might just have discovered the lotus meta

posted 7 months ago

then i think lock in should be higher because the grand finals went to map 5 OT with (arguably) the greatest match of valorant ever, certainly best grand final ever, with insane games like NRG vs LOUD, DRX vs LOUD, and just overall every match being so hard to predict - even more so as teams had changed many players out so we had no idea who would be the best

posted 7 months ago

competitiveness as in how "fair" the tournament is, or how stacked the top teams are / how close opponents and matches are?

posted 7 months ago

i mean at madrid gen.g had a very deep map pool w/ 2 map bans and we know how that went...

posted 7 months ago

i think he is the best player of all time, as he was really good in 2021, good in 2022, really good in 2023, and is performing exceptionally well in 2024 (this is all at international tournaments btw)

posted 7 months ago

super good list, maybe put tex a little lower, i think trent and sacy can be swapped too as sacy has been incredible for sen this tournament

posted 7 months ago

for me derke is either the best or second best duelist of all time, sayf is incredible but hasnt had the results yet to prove he deserves a spot

posted 7 months ago
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