Flag: Canada
Registered: July 27, 2022
Last post: February 22, 2025 at 7:24 PM
Posts: 13

Considering back at Lock In Finals, he thought it was supposed to go another round of OT instead of hyping up FNC for winning, I understand what you mean

posted 2 weeks ago

First priority: Uber & Wyatt
Second: Mitch & Tom

posted 2 weeks ago

Understand that this is one of the 3 global events of the year and someone you just said is "not dogshit" is occupying a slot from someone else who might be more talented lol, I think she's fine too but this should be the pinnacle from each region culminated into one for a talent lineup.

posted 2 weeks ago

No I agree 100%, like for example Emily Rand in league of legends is probably the most knowledgeable talent on LCS, she watches every single league and gives so much insight to these teams that sometimes it's actually amazing having her as a colour caster.

90% of the time she's on desk to flesh out storylines and backgrounds but VCT should try positioning mimi into that type of role more to bring out her strengths

posted 2 weeks ago

What's wrong with the Thai host? He's doing pretty good from what I can tell? Do you notice how fast he translates his questions and answers

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm going to just go on a rant because while watching the Vitality DRX match I couldn't get these thoughts out of my mind, Mimi should step back from casting entirely and primarily do the desk or co-stream. This is nothing against her personally but I cannot get invested into these matches in the slightest when she's loudly whispering into the mic with a lisp while casting.

This is NOT about her gender, I rate pansy as the best caster in the world, I rate yinsu as the best interviewer in the world and kaquka is in that conversation too.

There are much more deserving casting duos that should be at global events than Mimi & Ender, for example if they want an americas rep- Why would you not use Uber & Wyatt, this entire kickoff they carried the hype and engagement in games that shouldn't even be viewed by most people, they made the 2G vs Furia (sub roster) game one of the most engaging games of the entire kickoff and those teams are terrible !

I've had feelings about casters before but grew to like them after a while, like Mitch and Tom for example but I know my opinion on this will never change. It doesn't have to and nobody has to listen to my opinion if they have a differing one.

For me, I'm going to Masters Toronto and I truly might walk out of the venue if they're casting a game in the Top 4.
Ender isn't even that bad he's just foolish and still getting acquainted with casting duos.

posted 2 weeks ago

bro are you braindead LOL how is that what you think of when you read my post

all of you kids have to be bronze

posted 3 weeks ago

well idk how the team works but if n4rrate is into being treated like the special kid at school after every single round by zellsis, by all means. Just don't expect him to be in the same mental he was on KC

posted 3 weeks ago

me personally if I had Jordan Zellsis Montemurro breathing down my neck every single round making sure i'm not tilted in a game where anything completely luck based can happen would make me tilt harder or physically assault him in post game

Play the game

posted 3 weeks ago

ambrosia just lost all their canadian players or what lol? no longer a fan if the boys arent staying

posted 3 weeks ago

And nothing changed, Easily Upset Gambit Acend Fnatic, What's next? FPX?? Nice region bro 😂 I hope fnc can somehow come back and win if NA can't because that poor org needs something before they disband. I personally would retire if I let a middle of the pack NA chamber like Will bend me over like how he did to FNC

posted about 2 years ago