Rushi he uska naam
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 31, 2022 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 2:40 PM |
Posts: | 1293 |
another fun fact India is one of the largest standing military itw still there are so less military personnel in our country when compared to population
I totally agree bro, but do uk SG lacks natural resources and they import pretty much all of that??
Also a random fun fact India has apx(25lakhs) military personnel and our population is apx(150 crore) do some quick maths and 1 military personnel guards 600 people
Uk how much that is?? its suprising af
Anyways I have never been to Singapore any Singaporean can give us an insight idk
I was talking about crime rates and HDI
If u wanna make that human resource is the first thing u need bro Also Manpower is more important it's overlooked, u can have the best technology but no one to use it that technology is of no use but on the other hand u can have ntg but a billion people coming at u w weapons what is better
It's a political game who attacks Singapore will get ruined cuz Mostly all countries have invested there in Singapore and Singapore also but self defence is nescesarry
Bro Singapore is litteraly a South Asian tiger most developed South Asian country along w Japan and Korea they already good in HDI and Human Resource
(threat comes without warning)
Yup also NS adds to it it adds a self disciplinary behavior and the fact that people are military trained there it also ment for less crimes and all
They obv will, but u should never be dependent on others in relations cuz no one will help u attough times especially during wars
Ur not understanding the point it's not for military purposes it's not ment to be these small countries have NS because they have very less population and it's in case for emergency self defence and normal military standards broo
Do u think anyone will be ready to surrender? Tell me one thing will u ever give ur land or ur territory where ur family live to a stranger no right look at it that way bro also armies are called defence forces they are not used to attack but to defend the country
Bro u maybe our right but dude but wars are always a 2 edged sword the attacker will always suffer and also the defender
U just don't have the u information govts spends billions on defence and border security according to the concept of whose attacking u? They r wasting money but it's for emergency
Emergency can come any time without warning
India, has hostile relation w some countries but we don't have NS cuz of population we have sufficient population to protect our country still u will see govt motivating people to join the army bro national defence is a very delicate thing which we people overlook
Small countries where population isn't much bro, it's not related to money or anything it's related to soft power and population mostly...
Emergency can come anytime without warning and in a country w less population military strength will be quite less and u cannot be dependent on other countries cuz noone can be trusted during wars and ll etc
Btw just saying but aren't there like so many people like him? In Singapore as it is litteraly like the eSports hub of Sea countries there r so many good players there age 20-18 who have to go, like u can't make the argument can u? That this is his prime time etcetc
Enjoy <3
Btw bye bye cypher(ur even more useless now.)
I see enjoy my man use protection glasses so ur eyes don't hurt 👌👌
Ur relationship gonna change tonight she gonna become an valo addict
I am pretty sure they gonna imrpove in the lcq
Pretty much anyone can and every team has good chance
It effects me more 😂 honestly
Yes depends on where u live
It's IST 8:30 am u can convert it to ur time
There is nothing like Deserve it dumbo shit, they won all the games what the heck is deserve
People excited for tomorrow's Grand Final
I am excited for new agent reveal
Also ik it's time* it's a spelling mistake
Is it important for every Singaporean to serve in military??