Yes actually, also SkRossi after every single game and the rest of GE squad
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 31, 2022 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 2:40 PM |
Posts: | 1293 |
Yes actually, also SkRossi after every single game and the rest of GE squad
GE shit team in franchise...
OGS not gonna talk about
agent bans are like 2-3 years away from now tho tbh if they continue to release like 3 agents a year?
there are simply not enough agents for agen bans rn!
Bro they reduced the reserve ammo they already knew deadlock is launching bruh!?
Thats smth many people said when azys and tess were playing good they said Indians getting carried its the truth while whatever u say
tho i agree u shouldnt blame one player for the loss
Thats smth many people said when azys and tess were playing good they said Indians getting carried its the truth while whatever u say
tho i agree u shouldnt blame one player for the loss
No actually i upvoted him
eSports scene* most players are casual even if 20-25% of the people who play valorant there start to watch esports the viewrship will boom but they don't
Indian orgs dumb fr
Dplus is actually a good team maybe Geng level or even better idk they got a lot of experience
No dude I don't think they are ready yet like I don't get it I just personally think and Indian team would look sick maybe just keep an Import igl
It can happen next year if our stupid organisations try
But they our busy importing talent from outside
Yeah guys utility usage is good ngl also other GE members don't play Initiators much
Yup wild rift is yet to launch here like idk when it will
PC market is big we have casual playerbase who plays the game for fun not really watches eSports tho
I personaly think if they fire from all cylinders they might take down some good teams ngl they did great in league I think they will improve from here forward
Btw for fuck sake keep a 5 man roster just saying
Mid team beating optic mid team beating Fnatic
Brother they r good teams tbh I just personally think Pacific as a PC market ain't that big yet... Mobile games prevail alot here it isn't a nice comparision also I think for regions like SA, OCE future looks good
I hope man really wanna see them in champs I personally think they look good but are just not able to convert series every single time
I mean I GET THAT but honestly apart from Fnatic I think other EMEA teams ain't that strong, also I think Pacific is the biggest choker region it's not like we dont have good teams
All look pretty good but just choke in international stage also T1 looked decent
Say ur thaughts after watching OG and don't spam Botsii
Russia is European capital(Moscow) lies in Europe
Just wanted to ask something what makes u think EU is consistent...
Combination of best players from ascension would look crazy
also KJ is pretty balanced other sentinels are dogshit weak
Recent Valorant Agents are pretty mid I think she might be better then Gekko and Harbor
She will be way better then Cypher, Chamber and Sage tho personally...
Her trap is overlooked let me tell u her trap might be the best trap in the game on defence side it has a big radius and every map has places where people are expected to make noises for example ascent a door and b drop or switch, also no enemy shift walks on attack during a execute
her e is good it can create blockages also u can put it in spike to stall crazy amount of time....
imagine defending b bombsite on ascent and using her e ability to block the lane they will either be forced to come from stairs or break the wall which takes time..
GravNet is like fade teather if used w other abilities in the games it will be too good
Also her ulti is like Raze ulti it wont gurantee a kill oth it would op ofc but it can in some occasions but it is hard to land and if u land it most of the time its an ez kill cuz it pulls enemy towards u as well
Yes bro life's too fast gonna pass soon man 😂 I'm turning into a boomer soon
Thank You All <3
Please tell me ur birthday's so i don't feel bad and I hope we can make this website a good exp for all ig
Teams who didnt qualify for playoffs nor won any game in LOCKIN have already played 10 games lol
apart from other events i am only counting Tier 1
those who went to masters tokyo or won game lockin for example fnatic played 22 games
Less compared to prev years no?
cuz SEN was 7th and 100T 8th'
GE 8th RRQ 7th