Shut up dude and grow he is the fucking igl man enemy team plays well let's blame the team players who lost
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 31, 2022 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 2:40 PM |
Posts: | 1293 |
Shut up dude and grow he is the fucking igl man enemy team plays well let's blame the team players who lost
EMEA got 2 more slots they got play ins and group stages and more teams pretty fun ngl
Also BO3 all games
Why riot?
Why do people like replay system so much 😇😇
Good fundamentals (peeking together strats retakes setups etc)
Game knowledge
Map knowledge
Atleast 2 star fraggers
A good IGL
A clutch boi
Show the some love guys
There will be a diff league called chineese league for them bruh
They have high skill ceiling dude Harbor needs map knowledge and placement positioning
And others as well atleast more then duelist
Why is best team in OCE not signed??
Smth like kj molly and which can block chokepoints obv diff then damage maybe debuff or smth
Trap like alarmbot for flank
A trap who pulls enemies debuffing them like seize but a trap
Ulti should be a heal cuz why not
I agree teams like GE say we are here to dominate long term chill chill lmao
Bruh still every reason i gave us viable ask OCE players lol
But yeah chances of being good are less
Wellp I think A good Aussie roster can work
I also think a good Indian roster w 2 imports could work but GE didn't doo it cuz they wanted to be different 🤣🤣
Also India as a market is not eSports build yet belive me here are many people who play Valorant but don't know e of eSports they just play it casually they don't know any global eSports nor any Franchise team they just play for fun
And the biggest of them all we were give a slot in franchise while regions like Taiwan Veitnam Oce didn't
Who we have lost to btw
Harbor release no agent has ever seen a agent release even except Gekko released after him who was played in showmatch
After 2020 Nodwin is doing VCC Indians teams have chance to go to Pacific
GE said they are also working out with them and helping them in visas and all
Active tournaments teir 2-3 and SA head also has said so many times he trys all his best to talk to Riot global and provide whatever they can
Another opinion i think GE had a very good opportunity for making a boom in Indian eSports but nah
When he shows up he is good he is more like inconsistent i would say
Pretty ass i agree it was on LOCO like wtf finals were in Hindi tho
2 i think the quality of Indian teams have improved
3 viewrship is still alr because no one in India cares about T2 while at that time 2021 2020 it was lockdown time kids like me were honestly pretty free so it was constant viewrship now it's less but still good I'll say
I think it will get better as the time progresses
I will trigger many people by saying this but there are many good and better players in SA region then him agent pool wise and even mechanically wise he is just hyped af also I m not saying he is bad he is an alr player but not as good as people say it
(But this doesn't mean people are gonna rant on. a website like crazy lol)
Bhai honestly I agree w this He is not even top 10 in Pacific some good games hype all but in reality guy is inconsistent Af and has a very bad agent pool
(But most of the community is just ranting like crazy when no one says anything)
They were intended to get 6 actually G2 lost its slot lol
U are genius mate u give attention to small details
( I never cared about walkout ) personal opinion
Tho i agree
I am confident OGT can (I hope so they look good) Bonkers tho
Confident about OGT cuz on an unbeaten streak + confidence + hopium
Also they look good against SA teams
I am also but i just hate them kinda cuz all the good team are stacked in one grp ngl
Honestly yes could have been 10 times better
5-5 Group bo3 top 3 advance top 1 from each grp in Quarter final
Normally i think they don't make merch like in shops when someone orders them they start making it so it takes a lot of time
Which team merch u baught??