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Registered: February 1, 2023
Last post: March 12, 2025 at 12:39 PM
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Happy New Year!!!!! Mine is still 8 hours away

posted 2 months ago

23 hours!

posted 2 months ago

I guess? There might be others on this site studying physics

posted 2 months ago

I got a bunch of textbooks outside of my required coursework that will help me understand my research on a fundamental level. I want to actually read them (not let them sit there) and actually complete my comprehensive exam this semester.

posted 2 months ago

Yeah throwers are the worst. Like, it's infuriating when it turns out one your teammates is an e-kitten for someone else on the other team. It becomes practically impossible to win.

Try to find people who you vibe with well and make a stack to play with.

posted 2 months ago

where did i lie? You keep insisting on saying my life is miserable, are you projecting? I think the guy telling others to kill themselves over anime needs to reconsider if they're happy or not.

posted 2 months ago

Doubles down on it. What are you, a 14 year old who thinks telling people to kill themselves is edgy and cool?

posted 2 months ago

tells person to kill themselves

"guys I was just trolling and not being serious"

posted 2 months ago

I get that, but I still think it's beneficial for me to give an earnest reply.

posted 2 months ago

tldr: 1243 thinks that people who dislike one-piece should k*ll themselves, and I think that's stupid

posted 2 months ago

As a piece of advice 1243, using name-calling, slurs, and ad-hominems in general doesn't add any strength to your argument, it only makes you appear to be childish and lacking in maturity. If you have valid points, using ad-hominems greatly dimishes the chances that your interlocutor will even consider them, because us humans in general are weak-minded in that way.

In your entire response to me, you repeatedly twist the meaning of my words and attribute opinions to me that I never said and actually am strongly against.

one piece resonates with millions because of its storytelling, world-building, and emotional depth, not just because of its runtime or filler. dismissing something beloved by so many as just a "time-killer" comes off as condescending

I'm sorry for coming off as condescending to you, but I am allowed to have my opinion on a series, as is everyone. The only reason I gave my adverse opinion on the series to you is because you were trying to claim that the series you like is objectively the best, while dismissing a series someone else likes as being inferior. I'll spell it out to you explicitly how you're doing this further down in my response.

loving a series isn’t about superiority, it’s about connection

I never said this, and would never do something so stupid as to say love is about superiority. I said that you have a superiority complex in response to you saying "you could never love something like we do" in #21. It should be obvious that what I am referring to is you saying that you and your ilk have a unique capacity for love that others do not, not the love of a series itself. Telling someone "you can't love things like I do" is indeed condescending.

what matters is the meaning it holds for the individual which you could never have since you're a retarded nerd.

There you go again. Saying that I can't have meaning in my life just because I dislike the thing you like, alongside some lovely epithets. Indeed, people can like and dislike things differently from you.

if you’re looking to “tear down delusions,” maybe step back and ask why it bothers you so much that others find joy in something you don’t.

I never said that I have a problem with you or anyone else enjoying mid-piece. What I have a problem with is you claiming it's objectively superior to series that other people choose to show their adoration for. In #11, you said that one piece "objectively clears bleach", citing it being the highest-selling manga as "evidence." bronzil_enjoyer was making fun of you here because you went out of your way to talk about one-piece being better than bleach in a thread that was about anticipating the next arc of bleach. See here.

With respect to me and my opinions, I literally said in #22 Ultimately, what you do with your time is your business.. I do not care what you enjoy in your free time. I care when you go out of your way to demean what others enjoy in their free time & furthermore claim the things you enjoy are superior to theirs, which indeed is fundamentally subjective topic. This is why my "tear down your delusions" comment was predicated by me saying "If you try to claim your [thing you enjoy] is superior, then". Me telling you my harsh opinion on One-piece was a response to your uppity comments stuck in a place where nobody asked for them.

Trying to claim objectivity in a topic that is so thoroughly subjective is delusional, i.e. you do not appreciate the true meaning of the word objectively. Besides, the metrics you cite to claim your beliefs are the truth are demonstrably faulty. The highest-grossing movie of all time is Avatar, which raked in ~2.9 billion dollars. However, if you were to ask people or critics what their favorite movie of all time is, the majority of them would not list Avatar as number 1. Even if you got the majority of people to agree your thing is the best thing, that would not be a reliable measure because there is nothing inherently virtuous about majority opinion. Case in point, in a recent survey, the majority of the U.S. population thought that Arabic numerals should not be taught in schools, which is indicative of the majority being fundamentally uninformed and wrong on a topic. You cannot claim one-piece is objectively better than anything. Insisting on doing so any further would be indicative of serious delusion.

retard thinks that it's a "sunk cost fallacy" to watch and celebrate something you enjoy.

No, I don't think it's a "sunk cost fallacy" to celebrate something you enjoy. I think that refusing to admit that plot is being drawn out to sell more manga is indicative of sunk-cost fallacy, but that's just my opinion on the series.

nerd maybe if you got out of your mom's basement, you would be able to enjoy something and find joy in your miserable life, "tearing down delusions"

Ah yes, more play-ground insults and fake insinuations. Not that it matters, but for the record I went no-contact with my mother years ago because she is a sociopath, and my life dramatically improved, so I guess I'm two steps ahead of your "advice." My life is actually quite happy, and I'm enjoying being a Physics Ph.D. student. I have enough time to reply to you since I'm on break, but after this I'll be working on calculations for a paper my research group is planning on publishing in a couple weeks, so I apologize if I can't give you a prompt response.

how retarded are you to think that the highest selling manga that people love is bought because you think people don't want to admit they don't like the series, narcissist much?

I never said you and others don't like the series. My opinion on the series is that the author unnecessarily draws out the plot to increase number of volumes sold and anime run-time, and that fans of the series are letting him get away with it. People are capable of liking things that are unhealthy for them. For example, for a long time smokers and tobacco companies argued that smoking was actually good for you lmao. Today, the majority of us (although sadly, not all) recognize that smoking is strongly correlated with lung cancer.

Ultimately, I don't care if you smoke in your free time. It's your choice what you do with your time. I do care when you try to tell others that smoking is objectively more fun than playing basketball, and that smoking "clears" basketball.

you should tie the knot if you think people buy something not because they enjoy it but because they "lost" their time only because YOU ( a retard ) don't like it, nothing revolves around you and your worldviews buddy. not everyone thinks like your fucking basement dwelling stinky retarded ass.

Wonderful, telling me to kll myself on top of more name-calling on top of more assertions of things I never said. Once again, I have no issues with people enjoying different things than me, and am quite happy with where I am in life right now. I am fully aware that not all people think like me, and am quite happy about it, because if everyone thought the same way, life would be rather boring.

1243, you need to reassess yourself. You told a person to k*ll themselves because they said the anime you like is mostly filler. You, and the behavior of your subsection of the one-piece fandom is how we got the term "stan". I apologize to the rest of the one-piece fandom for generalizing them to be like you. Your subsection of the fandom are the Evangelical Bible beaters of the anime community, telling us that if we don't accept your gospel we will go to hell, or to use your colorful language, are "miserable stinky mother's-basement-dwelling retarded bitches who should tie the knot."

posted 2 months ago

Mods, kindly don't delete this. I'm bringing this to its own thread because it would be stupid for an anime debate to continue inside of a Pacific pickems thread.

There is a subsection of the One-Piece fandom who are some of the most toxic members of the anime community. They barge into almost any anime discussion to talk about how One-Piece is the best anime, how one-piece is better than your favorite anime, how one-piece is "objectively" the best anime. "You can't love something like we do" "If you think one-piece is mostly filler and a cash-grab, you should k*ll yourself". People are allowed to like other things than you. You're going to get told that people don't like One-piece. You barge into other people's conversations, you tell them their anime is shit, you're going to get told that people don't like One-piece. People are allowed to like other things than you.

1243 is a member of this subsection of the One-piece fandom, who really embody the behavior described by the term "stan." And yes, 1243 told me to k*ll myself because I said to him that One-Piece is mostly filler (see below).

This is a link to the original thread for context. If you want to comment on this argument, do so in this thread so that it doesn't randomly blow up an unrelated pacific pickems thread.

I know making this thread is incredibly cringe, but I guess I'm doing it because 1. I have the time because I'm on winter break & 2. Telling someone to kill themselves over an argument about anime is ridiculous. So, if you hate seeing this thread, I'm really sorry. I guess I also needed to write this to clear my head because I wasn't expecting that in a response, and there was a period 5 years ago in my life where I was suicidal, so I sort of care about the topic. Truly 1st world problems I guess.

My response to 1243's last reply is below, because of the character limit (lmao, I yapped way too much, but it is what it is)

posted 2 months ago

damn. Well, I look forward to seeing that goal.

posted 2 months ago

bro is obsessed

posted 2 months ago

awesome pick

posted 2 months ago

I take it you're from EMEA. In that case, it's just something you wouldn't be able to understand.

posted 2 months ago

The goal that we saw? Or an upcoming goal

posted 2 months ago

Yeah, most new music makes me feel that way.

posted 2 months ago


oh shit, was rhixcal just referencing this, or is he one of the people family guy is calling out?

posted 2 months ago

bc I do lol? And Homer's Enemy really breaks down a significant element of American culture and puts it under a lens to analyze. There's a youtuber who did a really great analysis of the episode that matched my feelings on it.

posted 2 months ago

my fault, i did not read the list properly.

Still, I'd have Lakia over Invy/Jinggg.

posted 2 months ago

This is actually so tough.

I'm going to go with Viva la Vida by Coldplay.

posted 2 months ago

I don't have a MAL account, but I checked out yours and your top 10 is super solid!

posted 2 months ago

Jinggg's international performances weren't great though. Everyone on the list had international LAN success in 2024

posted 2 months ago


(i upvoted)

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

he was joking

_/ \ ->
/|\ <--- you

posted 2 months ago

They don't know about my boy Linus Pauling.

edit: also no Alan Turing

posted 2 months ago

Vouch. Actually incredible show. I'm so happy one of my friends recommended it to me.

posted 2 months ago

I have not read the manga, why are we calling Nagi washed?

posted 2 months ago

If you're not being ironic and mimicking the behavior of the worst mid piece fans, then you actually need help.
There's no world in which you react this way if what I said didn't have truth to it that you're trying to deny. The time you spend on vlr is a mere fraction of the time you've spent on mid piece, so that argument of yours is laughably weak.

you could never love something like we do

Superiority complex much? There are anime & shows I absolutely adore, and the reason I can love them is because they aren't stuffed with filler designed to sell more manga volumes and increase run times.

Ultimately, what you do with your time is your business. But if you try to prop up your time-killer as something superior, don't be suprised when people reactively tear your delusions down.

posted 2 months ago

Despite what some people say, I guess most people like me after all :')

posted 2 months ago

Yeah. The player who got accused of cheating is Russian while the accusing team is a relatively popular Taiwan team, so that might have something to do with it.

posted 2 months ago

You're not going to live up to it, but whatever.

Call me delusional, but I'm rooting for Paper Rex.

posted 2 months ago

explain high temperature superconductivity then

posted 2 months ago

oh I see. All good!

posted 2 months ago

I know you're probably joking, but I don't see the reason for Simpsons' watchers and Blue Lock watchers to be mutually exclusive.

Personally, Homer's Enemy is my all time favorite episode of the Simpsons.

posted 2 months ago

The player in question did not get banned by riot's client/anti cheat, and they submitted their POVs + facecams. The player they accused of cheating didn't even frag out, he only had a 1.00 k/d ratio lmao, and he also went negative on fk/fd.

Like, assuming none of the above are lies, which would be easily provable if they were, it seems pretty unfair to me.

posted 2 months ago

All my homies hate 把牛變成鱒魚


posted 2 months ago

found the "I'm too cool for this" guy

posted 2 months ago

no, mid piece is the highest selling manga because it's on episode one thousand something and more and more filler keeps getting added.

All of you mid piece fans keep buying it up bc of the sunk cost fallacy. You don't want to admit you've poured so much wasted time into a filler franchise.

posted 2 months ago

wait, how tf do you get panned from pickems lmao????

posted 2 months ago

100%. Actually so happy that the "saved budget" narrative wasn't cope after all

posted 2 months ago

ah rig ah toe go zai mash tuh

posted 2 months ago

I think what you're calling "high intensity" is an absence of action.

Miles' gain of confidence and belief in himself by the end of the movie was awesome.

posted 2 months ago

this, + Miles' character development and self-actualization

posted 2 months ago


"nvm wrong movie" - saebr

edit: he edited lmao

posted 2 months ago

it didn't have a lot of action scenes

If you primarily care about action, then you won't appreciate movies that go into character development

posted 2 months ago

You're going purely off of stats. Forsaken went deeper in champs & copenhagen, and then had a loss in the grand final which lowered his stats. For those two events, I would rate Forsaken higher.

But yes, Mako is undeniably goated. DRX, let this man play his role and do not put him on IGL duty

edit: realized you gave champs 2023 to Forsaken, mea culpa

posted 2 months ago
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