Flag: Canada
Registered: December 11, 2020
Last post: February 21, 2025 at 12:04 PM
Posts: 187
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I am sad cause I want to say sen but I also don't wanna be delulu. Therefore, sen 2-0 unfortunately.

posted 1 month ago

If you ask chatgpt to give its brutally honest opinion on you, and what it thinks it’s your strengths and weakness are. It’s pretty good at giving a response.

posted 1 month ago

Cream cheese bagel.


Everything bagel tossed with butter. Classic order

posted 1 month ago

put tex on the entry and demon1 as a sent or a second entry. Demon1 thrived when he was on chamber and jett but he is a passive player. A sent would fit his play style more. Even smokes would fit him well IMO. Something that allows him to play slower.

posted 1 month ago

bro gifts like these are the minimum. You ain't a woman, and not getting her flowers or chocolate on Valentine day ever cause her previous exes did is legit dumb. You get something in addition to those things but one of those two is required. Some girls dont like either but most girls like those. Every girl I have talked to and been friends with has told me they like those specifically on Valentine day even if it's not original.

posted 1 month ago

Flowers and chocolates are a must but every girl is different to a degree. I think just showing that you care and putting in effort with your gift will be enough.

posted 1 month ago

na actual good cause imagine primmie on this team

posted 3 months ago

should be a 2-0 for bili bili but all good

posted 3 months ago

na youre right, NRG would never lose a map where they are up like that.

posted 3 months ago

but worse than rapid lofi

posted 3 months ago

I feel like NRG sorta played average in the second half and Bili bili just pulled a sentinel and could not close. Idk nrg did a good job coming back but it didn't feel impressive. Bili bili had a couple rounds that they should have won in the second half which would have won the map.

posted 3 months ago

i cant lie, NRG got sorta lucky with how badly the second half is going for bili bili. should have closed it but they are pulling a sentinels and losing a game they should win.

posted 3 months ago

where are sacy and tenz when you need em smh

posted 3 months ago

I was indeed wrong, we are full of frauds

posted 3 months ago

saving strats fr

posted 3 months ago

vic has played legit every role and is sorta decent at most of them so it would be an easy add. Marved would work too but Vic cause you a flex.

posted 3 months ago

That being said, if victor signs with C9 while crashies signed with FNATIC, he gotta be sorta salty.

posted 3 months ago

TBH this is the most likely scenario. Just bookmark this post for later.

posted 3 months ago

I should have clarified I meant Americas but i wrote the past to fast lol.

posted 3 months ago

go through these teams and tell me which region has a deeper team pool than NA? It is legit just pacific. Should have clarified I mean Americas but i wrote the past to fast lol.

posted 3 months ago

If you look at the partnered teams in NA, I think they have the most competitive region in the world. The pacific region is great too but with Furia and Kru looking decent enough with their rosters, so in totality, NA is very competitive imo

I dont think our bottom teams could beat the top teams consistently in other regions but they could win a series or two.

I always viewed NA as having shitter teams like every region but this new Furia and Kru team could be good. MIBR with Aspas could be good, EG is always a frisky playoff team. Loud is my biggest question mark but overall we have some decent teams in NA.

posted 3 months ago

if they dont make a international NRG, this is probs even more embarrassing than last year IMO, though it would be close.

posted 3 months ago

If they clean up some stuff, they could make the playoffs. I am excited to watch them if they keep this roster through the first split. If they figure stuff out in the second half, they could be like KRU in the first season and make champions.

posted 3 months ago

What this isnt a promo tho. I was watching it today and thought it was a good point. I legit see this happening

posted 3 months ago

I watched TMVs video on the schedule for VCT and an interesting point he brought up was that teams who dont qualify for master toronot essentially have a 2 month break before stage 2. This could then lead to roster changes as the second half is technically worth more. I agree with him and I think you could see big roster changes with a 2 month gap is teams fail to qualify. Who do you think will most likely do bad in the first half and make roster changes for the second?

I think victor and Crashies could come in in the second half of VCT. Reduxx turns 18 during the vct seasons so I wonder if he could come in as well. But it will be interesting to see how it plays out.


posted 3 months ago

Vic had a wrist injury when teams started trialing which his unlucky. Though I think you could see them in VCT in the middle of the season. If you watch the TMV video you see there's around a 2 month gap between stage 1 and 2 for teams who did not qualify and you could probably see big changes around then. Stage 2 is more important so changes could make sense.

posted 3 months ago

We 2-0'd C9 who just 2-0'd G2 thus Sen > C9 > Fraud2

posted 3 months ago

sorta crazy team ngl. Im excited to see them play. Shocked crashies is not on the team tho.

posted 4 months ago

Im shocked but not shocked at the same time. Sorta sucks for him but I want them to bring in someone like Victor but Icy being mentioned is interesting too.

posted 4 months ago

why not just put narrate on Intiator and shift zellsis to sent or john to sent. Like in what world do you not put your world class initiator on the initiator role

posted 4 months ago

only probs i have is them picking up a world class initiator like narrate then putting him on sent. don't give me the BS of "oh well john used to played intiator and its easy to call and learning sent isn't hard".. if this was the game plan then why not just pick up less or someone who can perma viper and the sentinel role. Why would you ask someone who is world-class their respective role to switch? Just cause alf did it, does not mean everyone else can too. Narrate will be better but lets look at this scenario below and tell me what is better:

  1. Narrate on intiator where he is world class + johnqt on sent on which is good/great
  2. narrate on sent where is he good maybe great + johnqt on intiator on which he is average/good.

Unless the difference in calling is that much better in option 2, in what world do you choose it???

posted 4 months ago

Vernon played initiator in the grand finals???? Yes, he played sent, but look at how much better they played when he played a role he was comfortable with. Like, obviously, they played well before, but NRG looked so much better when your star players played on agents they are comfortable with.

Just cause narrate can learn to play sent, doesn't mean he should play that role. He would be the most impactful on initiator and you still have not explained your rationale at all.

posted 4 months ago

Yup this decision definitely looked great. You’re so smart. If you watched that NRG or EG game and thought narrate looked good on sentinel and Johns IGL on initiator was great then you’re delusional.

Tell me why sent got smoked by a team that only practiced for a week. A loss is fine cause it’s off season but this was embarrassing .

posted 4 months ago

the thing I dont understand as well. if you were gonna put him on sentinel then sign a legit sent player like Less instead of narrate. Who signs a guy like narrate and then put him on a role he typically doesn't play? Sign a world class sentinel or a guy who has experience playing this role

posted 4 months ago

its just an off season tourney but Narrate clearly doesn't look comfortable on Intiator. Why switch roles when Sen still played well with John on sent and you get a world class intiator.

Lets do a simple comparison:

Narrate world class intiator + Johnqt who is good on Sent >>>> Narrate okay on sent + johnqt who is more comfortable Calling and decent on this role.

Like what you lose from narrate trumps johns ability to call marginally better.

posted 4 months ago

pick up victor

posted 4 months ago

I aint hating on Sym but Victor would be a significantly better upgrade if he were to replace Sym. He has experience and honestly is better at every role that sym plays. He is also more versatile IMO. If you look at his stats, he is actually very good on A LOT of agents. Think EG could be sorta nice with Victor instead of sym. Or at least pick up koalanoob (assuming he is not signed).

posted 4 months ago

to be fair tenz doesnt give off "ultra competitive drive". he seemed like the type of guy who played for fun and cause he was good at it. He is dedicated sure, but he doesn't have that fire to compete IMO.

posted 4 months ago

i feel confused watching verno on sent but either they are testing things out or are hiding their comps. Tho this YT video may explain why its good:

posted 4 months ago

thats why im asking why he on sentinel lil bro.

posted 4 months ago

id say FNS without chet smh

posted 4 months ago

surely they dont keep this as the standard roles cause i will mald. If narrate ain't secondary duelist or initiator then i will mald.

posted 4 months ago

Was this explained on stream cause why do they got narrate on cypher and killjoy. My only explanation is that they arent playing their main comps till the actual season or close to the actual season. But why sign the guy to play him on a sentinel role...

posted 4 months ago

Sen losing by 0.1 was funny

posted 4 months ago

Pineapple belongs on Pizza.

posted 4 months ago

Welp, they picked up Gunter, so I'm happy enough. However, has anyone picked up the head coach of M80? Would think he would get a job.

Edit: Went to Navi so nvm

posted 5 months ago

call me a hater but even with Yay, that team will do nothing Americas and not sniff an international. This is assuming they don't pick up like Skuba or some great T2 talent. If EG picks up great T2 talent then I would understand her resigning.

posted 5 months ago

i like the poutine or chicken strips with fries. those always slap.

posted 5 months ago

For anyone saying "why be an assistant when she could resign and be a head coach....", you guys would choose to shoot yourself in the foot if that meant you had a higher-in-name title. What benefit does staying on EG get her? She could probs get paid more on SEN even as an assistant coach, and have a great team, org, fans, boss, and a chance to compete.

Staying on EG legit keeps you at the level of mediocrity cause they will not pay for a good team. If you are at a point in life where a title matters more than the overall situation then you are a fool.

posted 5 months ago

potter aint a downgrade bro. Also even having her as an assistant coach isn't bad for her. First she would probs get paid more simply for being on Sen, be on a competent org, have a great team, great owner and a real chance to compete.

posted 5 months ago
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