Flag: France
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Posts: 4447
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The failure of our countries representatives makes us yearn for the messiah

posted about a year ago

Yes! I got sentinels Vandal skin.

posted about a year ago

I have a thick ass

posted about a year ago

I am a bigboy. I am not in danger! 😇😃

posted about a year ago

The sentinels will ward over me and protect me! 😇

posted about a year ago

I want to wake up thinking of Sentinels. Not our glorious country's defeat

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately FNC 3-0. With enough time only Sentinels can beat them

posted about a year ago

That was old sen with d0ph. New sen is best team in the world. Just be patient

posted about a year ago

Did he speak about sentinels?

posted about a year ago

Sentinels would 3-0

posted about a year ago

No joke only truth

posted about a year ago

I like this idea!

posted about a year ago

EG reached their limits. Only sentinels have the individual talent to save us now

posted about a year ago

If Sen isnt involved nothing matters

posted about a year ago

You just lied

posted about a year ago

You are not from puerto rico

posted about a year ago

List to be updated (pls give suggestions)

Depressed tsm fan

posted about a year ago

Youre wrong. They are the real deal

posted about a year ago

Only sentinels can save america. FNC 3-0

posted about a year ago

Vlr says it starts in 1.5 hours. Is this not correct?

posted about a year ago

Idk about you but when i dont see any sentinels on the front page of vlr forum i get bored really quick. We need a lot more sentinels posts

posted about a year ago

Yes i like this idea

posted about a year ago

We play and win champs. You should purposely miss the flight so you can spare us another 0-4 event from you 🤣

posted about a year ago

We are gonna outscale them. They hit their ceiling in regular season. We however just got started

posted about a year ago

Loud 0-4 🤣🤣🤣 keep hiding im hole of shame

posted about a year ago

Who tf is zack

posted about a year ago

Nah they just dont wanna accept that we actually have this many fans so they cope and call everybody fake flagger.

posted about a year ago

We should watchparty for champs again after we qualify. Maybe even lcq

posted about a year ago

100 Thieves fucking suck

posted about a year ago

Fake flagger stealing my post. Typical dogshit tsm fan

posted about a year ago

Is this the future of vlr? Call everything you dont like bait?

I am open to feedback if you dont like the idea

posted about a year ago

Tonight will be a dark night for our glorious country. But let us not descend into a bottomless pit of despair my friends as there is hope on the horizon.

Tonight we shall weather the storm. Stomach the relentless beating we are bound to suffer. Our enemies will taunt and humiliate us but there will be a tomorrow! A new day! A new chapter.

The Brazillian overlords Loud have fallen, the old dynasty of Fenis has breathed its last breath and the ragtag band of EG couldnt make their run of their lifetimes last that one final step further.

But do not hang your heads in defeat my brothers. There is one more challenger. One last hero to lead us into battle. A fated return to our roots. To what made us great.

We are coming full circle. The return of the messiah.

The return of the Sentinels.

In this final battle they will lead us against the titan that is EMEA. Lead us to... Victory

Sentinels will will VCT Champions 2023 for our beautiful home country.

posted about a year ago

Na flags without Sentinels flair

posted about a year ago

No we should gather and pray for Sentinels to save us at champs. There is no other way. The messiah must return

posted about a year ago

We will come back to win champs and none of this will matter! 😎


posted about a year ago

Fnc will have to win another 3 events to reach our popularity

posted about a year ago

Youre a sentinels hating american. There is nothing thats less patriotic than that.

posted about a year ago

Noone cares about ELG. They dont draw no ratings bro

posted about a year ago

We were waiting for franchising before making the perfect team like fnc. Now that we kicked deadweight deph we're gonna start smurfing. We just needed some time

posted about a year ago

Fake flaggers

posted about a year ago

I dont know why youre talking like that when the only team in americas with potential is sentinels

posted about a year ago

posted about a year ago

Have you tried a therapist yet? If you find one who fits you they are op af. If you cant make it happen for some reason watch Dr.K on twitch/youtube. He is harvard psychiatrist doing amazing content for mental health. I think channel name is healthygamer_gg or smth. He helped me a lot.

posted about a year ago

I went through it from 2020-2022 in different severities. I made some good changes, sure, but Its interesting to see how much my mental state improved despite my situation remaining quite similar in some aspects i believed to mean a lot. Sometimes you just need to be patient as time will heal and help you process a lot of emotions. Just dont actively engage in negative thought loops and improve the conditions that bother you if you can. Tbh its best to have a therapist guide you through this.

posted about a year ago

You would jump off a bridge over a video game? I think you need a therapist

posted about a year ago

Is disagree. I dont see anybody but Sentinels in americas ready to win a international lan.

posted about a year ago

Yes it is

posted about a year ago

Showmatch mvp will be Tenz

posted about a year ago

Does it have anything to do with Sentinels? Otherwise i dont want to click virus link

posted about a year ago

Thank you! I will watch the vod.

posted about a year ago
1 •• 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 •• 86