Flag: France
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 7:18 PM
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mans forgetting that USA never had a good team without canada XDD

posted about a year ago

zzzzzz come back after champs #Nr6

posted about a year ago

they have good taste

posted about a year ago

5 players all indian. Qualifying for LANs.

Just imagine how vlr would look like then. The indians are funny. Would be interesting to see.

So... 3 years? 5? Never?


posted about a year ago

Do you hate hispanic minorities???

posted about a year ago

now they just need 4 new defenders 3 new attackers and a new goalie XDDD

posted about a year ago

Large majority of russian populations lives in Europe. Asian population is a minority

posted about a year ago

Okay so these teams are "good". But emea teams are "t2" lol. Only PRX and DRX have any chance of ever tasting gold. The others need big improvements

posted about a year ago

come back after champs #6

posted about a year ago

Money talks. And if the player wants it... Im not saying it WILL happen. I was exploring the possibility

posted about a year ago

come back after champs #6

posted about a year ago

I will believe you if they win a major someday

posted about a year ago

winning 5 (soon to be 6) majors in 3 years. More than all other regions combined

posted about a year ago

Im actually not. I like PRX. I think they are really fun and recently got very good again. But the region is the weakest. That is the truth

posted about a year ago

Okay now you are of course being incredibly disingenous. What else can you expect from anxious fanbases defending what they deem theirs.

I just mentioned that it would be a bonus. Not a KO criterion. Plus EU being a far more successful region is an even greater incentive.

posted about a year ago

Sure. If he prefers the money and lifestyle its a valid choice. Just GG if he wants to win meaningful trophies

posted about a year ago



Every other argument is a dumb waste of time

posted about a year ago

You dumfuk actually bring up forced rehoming as a comparison to an esports pro chosing a job. Nobody is forced here moron. As a 2nd gen immigrant myself i damn well understand what it means to have people you can feel connected to as a minority. Share language and culture. Immediately have a level of closeness to someone due to a common identity. You brainless white ass american talking you know anything about this is peak american liberalist speak.

You really are just showing that you have 0 idea what its like. Because this is not how your life is. Youre probably some bum ass anglo-majority in the US. Or some 10th gen immigrant with 0 roots left.

HE LIVED IN RUSSIA FOR NEARLY 2 DECADES. He played online for Japan for 3 years lmao. Idiot talking about his affinity to Japan lmao.

Now maybe he decides that he is fine without it. That he prefers NA money, or the free wins in pacific, or the exotic culture/lifestyle. We are individuals after all. But that doesnt change that these principles are very real and have a undisputable effect.

Anyway. My main point was EU being far better competetively anyway. 5 Majors > 0

posted about a year ago

You guys are so depraved of good players. You'll do anything you can to twist the truth to save that subpar region

posted about a year ago

TF are you even saying man. I doubt you even understand my "take" properly.

posted about a year ago

We will see if your assessment is true next year. I think theres is plenty of guys with higher ceilings.

posted about a year ago

EU major winners:

Gambit, Acend, FPX, FNC x2

Thats 4 different teams in 3 years.


There is your answer. In EU a new team can always emerge. In Apac noone ever did

posted about a year ago

If they dont win masters, Jing leaves and KOI gets aggressive on the market after the disappointment it could happen

posted about a year ago

There are so many insane duelists in the region. Fiti isnt bad but you handicap yourself so much by insisting on him.

posted about a year ago

Unfortunate how Italys best players arent italian though

posted about a year ago

To actually win a major. Cant do that from APAC

posted about a year ago

He is russian. Over a 5th of EMEA players are Russian. On KOI he would have Sheydos and trexx. On Giants Cloud. + In Berlin he can socialize with all the other russian players from the other teams.

You my friend are the idiot.

the game has been out for 3 years. This japan shit means nothing. He spent his entire life in russia.

Again on the raad comment. You are dumb as rocks.

posted about a year ago

Koi with something would whoop PRX

posted about a year ago


Schizo - Duelist
Depress0r - Smokes
BipolaryzeD - Flex
Psychosis - Initiator
PARAN0YA - Sentinel

posted about a year ago

...had language issues? I didnt say it never works but i prefer introducing them to tier 1 through a turkish team

posted about a year ago

Trexx and Sheydos are world class players. Sheydos gambit legend and trexx is like sayf and leo before they made the switch. Underrated.
Adding something would bring this team quite close to becoming a very serious team.

posted about a year ago

so you consider my honest discussion posts hate?

posted about a year ago

i am somewhat sceptical of putting turkish players on international teams. The are initial language issues most of the time.

posted about a year ago


Very.... Promising team. Sure

posted about a year ago

Quitioner is way too good to replace. And cned is performong for Navi. Their issues arent individual skill

posted about a year ago

Here is my comment buried in the other post. There is a lot of talent rotting in the regionals in favour of washed old legacy pros. Do you disagree with the roles/chemistry? Do you prefer other names? Do you want to kick other players?

Please share your ideas. Its a lot of work to watch all regionals so give your needed input to the discussion.

Koi: Sheydos, Trexx, Something, Koldamenta, MONSTEERR <-- maybe needs new igl too???

Giants: Nukkye, Cloud, Hoody, Rhyme, Something/Marteen

Vitality: Cender, Bonecold, Keiko/Marteen, Molsi, Destrian

KCorp: Scream, Nivera, Sh1n, Enzo, Logan

Heretics: Avova, Boo, TakaS/Tomaszy/Sociable/Izzy, Musashi/Yaboilewis, Mixwell (replace him as soon as possible too)

BBL: QutionerX, Soucni, Elite, Ruxic, Brave

Really disappointed in Fireflux so i didnt include some of the names youd expect. Athletics deserve the nod.

Players that are great but i failed to include:
Mistic, Jugi, Alive, Wackie, Davih, Magnum, Kadavra, L1nk, baddyG

Watched literally 0 MENA and Germany + very little spain so i cant help you there.

posted about a year ago

Ah yes geographical proximity is more relevant that cultural homogenity/affinity?

posted about a year ago

Do you think theyre ever gonna be able to consistently win events like EU? Or at least ocassionally like Americas? Because DRX hasnt made any signs of making that last needed step. It feels like they are stagnating/declining actually. And PRX is about to lose Jing after they just managed to escape their year long slump.

What upcoming teams or players do you look at to convince yourself of the future of the region?

posted about a year ago

Well they have on shot. Champs. After that Jingg is gone.

Theyre not exactly more likely to win without him so if they fail at champs he could easily want to leave

posted about a year ago

Its his first t1 contract. Do you actually think theres significant money on that?

posted about a year ago

Pacific never wins. If he wants to win a major moving to eu is his best shot. Especially now that Jing is about to leave.

posted about a year ago

Jing is leaving; It is his home region with a load of russian players; Asia has never won a trophy, whereas multiple different eu teams have.

How long is his contract? Thats the only potential issue.

posted about a year ago

Deservedly so. King region

posted about a year ago

I just want to kick mixwell, keloqz and aslan from those two teams. The others are optional anyway

posted about a year ago

Koi: Sheydos, Trexx, Something, Koldamenta, MONSTEERR <-- maybe needs new igl too???

Giants: Nukkye, Cloud, Hoody, Rhyme, Something/Marteen

Vitality: Cender, Bonecold, Keiko/Marteen, Molsi, Destrian

KCorp: Scream, Nivera, Sh1n, Enzo, Logan

Heretics: Avova, Boo, TakaS/Tomaszy/Sociable/Izzy, Musashi/Yaboilewis, Fizzy

BBL: QutionerX, Soucni, Elite, Ruxic, Deepmans

Really disappointed in Fireflux so i didnt include some of the names youd expect. Athletics deserve the nod.

Players that are great but i failed to include:
Mistic, Jugi, Alive, Wackie, Davih, Magnum, Kadavra, L1nk, baddyG

Watched literally 0 MENA and Germany + very little spain so i cant help you there.

posted about a year ago EU?

Unlike burger lovers like ardis who go to burger country most players play in their home regions. Do you think a top tier Emea team is gonna nab him? Multiple teams like Giants or Koi (if they kick starxo too) would be brought to an elite level with that signing and could seriously compete for trophies if things go right.

posted about a year ago

Im glad for you guys. A new chapter for valorant begins

posted about a year ago

I will necro you...

posted about a year ago

pickems always so late smh

posted about a year ago
  1. Leo
  2. Chronicle
  3. Derke
  4. Alfajer
  5. Forsaken
  6. Aspas
  7. Shao
  8. Sayf
  9. Mako
  10. Less/Suygetsu

Nats, Crashies, Demon1, Boostio, Ethan, Kangkang, Leaf, Something, Jing, Pancada, Marved, Cned, Ardis,

I typed out a pool of players that came to mind and went from there. I'm leaving the rest of the names to show my thought process. They are the honorable mentions i suppose.

I'm not going full reactonary like most people here and try to maintain a more longterm view.

posted about a year ago
1 •• 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 •• 86