Flag: France
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 1:05 PM
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They stomped their only match. Tf do you want em to do

posted about a year ago

We dont concern ourself with lower bracket

posted about a year ago

You confused? Superior region beat china. Yours did not

posted about a year ago

Well this year EU wins 3/3 s tier events so who cars?

posted about a year ago

I dont have dream matches only correct predictions. Which is FNC vs TL

posted about a year ago

well they have to give americas a way to advance

posted about a year ago

i didnt specify a timeframe. And nobody stops you from being smart about it.

posted about a year ago

TL 2-1
FNC 2-0

posted about a year ago

Americas region got exposed as trash

posted about a year ago

Cope harder

posted about a year ago

fuck off with that tate shit. Pursue happiness and nothing else. Whatever that means to him

posted about a year ago

Why fantasize about scenarios with <10% chance of happening?

posted about a year ago

You meant bottom 4 vro?

posted about a year ago

Americas clears #1 seed loses to EDG

posted about a year ago

FNC 2-0
TL 2-1

posted about a year ago

Put more effort into your posts vro

posted about a year ago

Mad? Im chilling with my bet payouts after the last 2 days gifting myself something nice.

posted about a year ago

Lets see what dumbfuck narratives have already been disproven so far:

1. Americas best region
#1 Loud got stomped by chinese team and #2 NRG got stomped by FNC. EG only beat their own region to advance.

2. Fraudnatic overrated
See NRGs fate (stomped)

3.Shitmea one team region
See TL vs EDG (won) compared to Loud vs EDG (stomped)

4.TL weak, only barely beat chinese team
Bye bye Loud Kkkkkkkkkkkkk 🤣

To the few idiots still doubting the superiority of EU i cant wait for second round of this post after FNC vs TL finals 🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

When does Loud play, Bronzillian?

posted about a year ago

Just woke up and watched Loud get smashed 🤣🤣🤣

Loud = FNC 🔥💯

Loud era 🔥💯

Americas best region 🔥💯

You guys never learn. Sad thing is you actually believe your BS its not even bait 🤣🤣🤣

Another tournament another piece of undeniable proof of
EU > Americas

posted about a year ago

They beat EDG you clown. How is Loud in there then? Sad thing is you actually think youre unbiased.

posted about a year ago

proceeds to lose another event to EU

posted about a year ago

There isnt really anybody tbh. EG and TL are the the only 2 remotely possible options.

posted about a year ago

Even baiters have better takes he is a menace

posted about a year ago

Come back after TL vs FNC finals

posted about a year ago

Yes, you understand.

posted about a year ago

DRX too bad unfortunately. But EDG clears

posted about a year ago

Yes they smurfed it. You dont want 100T at a Lan

posted about a year ago

Caring most about your own team makes 100% sense. But not even showing up for the others is bs man. Except for loud games the missing lockin crowds were depressing to watch...

If Japan had Zeta here you would see they are the perfect crowd

posted about a year ago

How can a stadium cheer when its empty 💀

posted about a year ago

Still no integrity. Classic bronzil

posted about a year ago

DRX too bad unfortunately. But EDG will actually 2-0, no bait.

posted about a year ago

Post of a goal

posted about a year ago

Have you admited yet that tokyo crowd is 100 times better than yours. Many of you were coping saying all crowds are like that. So have the integrity to admit being wrong (without moving goalposts).

posted about a year ago

EDG 2-1
NRG 2-0

posted about a year ago

Tell me again how this aged americas nuthuggers?

Keep doubting fewls.

posted about a year ago

They yearn for the days of prime sentinels. Last time NA ever prevailed over EU.

Be embarrassed that this is your best team. They dicked EG already so dont start with that and Liquid will dispatch them easily.

All the delusional fanboys and americuck baiters should know their place in the pecking order now.

They never learn...

posted about a year ago

Is this match gonna end Subreezys baiter career? Yes, it will.

posted about a year ago

Nobody gives a fuck about your shit opinions.

posted about a year ago

he is not a hasan fan he is spelling his name wrong lol. he is baiting edgy cucklords like you

posted about a year ago

Freeest event since champs 21 actually

posted about a year ago

Loud #1? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Where are the Brazilians now? Lost to a team with mid af individual players. Your region is so doomed 😆💀💀😆

Thanks EG btw for giving TL an easy pass to upper finals 👍

posted about a year ago

You have won 0 champs and half the s tier trophies. Sit down americuck

posted about a year ago

TL 2-0. youre riding the high it makes you delusional

posted about a year ago

I always love comments like yours the most. Gonna feel so nice to see you squirm when they pervail as tgey always do

posted about a year ago

Come back to this when Loud is browsing plane tickets back home after the match

posted about a year ago

You got issues

posted about a year ago

Mid ass EG stomped Loud XDDDD. Go book the plane tickets already

posted about a year ago

Cant wait for inevitable cope after EG lose.

posted about a year ago

Sayf gaps everyone this tournament. Its so free for Liquid. First time EG play a good team now and it will be their last

posted about a year ago
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