Flag: France
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Posts: 4447
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Best french team

posted about a year ago

Mate Koi had Sheydos, Kolda and Starxo. Name wise that is a good roster.

posted about a year ago

very fun!

posted about a year ago

i have never tried this. Im not sure if its even available in my country

posted about a year ago

if only i believed this to be connected...

posted about a year ago

... for uni exam.

Give me motivation speech pls.

posted about a year ago

Acend 2-1

posted about a year ago

Literally one tokyo spot behind your second best you dumb mofo

posted about a year ago

You getting nervous doubters?

posted about a year ago

2 Losers jerking each other off zzzzzz. You can stop nobody is watching

posted about a year ago

im sorry i just crashed my car. what did you say?

posted about a year ago

you have to be a notable person for that

posted about a year ago

i hope you have to walk through a lot of storms...

posted about a year ago

Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
For your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

posted about a year ago

its free money. go bet

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cloud nukkye core is world class. with the firepower of tomaszy they are an actual LAN threat

posted about a year ago

i do

posted about a year ago

if not acend it would have been gambit or liquid so whats your point.

posted about a year ago

Legendary org. First world champions. History is on the verge of returning to the vct.

posted about a year ago

yes because people only talk about players from winning teams when there are so much more

posted about a year ago

this ellement guy is cracked. also wackie marteen, izzy, sociable, elite, ruxic and more. Theres plenty of talent

posted about a year ago

alive is nuts. monsterr and musashi i like too. baddyg can play better than he does now

posted about a year ago

who will you sign when sacy e pancada come back to us?

posted about a year ago

I have to say that i think alot of vlr people say things just to say things at this point in time. You may have something to say or say things just to say things i dont know. WHat i have to say though is that vlr as a collective say things just to say things more than i deem appropriate and good.

posted about a year ago

at this point im rooting for apeks to lose...

posted about a year ago

Then i hope you only say things when you have something to say in the future

posted about a year ago

Things i have to say

posted about a year ago

we just say things just to say things. Not saying this becauase you have smething to say but saying thing becasue you want to just to say things.
So many things saying but nothing to say...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the other teams had to sandbag so NA doesnt leave for another game again

posted about a year ago

having highlight plays =I= carrying . Consistent value is the most valuable thing

posted about a year ago

i want to break free

posted about a year ago

Nukkye is rank 6 EMEA this split. Cloud is rank 10. 0.02 difference. Both great but put some respect on Nukkyes name

posted about a year ago

wdym Nukkye is world class

posted about a year ago

CIS is part of EU... Stop this bullshit

posted about a year ago

It is all about financial stability and being able to make orgs act in ways riot likes. (Content, financial security and other efforts to further the scene). Which is not a bad thing itself but it does impair pure competition.

posted about a year ago

Acho que eles superestimam a quantidade e a importância dos torneios de terceiros na entressafra, e é por isso que decidiram dessa forma. A única maneira de salvar esta temporada é ter alguns eventos com grandes campos e grandes prêmios. Talvez a Riot devesse ajudar este ano e ajudar a financiar isso, já que a culpa é deles. Mas estou convencido de que eles mudarão isso no ano que vem e farão a ascensão depois do evento Champs para que a temporada seja muito menos congestionada e abafada pelo T1. E a temporada começará mais cedo, é claro

posted about a year ago

Calma, mano. Eles já disseram que vão mudar isso. E acho que você não está levando em conta o fato de que muitas organizações estavam apenas no jogo com a esperança de entrar na liga franqueada. Muitas já saíram. Outras esperavam que pudessem ascender, mas talvez não achem que seja realista agora.

Mas, de qualquer forma, elas certamente mudarão isso. É muito fácil retornar à liga T2.

posted about a year ago

Eles atrasaram os pagamentos ou os jogadores exigem o pagamento integral da duração do contrato?

posted about a year ago

O fato de a equipe não pagar aos jogadores o que lhes é devido não é culpa do Riot. Mas, sim, o liga da Tier 2 está foda.

posted about a year ago

Sou a pessoa menos falsa do Brasil, amigo

posted about a year ago

Why ironic? I Supported Flamengo since i was a kid as it is my hometown club. But even if you cant do that. Choose someone that speaks to you rather than a plastic product Just because theyre good. Every top club is pretty plastic these days. You are so boring gringo

posted about a year ago

Por que você é sempre tão odioso comigo? Isso machuca meus sentimentos.

posted about a year ago

Não estou usando uma bandeira falsa e espero que você esteja certo

posted about a year ago

Por que você escolhe usar o idioma gringo?

posted about a year ago

gringo dont understand...

posted about a year ago

Acho que você não deveria estar rindo da nossa equipe, mano

posted about a year ago

Então, todo mundo que tem medo do futuro do nosso time deve ser gringo?

posted about a year ago

Não sei por que você pensa assim, irmão

posted about a year ago
1 •• 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 •• 86