Flag: France
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Posts: 4447
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??? What are you talking about Gringo?

posted about a year ago

Desde que fomos humilhados em Tóquio, você ainda acredita nessa equipe? Claro que Aspas, Less e Saadhak provaram seu valor, mas você acha que os outros dois são bons o suficiente? Tuyz parece ser a pessoa mais fácil de deixar de lado. Você mantém o Cauanzin ou tenta recuperar a equipe antiga para o próximo ano? Não sei se acredito que a equipe atual possa vencer um torneio. Perdi toda a esperança. A Champions foi apenas o cenário perfeito para nós que não pode se repetir? Dêem-me esperança, pessoal, por favor.

posted about a year ago

he should be working on the content team imo

posted about a year ago

tmv haters are so weird ... that guy gets a bad rep for no reason

posted about a year ago

Ever considered your regional club? Bandwagoning the top teams is so lame to me

posted about a year ago

yet people dont want to acknowledge liquid.... hypocrisy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

where is Loud???

Keep living in your delusions. Since FNC started dominating you gotta find something to cope about i guess

posted about a year ago

Navi lost to fnc in semis at lockin and Liquid the second best eu team finished just one spot behind Americas 2nd best NRG at Masters.

On top of that FNC gaps everyone.

You dont want to face reality but EU is just better

posted about a year ago

since always. If you disagreed with black people being equal = racist. Same with trans now.

You are the problem

posted about a year ago

you mean musashi?

posted about a year ago

they should keep it that way.

posted about a year ago

Alright, alright, here we go
Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on, let's have some fun
Together, we're there for each other every time
Together, together, come on, let's do this right

Here and now, it's time for celebration
I finally figured out, yeah, yeah
That all our dreams (uh) have no limitations
That's what it's all about (come on now)
Everyone is special in their own way

We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
We're not the same
We're different in a good way
Together's where we belong

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that

We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on, let's have some fun
Together, we're there for each other every time
Together, together come on, let's do this right

We're all here
And speaking out with one voice
We're going to rock the house, yeah, yeah
The party's on, now everybody make some noise
Come on, scream and shout

We've arrived
Because we stuck together
Champions one and all
We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that

We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it

We're all in this together
Once we see
There's a chance
That we have
And we take it

posted about a year ago

whats utopia

posted about a year ago

its really obvious and should be a yearly thing. It would be huge

posted about a year ago

Riot is doing a terrible job at hyping up their events so far

posted about a year ago

Its Americas what do you expect...

posted about a year ago

I am necroing this because it is necessary i dont care...

posted about a year ago

im never sure if youre trolling or not so im not gonna engage in coversation till i know

posted about a year ago

man just stop being an arse. idk what to say man.

Youre being dicks when it would cost you 0 dollars to be decent

posted about a year ago

showing basic humanity is nothing special so i dont think that, no

posted about a year ago

fucking china is making my wifi bug out...

and they let their dogs poo on my lawn too

posted about a year ago

If you have racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, islamophobic, antisemetic and whatever else kind of opinion you just type "If i speak" so the other cool kids know you are cool too!

Try it now and meet new vlr friends who are great people!

posted about a year ago

why do you guys have nobody?

posted about a year ago

so uk people wear skirts

posted about a year ago

El rei

posted about a year ago

Serious crimes

posted about a year ago

I guess people just generally dont like the sight and feeling of messieness. Its just a cultural norm. You certainly have some too that dont necessarily make practical sense. Thats just the way societies work.

posted about a year ago

Stuff like burgers, pizza, nuggets and more are generally eaten by hand in the west too. Its things that make your hands too messy that arent. Buts its not a black and white thing. More of a spectrum type deal.

posted about a year ago

i cited evidence from the site you linked...

posted about a year ago

I am trying to unite our divided people through knowledge of one another and defeat racism.

posted about a year ago

Out of all the rats, white rats are held specifically sacred as they are believed to be the incarnations of Karni Mata and her sons.

posted about a year ago

I will always love India for blessing the world with their food. Its just the nr.1 best on the planet. <3

posted about a year ago

The Karni Mata rat temple is dedicated to the 25,000 rats who inhabit it

posted about a year ago

fly to the city of Kawasaki for the first Sunday in April

posted about a year ago

Most Indians Eat With Their Hands
It is a custom in India to eat with your hands, and you will notice the locals will not use any cutlery. Instead, they eat everything with their hands, including foods such as vegetables, sauces, rice, and more. If you want to do as the Indians do, try and eat with your hands while you are there.
It is a fun practice. However, make sure to eat with your right hand rather than your left. As the left hand is meant for activities like cleaning your bottoms or feet.

70% Of The Spices Worldwide Come From India
If there is one thing India is known for, it is producing an incredible number of spices that are shipped throughout the world. Around 70% of the spices in the world come from India.
Of course, you might also have heard of the common spices, which include chili powder, saffron, cumin, and turmeric, but there are also many unique ones that are reflected in the strong flavors of Indian cuisine.

There Is A Temple Of Rats In Rajasthan
There are many unique things about animals in India, including the fact that cows are sacred. However, there is also a temple in Rajasthan that is dedicated to the worship of rats. Thousands of rats are present in this temple, and even pilgrims visit it annually for their religious traditions.

It Has One Of The Highest Populations Of Vegetarians
It is no surprise that India has the highest population of vegetarians in the world. That is because between 15 and 30% of the people in India follow a strictly vegetarian diet.
Of course, vegetarianism in the country is so widespread that even large fast-food chains offer vegetarian menus. Don’t forget to try out vegetarian dishes when you visit India.
Another fun fact about India to note is that they use the term “non-veg” to describe meat dishes. So you will typically find veg and non-veg segments in restaurant menus.

posted about a year ago

The Japanese live (almost) the longest
Second only to Hong Kong, the life expectancy in Japan is 84, which is 3 years higher than in the United Kingdom.

In Japan there is 1 vending machine for every 24 people
With 5 million vending machines- Japan has the highest density in the world. Batteries, ramen, sake, umbrellas. flowers- you name it and the vending machines probably stock it.

Japanese cuisine has a meat dish made of horse
Basashi is a popular regional Japanese dish, consisting of raw horsemeat slices with ginger and onions.

About 1500 earthquakes strike Japan every year
The frequency of the earthquakes is caused by the location of the country across three tectonic plates called the “Pacific Ring of Fire”.

Japan has a festival dedicated to the phallus
This Shinto festival is known as Kanamara Matsuri (かなまら祭り), which literally translates to the Festival of the Steel Phallus. The festival is celebrated in the city of Kawasaki on the first Sunday in April.
The phallus is the star of the festival, and everything is phallic-shaped in its honour. This includes candy, carved vegetables, and decorations. The highlight is the mikoshi parade, which sees large decorated phalluses paraded in a float shaped like a shrine.
The origin of the festival comes from an old Shinto fable. Legend has it that a demon once hid in the private parts of a goddess and bit off two of her suitors’ penises on their wedding night. A blacksmith then created an iron phallus, which broke the demon’s teeth and caused it to flee.
The shrine is a haven for prostitutes and people suffering from sexually-transmitted diseases to seek prayer and protection. People also pray for fertility, marriage, and businesses.
Today, the festival is an LGBTQ-friendly event as it also promotes inclusiveness. The money raised from the festival is then donated to HIV research.

Sumos compete to make babies cry first
Every April, the 400-year-old Naki Sumo Baby Crying Festival takes place in Sensoji Temple. Parents bring their children to the festival in the hopes of ensuring good health, and sumos will carry them onstage and try to make them cry. Some of them pull a scary face or yell at the babies to try and get them to wail. If all else fails, a scary mask is used to get them going.
While it may be weird to voluntarily make your child cry, it is believed that by getting babies to bawl, they can chase off any demons who are lurking nearby.

posted about a year ago

Indonesia has the world’s biggest ‘young’ population
Indonesia is the home to 165 million people under the age of 30, compared to only 8% of the Indonesian population being older than 60 years of age. Although a relatively effective family planning programme was implemented in Indonesia in 1964, Indonesia’s population growth is projected to surpass the present population of the United States should nothing change.

Indonesia and Monaco have the exact same flag
A strip of red at the top and a strip of white at the bottom, the Indonesian flag hardly seems the most creative or the most painstakingly thought-out in the world. While Poland’s flag is the reverse flag (white on top and red on the bottom), Indonesia and Monaco have completely identical flags, the only difference being that Indonesia’s flag is slightly wider.

Indonesia still enforces the death penalty - by firing squad
Capital punishment methods in Indonesia have not changed since 1964 and the death penalty is enforced only in very severe cases of drug trafficking or murder. Prisoners often spend a long time in jail before their death sentence penalty is carried out. This occurs after trial court, two appellate courts and then the consideration of clemency by the Indonesian president. Failing all of this, prisoners and their families are given 72-hours’ notice of their pending execution that usually takes place on Nusa Kambangan Island. The prisoner is woken up in the middle of the night, blindfolded and taken to an unknown, remote location where they have the option of standing or sitting, and are executed by a firing squad of armed soldiers.

posted about a year ago

What is blud wafflin about...

posted about a year ago

UNBAN Yessirskiii !!!!

posted about a year ago

wtf is this the racists list?

posted about a year ago

Some of the japanese on here today need to go back to their anime instead of attacking indos

posted about a year ago

I dont know what this mean. Is this an aim community thing?

posted about a year ago

All apeks zzzzzz. Boring answers no courage

posted about a year ago

Sooo.... we had enough time ro reflect and think about it.

Who ascends to VCT EMEA next year?

posted about a year ago

dont act like you ever had sex vro...

posted about a year ago

Canada... more like lame-ada... right?

posted about a year ago

Seems like you were wrong.

posted about a year ago
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