The problem i have with "varying opinions are born from ignorance" is the fact that, no one can change someone else unless they want to change themselves first, whether someone is ignorant or not, whether they want to change that will be down to them not some random person telling their perspective, and if someone chooses to stay ignorant why should i take time out of my life and try to change that, i don't need to do that.
for the 4th , i'm not saying it will be impossible, as i said and as historically has been proven, these people will always fight an uphill battle, and it's fine to explain and try to make others understand why they should support their cause, but plainly blanketing a bunch of terms which are known to have bad connotation towards it and makes a person look bad because they share their opinion which is not the same as the other makes an argument against their point plainly unfair off the jump, that isn't very good "equality" is it, someone isn't great because they can convince a room full of people already convinced of their point of view that they are right, but rather the person who is willing to go into an unfair circumstance and still fight for what they believe is right, imo.
For the 5th, i personally learn based off fact and studies rather than off my personal opinion most of the time, but most of the time i don't absorb any of these social justice issues because frankly it doesn't effect me, and I'm grateful for that, don't get me wrong, the problem i have is people making every action they do or every action they take based off the fact this person agrees or disagrees with me, that sounds very immature to me, i would rather just let that person believe what they want to believe and i'll go on holding my values strong, towards the end of it "marginalized groups" comment, i believe if they genuinely feel their point is valid, they should fight as hard as they can to convince as many people as they can that their way is the right way to go about the issue going forwards, u don't win people over by calling them bigots and labelling them as transphobes/sexists/racists etc, u win them over by sitting down and having a good talk with them, without judgement and bias.
i also wanna say, i appreciate that u were able to sit down and have a conversation about it with me, because instead of leaving with anger we both left with different perspectives as we considered before, and that was the purpose of my previous message, i personally don't mess with people who would rather insult than give realistic actual points towards an issue.