Flag: United States
Registered: November 18, 2021
Last post: January 4, 2025 at 12:09 AM
Posts: 18

Guild cooked for their whole existence, kinda sad they didnt make it into franchising

posted 1 month ago

xcc has been gone since October and carpe has a contract until 2026.

Edit: VLR says xcc left in Oct but I can't find an actual source

posted 1 month ago

5 regions, 3 teams per region and the winning region from the last masters/champions gets a 4th ez

posted 4 months ago

mad respect for the dedication, I really like the direction they've had with Stax and iZu. I feel good things for Korean Valo next year

posted 5 months ago

I am a Zeta/PRX fan. I have a decent proficiency in Japanese (self-taught, I started years ago) and so I am biased towards Zeta and Laz (RIP my goat). I don't tend to follow specific teams but moreso who is interesting to watch. PRX was my first love in Valo esports. A lot of teams have been very good, but only Optic have been as interesting to watch consistently. PRX made their own game despite the odds and have still come out as one of the most successful Valo orgs to date. They are incerdibly fun to watch, in both officials and on their personal streams. Everything about this team since Berlin 2021 has sent dopamine into my brain, from the Benkai walkouts to the Jinggg and f0rsaken tete moments. I will always support the organization and players, and they have even made me want to travel to MY/SG/ID and experience/study the languages and cultures for myself.

posted 5 months ago

bruh his team picked up a bunch of rookies to rebuild for the next year/future (2025 AND ONWARD). Mako has been consistently a top controller globally since he debuted in Berlin 2021. Homeboy also picked up IGLing for the first time this year trying to fill the massive void Stax left. Do not disrespect my god if you don't know wtf you're talking about. I'm a Zeta/PRX fan too, not even a Korean coper.

posted 5 months ago

dude is scrolling back to 3 month old tweets to cope. Aspas might not be on that list but you can't watch his games and logically say that he isn't one of the best players to ever touch the game. look beyond numbers bro use your brain

posted 9 months ago

He has been a staple of world-class Overwatch since before 2018. He is one of the best players mechanically (better than all previous converted OW players) to ever touch Overwatch. He is a multiple season MVP candidate, although he never won. This guy is incredible and I hope he quickly adapts to the pro Val scene because this guy will without a doubt give us highlights comparable to the best Val aimers in the world. Look up his OW highlights, he's actually a monster.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like you look at the team wrong. It's not they wanted cNed over Ardiis, but rather Ardiis wanted another team and cNed is probably the next best guy. There are a few other names you could throw in, but cNed is easily T3 in terms of people to take Ardiis' spot. He is both an EMEA champion and World Champion. He is proven across multiple LANs and has a similar individual peak to Ardiis. I do think Ardiis fit the vibe that FPX established this year more than Charles Ned, but I don't think it's a downgrade. He is most likely a side-grade and we should be okay with that. This core was one of the best in the world this year and there is no reason to believe that will change next year.

posted about 2 years ago

Not native but I study languages as a hobby, but I would recommend reading a lot. Don't worry about the level of the material as long as you push yourself. My biggest regret as a learner is that I wish I had better speakers than myself to practice alongside. If you need specific help lmk, I like to teach

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like Nismo is being hella slept on rn. Imagine a roster like BcJ, dephh, Ayrin, Nismo, Dicey. I don't see how this team is that different from old XSET besides the fact that Dicey and Nismo are unproven at majors. I have these 2 as some of the best talent in NA that hasn't been to a major yet. I haven't seen one person mention Nismo in all the rostermania posts and I don't know why. The dude absolutely styled on everyone in Stage 2 and yeah Ghost fell flat in playoffs, but Nismo is a star that will prove himself.

posted about 2 years ago

actually yeah wow good shit bro

posted about 2 years ago

Champions 2021
Paper Rex

posted about 2 years ago

i forgot about samuraiDeeper, rCk, and TviQ, but you got so many people i didnt recognize. its crazy how many overwatch players have tried to make it in valorant

posted about 2 years ago

JessieVash most versatile esports pro all time no cap

posted about 2 years ago

they play on VPNs, the game isn't officially released in china, but some risk it anyway

posted about 2 years ago

juv3nile (TSM coach)



hypoc (caster)



all pulled from Liquipedia

posted about 2 years ago