If not one of the best gaming sense when he was at t2 , his util usage since Pear have been immaculate and usually have the best timings.
Flag: | Philippines |
Registered: | November 29, 2023 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 10:51 AM |
Posts: | 1167 |
If not one of the best gaming sense when he was at t2 , his util usage since Pear have been immaculate and usually have the best timings.
Depends if Patrick is just that good on duelist. but considering both udotan and patrick trialed for duelist, they'll propably give that role back to him
GE is this good with a sub, where PatrickWHO is supposedly the one in that spot specifically. Remember that this outperformed everyone who was trying out at the same time, If they're this good with Deryeon then imagine their team skill level with PatrickWHO. I'm gonna expect this guy to be demon1 but at the same time, I just want him to perform just as good as deryeon or better .
sidenote: Deryeon the next CGRS?
I drew Tenz on the back of it, so there is some sentimental value
GE is gonna win this, no shot are they gonna lose to primmie and friends. Global esports means GLOBAL!!, Were winning with this one and I will bet my left nut and Thermometer on this.
Log in valorant
Planned on doing a 8 hour ranked run
played 3 death matches
got less than 10kills on all of them.
Quit Game.
If I played, I would've went down a couple ranks. Remember to know your limits gugs
Recent update where there's rank shield that prevents you from demoting a rank but it only works at the first tier (silver 1, gold 1, etc), what are the thoughts on this? Since for me it feels like there's gonna be more boosted accounts but at the same time it helps the inconsistent players.
Unfortunate for invy and Jremy strays, but man I hate TS (jessie specifically)
the potential for them to rise is there, I will be supporting them all the way as this team will make it far than TS will ever be
Join the GE Flair, the team secret bullshit will never be tolerated if no one will support them
Beating TS was only the first step brother, RIsing further than TS will ever place will be the True Win.
watch as they add either add Dubstep or NDG. TS is gonna pull a Vanity
Yes, This is the stand I am taking to be against TS. join me
that Implies, he's gonna leave this roster. which is not happening
TS don't even have the most annoying fanbase, there's 10 other teams that are worse. But yeah LMAO, this team will never ever be good if they dont change.
I have prayed for this match to go the way it is since the GE roster Leak. I fucking hate Jessie's management so much that I have made GE my flair, I was once a TS fan so I wanted them to change management and roster but instead not doing so from his stupid nepotism. I wanted them to pick up different new talents instead of NDG and others. GE winning this will show that new talents from PH scene can go far and show them of their stupidity. I swear man, this team is like C9 but nepotism
with the deepest hatred to jessievash .-Former TS fan
Good one, implies hes gonna leave TS at some point
locally btw, GE is actually good now since this team is able to constantly change roster. while PRX will forever stagnate
that would be good for the team but Tejoexists now.Tejo now heavily counters KJ, and Cypher isnt as good but still is somewhat viable. It feels like back to square 1 with these agents.
Papi just hit a 1v4 and won them the round, PAtrickwho was supposedly to be in the roster btw. I've seen it all, give them the trophy already
aint no way a PRX fan talking about other teams being mid in 2025
fake fan, true GE Globers would never doubt the team
GE's first match of the entire season btw. and its 1-1 now so why are you overreacting, you're not a true fan when the team just lost single match then started to call them embarassing
what are you yapping about?? This is a 2-1 situation. theyre only giving TS a chance for competition purposes
100t and sen always go on their way to fight each other, and its peak everytime
EG Derrek and EG stellar would go crazy
nah, just wanted to ask why c9 keeps picking him over other players
can someone tell what something that makes this guy good in a way that C9 keep readding him to the roster. Theres like a bunch of talent from t2 and some free agents all around but somehow Vanity is the one to keep chosen over them.
I would be more surprised if he appears anywhere other than C9 at this point
since his release to the public, a bunch of players from all rank have propably tried him by now. So what are your thoughts about his strength in your Rank?
My favorite ape, I like how they're uniquely Orange
Oh wow that's bad. Considering that Brazil has the most taxes , it feels like just having it existing in the country bumps up the price. at that point in 3-4 years AMD could have made a gpu at that time with the same performance but with cheaper pricing, I'd even say intel would be catching up at that point in lesser years.
I'm not brazilian, Can someone bring an estimate or explain how bad those pricing are?
Less points on the bangkok masters is feeding the Mickey mouse allegations
Tejo definitely isnt OP. he's like good at minimum. I've seen pros make work with "'weak" agents and have them work, then again those agents aren't meta right now but it does show that He can and could played in many possibilities in pro comps
alot of people are gonna say that the 1st Masters are flukes , but I would say that its not only Better to win it compared to the other master and is if not the foundation of Entertainment . A competitive tournament where people Fight out with bold and new agent comps that the pro scene still hasn't seen yet, resulting in more Improvisation with their comps and calling. This is personally more entertaining than having every team play the same meta agent comps, I'm glad Tejo is there to bring that surprise .
The only good thing about it is the celestia skins , but depending on the knife animation it could go from meh to ok. Either way, people are only buying this for the radianite
It's fair that people whine though, his abilities has some clear issues that people can see and its good this way considering Riot could nerf it early. Like how the ult with its damage is an instant site win and the E being able to destroy a KJ ult is stupid
I will stop playing Valorant for now and will instead be playing aimlabs, because I will be instalocking him the moment he gets released regarless whether he's op or not. Ti'l Lose streak do us part Tejo. Reason being he feels like a Siege operator
The ult damage on the Ally when you hit them is 118, that is wild
I won't lie, it made me chuckle a bit on how riot made the ping update but added an agent with a homing molly.
He has like 4 abilities
Q- A drone dog that can scan the whole sight, which already is better than the skye dog considering you can actually clear the site with it and can be used to immediately pop when it gets shot
C- A launch grenade that has a large area concuss, which is like similar to neon. An already good util considering huge area concuss abilities can be easy to get kills
E- Molly homing devices, enough said this can instantly clear specific areas and is more deadly when paired with the Drone as you can just deny space on the enemy team in the area
X- Better Breach Ult
All of this except the molly have already been somewhat existent in other agents abilities but they're upgraded, The moly homing devices is uniquely good but might be too good depending on release day.
Now the Cons- Not too recon intensive, once the drone is out then its gone and he has no flashes either which means he has to rely on his team for that. Depending on the execution, the molly might be really good or underwhelming.
pro play- I can see this agent being utilized around split 1 where it could be used as a single Initiator comp considering he has the ability to scan and disrupt on site, more agents comps can be made which is cool. I can see him replacing skye on Split though
This is more of a question but is there a way for us to see our mmr. Apparently when the Act rank resets, our new rank after a game is gonna be based on our MMR. Is there somehow a way for us too see our MMR?