Flag: United States
Registered: June 4, 2022
Last post: January 25, 2025 at 8:52 PM
Posts: 81
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Thank you. Idk why everyone is overreacting, both series were close. I can easily say 100T look at least top 15 globally rn, maybe top 10. Also worth noting they had very little time to implement Tejo and on Split they looked very very clean with him. Now they will have proper time to fully implement what they want in this meta, and will continue to look good in Split 1

posted 1 month ago

Why do you think they are inconsistent? They looked really strong against MIBR, and played 2 top 3 teams on paper and still looked strong while getting at least 9 rounds on all 6 maps

posted 1 month ago

Actually crazy that they look like a top 4 team and now they are tied for last with 2g :(

posted 1 month ago

Just the page on mobile browser I mean

posted 5 months ago

Actually rankings has a solution with the drop down menu, could we add that to events?

posted 5 months ago

Can we fix the events page for mobile? Specifically the region tabs. I can not access the GC tab, it cuts off the screen. I always have to change to a desktop site to click it. Either changing it to have a scroll function or formatting it to always fit on screen. No clue how difficult that is. Thanks!

posted 5 months ago

Competition, especially at the start of a new meta, is far closer in Valorant than in World Cup Qualifiers. Additionally, teams are sometimes swapping out 60% of their roster going in. A single double elimination that decides your first quarter of the year is rough by definition.

posted 6 months ago

I think we're talking about Rocket? Yeah bro is a clown ngl

posted 6 months ago

All of these 1-5% changes amount to A TON at the end

posted 6 months ago

Changing way too much and making agents too powerful, gonna be like Astra viper meta with this much util

posted 6 months ago

I made the original X post. I think Anderzz's quote rt effectively explains and summarizes why controller is best,

"The one who controls the smokes, controls the pace. Your team isn't execing before your smokes go down; they're the prerequisite and trigger. Your team isn't clearing mid/intermediate spaces without smokes for one of the adjoining corridors; they're the prerequisite and trigger. By putting IGL's in the position to control smokes, you're putting them in a position to control the game."

The data I gathered also shows that controller led teams tend to do better this year, and 8 out of 13 of them qualified to Champs. Compare that to 7 out of 25 Initiator led teams.

posted 6 months ago

I'm dumb and accidentally put Haodong for my D Flex spot, can you change mine to either Lysoar or BerLIN?

posted 6 months ago

Is it just me or is the casting this year leaps and bounds better than like 2022/21. The wordplay is astounding

posted 6 months ago

S: Derke
A: Alfajer
B: kiNgg
C: C0M
D: Haodong

posted 7 months ago

Think TH 60:40 FPX but other than that based

posted 7 months ago

If SEN make top 3 of playoffs are 100T auto qualified to champs? (Rest of teams are 3 pts below) Or would they have to beat LOUD too

posted 7 months ago

We need a GentleMates vs Bleed as a showmatch before Champs

posted 7 months ago

Well 2022 is the only year that really mattered bc 2020/2021 was primitive Valorant and 2023 is Leo Faria propaganda. #100WIN #GOATSUNA #100TVAL #COMMSDIFF #BANG (in a Mike Breen voice)

posted 11 months ago

For the people who listened to the EMEA broadcast what did we think about Steel's color casting? I wasn't able to watch most of it, but was pleasantly surprised to see him standing in

posted about a year ago

To watch SEN v LOUD bc 100T will play winner of that next

posted about a year ago

They don't qualify

posted about a year ago

4 slots

posted about a year ago

The top half of the bracket is STACKED no? Feels like the bottom half is kinda free. One team from each half is guaranteed to win out through winners, so, we're guaranteed to see one of those teams in challengers

posted about a year ago

Disregarding that we knew this 3 months ago, there were also like 3 posts 2-3 hours ago about aspas leaking. Internet explorer moment

posted about a year ago

I didn't wait 6 months to see them lose in groups and be out for a month. I already called Boostio and he told me they're winning.

posted about a year ago

Bro tried to sneak in TSM

posted about a year ago

Boostio said he got kicked out of the room when joining the LxT cast. Is there some discourse among the teammates?? 100 Thieves are in trouble if they don't fix this before the season starts.
-Sentinels fans, probably

posted about a year ago

My bad

posted about a year ago

NKT got wingardium leviosad

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Boostios tweet is way too high quality to not be a shot from an announcement video. Bro is not taking out the dslr and lights to post that he doesn't have a home lol

posted about a year ago

Jett: aspas
Reyna: something
Brimstone: MaKo
Skye: cauanzin
Cypher: Alfajer
Raze: keznit
Omen: MaKo
Sova: Leo
Astra: Shao
KayO: Ethan
Yoru: TenZ
Killjoy: Alfajer
Viper: Less
Gekko: Something
Breach: Chronicle
Fade: Leo
Chamber: Demon1
Neon: aspas
Harbor: tuyz
Phoenix: Something
Sage: Shao
Iso: TenZ
Deadlock: Asuna

posted about a year ago

What would the New Year's Resolutions of each team look like?
Example: Sen - Don't mess with the roster every week

posted about a year ago

kiNgg, Cloud, Sayf

posted about a year ago

We're about to enter 2024 and you need to go back to 2021 for all these games lmao, could also pull the same ~more recent~ stats for >30 other T2 players. She's a good player but those games mean nothing imo. Like EG showed us (and SEN the opposite) its more the intangibles and chemistry that push a team over the top, not 50 kills/series

posted about a year ago

Ooo look at me! I can cherry pick stats too!
Got differentialed by Jarydfps!!!

posted about a year ago

January 8th

posted about a year ago

The C can be used early in the round, it would just create a bubble replicating the gamestate before the round, so basically canceling out utility in that bubble

posted about a year ago

Think of the C like a bubble that can stick to walls, trajectory like harbor cove. First 30 seconds it can be used to create a bubble with no utility, canceling out mollies, smokes, etc.
I agree that the E could be different somehow

posted about a year ago

temporal thief
Sentinel/Jack of all trades

Signature Ability - Heist
Press E to show past abilities used around you. Left click to copy an altered (worse) version of that ability (non-ultimate) to use in the next round. Will retain that ability throughout the following rounds until another one is copied

Q - Backtrack $200, 1 charge
Press Q to equip a temporal trap, then left click to place. Upon seeing an enemy within its radius, charge for 1 second then send all players within the radius to their locations 10 seconds prior and stun them.

C - Wormhole $400, 1 charge
Press C to equip an orb. Left click to throw and replicate the gamestate within the orb 30 seconds ago for 8 seconds. Right click to throw and replicate the gamestate within the orb 10 seconds ago instead. Use Signature ability to scout out the utility placed prior

Ultimate - Slow Field 8 orbs
Slow all enemies within a large radius. All movement and abilities are slowed to half speed, including movement abilities such as tailwind and satchels, as well as gravity. Think harbor ult radius and duration

Some ideas for her kit:
Use the Wormhole ability to deny lineups while defusing because you just revert the gamestate around the spike to 30 seconds ago

When the enemy team is executing a site throw the orb on a smoke to revert 30 seconds, effectively removing it

You can be super creative with it on attack. Send a sova dart on site and see where enemies break it from for info, then send the Wormhole where the dart landed 10 seconds later and exec with the same dart

Use backtrack on hookah drop on Bind defense and Raze does the tp thing off of it, they are tp'ed back 10 seconds and and stunned

I think her E is probably too op with certain abilities, not sure, also depends on how nerfed they are when she copies them

posted about a year ago

fake news btw no way they sign lenne and ban
they sign governor and xZe(from XERXIA )
Im Thai and I know it

posted about a year ago

Maybe best upside, not today though

posted about a year ago

More Global than Global Esports

posted about a year ago

What are your Americas rankings assuming Aspas is on LEV?

posted about a year ago

This is.... interesting

posted about a year ago

If every match were a 50/50 the odds would be...

EG v PRX - 50%
EG v Fnatic - 12.5%
EG v LOUD - 12.5%
PRX v Fnatic - 12.5%
PRX v LOUD - 12.5%

EG/PRX chances of making grand finals - 75%
LOUD/FNC chances of making grand finals - 25%

posted about a year ago
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