Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 9, 2021
Last post: October 6, 2023 at 11:26 PM
Posts: 1150
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i guess it is...loud prob gonna lose this.

posted about a year ago

nrg 2-0

posted about a year ago

when brazil wins:
why br so toxic
when na wins:
why na so toxic
and so on

posted about a year ago

thank you mibr and c9

posted about a year ago

both lol we love asians in general and we love vanity

posted about a year ago

so ver os eventos de cs

posted about a year ago

fer called him a shiter player in cs...

posted about a year ago

vc tem esquizofrenia, sua anta?
perguntei q noia, n entendi oq vc quis dizer.

posted about a year ago

q nóia porra

posted about a year ago

o problema do brasil é q na europa e nos eua tem pessoas do mundo todo, no brasil 99% é brasileiro, então é mais normal q sejamos mais seletivo em ql jogo vamos ver.

posted about a year ago

come here and go to the stadium if you're bothered.

posted about a year ago

bro saad and sacy said that bzkaa didn't know much about strats...bzka was much more of manager than a coach...saadhak said that in franchising he would like a real coach and bzka could be an assistant bzka didn't wanna this and you've your answer.

posted about a year ago the time cs 1.6 was the real's like what valorant is to us rn so i would not discredit frod.

posted about a year ago

he speaks me. he is not that fluent but he speaks well enough.

posted about a year ago

do you know how he was in t1?

posted about a year ago he was on t1? do you know?

posted about a year ago

the thing is:
he speaks portuguese...someone from him familly is brazilian (dunno if the mother or dad)

posted about a year ago

someone knows why? he also said that loud dont' have a real coach.

posted about a year ago

nivera is destroying him

posted about a year ago

like in ''car mine'' ? in english pronnunciation

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that's what i wanted to this old players that came from cs especially na players must know him.

posted about a year ago

when bzka and the players from loud said that frod helped them a lot of brazilians pro players from cs said that frod was a legend but i didn't hear much from na frod well knowm? for what it seems he was like a god in cs 1.6

posted about a year ago

Why so quiet bro

posted about a year ago

this is acurrate.

posted about a year ago

don't be stupid the problem in rio major is other...the tickets were all sold out but they put gaules at the fan fest and people could either go to the fan fest or the arena so....

posted about a year ago

we are in a school period... so most people at this time will be at school/university me included and mostly people will be working at this time... next week we have some days off (carnival)... why not start next week?

posted about a year ago

the general consense sacy, saad, aspas said that EU rankeds are better because ppl play more tatically but the server has more trolls.

posted about a year ago

yeah it's probably the best option.

posted about a year ago

well I ended my relationship months ago and this last week decided to create my tinder got some matches with some girls who is really my type and two of these girls started the conversation with me but i couldn't answer them quickly and decided to answer in other day..guess what? both of them gave me the cold shoulder and for what i've seen this is pretty common among girls dunno why tho.

posted about a year ago

why you downvote me

posted about a year ago

because they said since masters 1 that bootcamping in europe makes a lot of diff in their gameplay

posted about a year ago

Anyone explain if he is truly good like a ranked demon or smething? i saw a comment in his video saying that if he was more disciplined he could like Aspas from NA

posted about a year ago

typical babysuke L

posted about a year ago

emea - 2
br - 1
na - 0

posted about a year ago

TL threw a lot of rounds too..especially in first match..So what now?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

more matches on playoffs

posted about a year ago

bro the tickets were sold out but ppl went to fan fest.

posted about a year ago

so a lot of ppl saying that cs go format is better than the valorant ''major'' (champions) but now knowing both ways i still prefer valorant's format we see more give the opportunities for ''minor'' teams improve throughout the competition and also bo5>bo3 always speacially in the finals.

posted about a year ago

Onur was the first person to tell Less that he was really good and he should keep trying hard and playing rankeds and he (Onur) said it all after Less being f/a and Onur 4th of the worlds...Less said it gave him a lof of powerwill and fuel to keep going and for that he will always be thankful to Onur.

posted about a year ago

just jk

posted about a year ago

less isn't going anywhere he still on loud get your facts straight.

posted about a year ago

less-aspas-saadh é um tiro mt forte mano...sacy nem é tão miradu assoim, bota o krain nessa merda, e o rglm e pronto, time tá forte de novo.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

can't clip i only asked him that is true that the players of loud are asking for more salary he said he doesn't know their salaries nor if they are leaving.

posted about a year ago

they will have to live in na either way.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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