on br stream we saw him really mad
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | December 9, 2021 |
Last post: | October 6, 2023 at 11:26 PM |
Posts: | 1150 |
what rules? they lost the round because of riot's server not the team.
i saw that a lot of emea teams were assemble based in friendship couldn't this be the same for kccorp?
tenz i understand because of his wife situation
but for instance sacy played really bad in last map
potter has been doing poor managment just like the sentinel's coach
shouldn't they be there?
Since it already exists i think it has to be fair.
Everyone who plays bad or do bad decisions it include brazilians...and i think noym will be biased.
Syyko won the 'Bagres Award' due to Jim Carey's management. Based on that, should Potter also be included? Potter benched BCJ and played some matches with players performing functions that are not their specialty. By the way, I'm just asking
tá com medo do q maluco? esse chet é moh otário msm
"I can't sympathize with NRG's coach (Chet), this guy was the biggest pain in CS, never played, and treated everyone poorly, I can't like this guy."
why we are fighting if br, na or latam wins it'll be americas who won 🥶🥶🥶🥶
they didn't learn playing against loud for whole year in brazil i doubt they will learn anything in vods reviews.
ñ sei se vão aprender, tomaram espanco da loud ano interio e n aprenderam
olha isso, eco dos caras...vc consegue a info que o bomb tá livre, mesmo assim vc escolhe plantar fechado, ate ai blz..decisão tática? não, fica uns 2-3 malucos pra fora do bomb, se n me engano dois malucos no museu, sendo um deles o heat, o heat tenta avançar sozinho na rampa (o q poderia ser bom se tivesse sido bem antes d plantar, pq ai teria um timing de ''marotar'') e morre, o round vai de vasco. Se eles falassem ''beleza, vamo plantar fechado, fica 1-2 recuado e o resto come base dos cara e ganha e espaço'' e desse errado, beleza, é do jogo..mas oq fizeram foi vergonhoso.
A galera tá entendendo errado meu ponto, eu gosto do MCH, e sei que quando ele streama valorant ele é um dos que mais tem números, junto com coreano.
Meu problema é que ele até agora não streamou UMA partida do VCT mesmo tendo direito para transmitir todos os jogos, enquanto o pava que é um cara smp streama os jogos n ganhou essa permissão da riot.
Gosto do cara, mas ele não fez UM watchparty do Valorant até agora...enquanto o Pava que faz watchparty toda hora de qualquer partida do valorant q ele tem permissão, n ganhou os direitos, me faz pensar....
pior que tenho, eu cheguei a passar em concursos militares, por isso demorei para fazer faculdade, mas acabei não me adaptando, e saí.
Eu não conheço muito esses cursos, vou dar uma olhada.
Pow, 6k liquido já é bem bom, tá acima da média br kkk.
You've good point! I will definitely take your advice into consideration before making my decision. Thank you so much for your help
Vou refletir muito sobre isso, tenho até mês q vem pra trancar!
É uma grana muito forte kkkkkkkkkk, porra....será que é negócio levar a faculdade em uma dedicação ok, já que eu não costumo tirar notas ruins mesmo, e me dedicar a estudar TI/concurso público no tempo livre até me formar?
Se for pensar por esse lado, de ter um curso superior no currículo, mesmo que eu não vá trabalhar com a área, é uma boa ideia, já que abre portas para outros concursos.
Caralho, é muito dificil tomar essas decisões, ainda mais eu, que sou indeciso pra caralho.
Thanks! Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time doing something I don't enjoy. I'm in doubt because I'm already turning 25 and haven't graduated yet. I've taught English, but it's not something I really like. I think the best thing would be to drop out of college for a while and see if IT works for me.
I am thinking about dropping out of my Geography teaching degree to focus on studying IT. I have obtained some good materials and some friends are helping me to study. The university I am currently attending is a public federal university (which are usually better than private ones) but it is not one of the most prestigious ones. So, I want to get back into the study rhythm for college entrance exams while studying IT and trying to get a job in the field. I have already completed 4 out of 8 semesters and will start the 5th this month. I do not have much love for the subject or the profession, and only chose it because it was what came up. My idea of going into IT is that it is also a profession that values knowing other languages, and I have relatively good English skills. One thing that weighs on me is that my entire social life is practically based on college. Please help this indecisive soul ):
The defeat really seems to be affecting him, and the Kydae situation isn't easy. I hope he is doing well, and everything turns around for him. He is such a nice guy, and it would be really cool to see him playing with his mind clear. However, I don't think it will be this way until Kydae gets 100% better. (To the haters, I'm not saying he isn't focused; I bet he is giving 200%. But I think it's impossible to be 100% focused when someone you love isn't 100%.)
"All I know is that some Brazilian professional players from CS:GO said that Chet was a pain in the ass and he was arrogant and conceited could it be that?
no bro we usually dominate for a while any fps...it happened with cs go, cs 1.6, r6, crossfire, pointblank, free fire...and now valorant..
the compettiive of cod, bf, apex, OW are not too strong here because we are a poor country so games that require a better machine and u actualy need to buy the game in order to play...
I would like to apologize to all the viewers who were watching the KRU vs MIBR game. As a South American, I feel sorry for the poor quality of the game and the lack of entertainment. I understand that your time is valuable, and I apologize for any frustration or disappointment caused by this match.
they are joking obsly but marved said some truth ll
funny part is that when NA fans are mocking brazilians teams and br fans get mad u guys say it's only a joke.
Get off moron and also flag checks out
o pior de tudo foi os gringos defendendo ele dizendo ''ele disse q ñ tem ctza se ele vazou scrim, ele disse que acha que não'' o cara ficou toda a vod falou ''there's no way '' kkkkkkkkkk
less was the one in 2022 to use cypher on breeze
visa card? the guy is good he should be getting used to a higher level it would help him improve
you should not respect me but you should respect the IA!
Dear VLR users,
I would like to express my opinion regarding recent events that have taken place between the Brazilian and LA crowd during the Valorant tournament. It is disheartening to see fans attacking each other and disrespecting other cultures.
While it is true that some fans in Brazil left before Fnatic received their trophy, we must keep in mind that São Paulo can be dangerous at night and fans may have been concerned for their safety. It is also understandable that fans may have been disappointed that their team did not win. However, attacking other fans and calling them an "L" is not an appropriate response.
Unfortunately, this behavior has now escalated with Brazilian fans attacking the LA crowd during Valoranat VCT Americas. This is not the kind of behavior we want to promote in the esports community. We need to be respectful of each other's cultures and enjoy the game together as fans.
It is my opinion that we should strive to be friends and allies, and celebrate the passion we all share for esports. Let's work towards creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans of esports.
Chat GPT.
he didn't say that they played ugly because they didn't play against loud.
He said that 100t game was ugly. Ugly in the sense the it was a bad game from them.
He is only a leaker with bias opinions towards brazil (duh)
he born there mate not that hard.
it's like he lived his whole life in usa.
is the truth my bro compare br lol crowd with 100 people only with this ''good crowd''
and do we have something like that in valorant? guess not lol
so u are saying that neymar is european because since 2013 he doesn't play for a brazilian team?
how's 2nd best na vct igl ? he is british mate he is not north american.
never saw him doing that but he def overhype br teams