Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 9, 2021
Last post: October 6, 2023 at 11:26 PM
Posts: 1150
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i really don't know bro but i guess they are simmiliar but diff at the same time.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they are ukranian u know that right

posted about a year ago

tu é burrão tbm krl kkkkkkkk pq tu cria um fake pra falar q vc gosta da mina? e outra mano, esse bagulho de se declarar online e dar certo só funciona no ensino medio pra baixo, tu ja é adulto carai kkkk no max tentar criar uma conversa dahora e chamar pra dar um role.

posted about a year ago

when he was in brazil he had a beef with dasnerth saying that judge is a good weapon i don't know futher more.

posted about a year ago

ok u convinced me

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oq isso tem haver? o tuyz no mapa q joga de dois duelistas o tuyz poderia jogar d duelista no lugar do saad, maluco é um monstro d duelista

posted about a year ago

i mean it's his life let the man do whatever he wants

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

why is he playing raze? tuyz is duelist by trade and his raze is crazy....

posted about a year ago

bro u are living in u.s a experience that many of us will never have...go out, make some friends..speak with ppl's the best way to get confidence and improve ur english...

posted about a year ago

fake flag prob

posted about a year ago

i think it's possible if u work

posted about a year ago

still emea

posted about a year ago

drx gonna win lil bro

posted about a year ago

i doubt they will go through drx

posted about a year ago

jinx? who's gonna stop navi now?

posted about a year ago

lock in is yours...navi is the best team of the world rn.

posted about a year ago

well at least they don't do false sympathy

posted about a year ago

all american streamers were against furia and mostly of these ppl would never cheer for a braziliam team.

posted about a year ago

talking bullshit
he was duelist but he changes his role to fit in the team.

posted about a year ago

yeah the onliner buff is diff.

posted about a year ago

i doubt sen will be ahead of furia..furia has 5 good aim players and they looked solid in strats...and they've clean comunnication.

posted about a year ago

flags checks out

posted about a year ago

crowd is there....during the weeknd supporting a non-br

posted about a year ago

english website é meu ovo

posted about a year ago

derke never won anything so tenz is clear.

posted about a year ago
  • sacy was never good with skye/breach he impact the game much more with sova and fade he should be playing these agents.
posted about a year ago

bro calm down they will improve as a team especially because they've the barrier language so it's matter of time.

posted about a year ago

When the emea team loses:
This tournament means shit kekw mickey championship we didn't even practice!
When emea wins:
woahh we really are the best region ever, everyone looks like crap next to us!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

''brazil hate on nats'' two users of vlr who is saying less is better than nats where u cant even be sure that those users are real brazilians or just ppl trolling.
no one hates nats bro the whole crowd were literally cheering for TL.

posted about a year ago

bad assemble of a do you expect to win with xand? ''oh are u xand hater?'' no i'm not but the guy himself said that he only play the game barely watch any vods and when he isn't practing with the team he said he does everything else than study the game.....the guy simply has the mediocre mentality.
look loud for instace the coach said it's easy to coach them since all the players like to watch vods and play the game.

posted about a year ago

lol you're crazy if u think that keznit should be held responsability for the fans actions if was that our br players would be doomed because we are capable of doing worst than keznit did.
Keznit managed the situation wrong he apolagizes what more u want him doing? lol

posted about a year ago

i support them and i like keznit

posted about a year ago

but in cs 1.6 we did win what we call as ''major'' so...

posted about a year ago

prove it or he'll kill u

posted about a year ago

do you guys like it

posted about a year ago

nzr is the igl i doubt he isn't a starter.

posted about a year ago

i dont' think so when i say w takes was the way he read the game.

posted about a year ago

Even tho i don't really like the guy i've been watching some of his vods from the loud games and the man always have W takes about the game he still has a pretty good read of the game..i think the only thing he would've to change to be a coach is his personality...the man has that vibe ''i know everything''....and ppl were thinking that he was ass only with br fans the man was dissing fns the whole game but other than that....

posted about a year ago

sabe oq é pior? esse retardado deve ser br

posted about a year ago

who gotta to say that? lol

posted about a year ago

cara para d ficar pedindo desculpa pra gringo wtf, ainda mais no vlr q só tem troll e retardado...q se foda eles, qnd a gente tá lá fora só subestimam e tratam com indiferença.

posted about a year ago

yeah bro ppl are really crazy..first they say this tournament means nothing now they are saying ''gg someone throw the round'' many OT the teams were playing only with passion.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ai q vc tá errado....mais times brs, mais brs jogando fora, mais brs pegando e e sentindo o nivel la fora, e se franquia n vai ter palminhas nas costas, se fizerem vergonha vão ser trocados rapidão...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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