Flag: Botswana
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: October 25, 2024 at 12:56 AM
Posts: 2198
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no fuckin shit lol 95% of the players are people playing are overwatch fans and you just completed the tutorial

posted about 2 years ago

three extremely unlikeable people talking about valorant wow cant imagine myself spending an hour listening to them drone on

posted about 2 years ago

the ones in franchising i think will be strong, they'll have a good ecosystem of teams to practice and compete with

the rest of the region not in franchising, it's a bit of a struggle for them. losing a super strong practice partner + team to model after can't be good

posted about 2 years ago

mine — meiy is the best rifler in japan and one of the best in asia. really want to see him pop some heads on the big stage
old but great montage

posted about 2 years ago

post clips or videos of players you think deserve more attention / are underrated, let’s give them some spotlight

posted about 2 years ago

some people really use this site like a diary

posted about 2 years ago

content creators are content creators and pros are pros
could he put up decent numbers in a knights tourney? probably
does he have any of the experience necessary to compete at a pro level long term? no

posted about 2 years ago

cry me a river jesus christ lmaooooooooo

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Lmao my guy was the best jett in the world before chamber, obviously there will be an adaptation period but it's not like your aim depends on your agent

posted about 2 years ago

Would you fall in love?

posted about 2 years ago

old zeta division played as 5 together for like 6 years from cs to val, but even they made changes to win, gotta have that drive

posted about 2 years ago

all of the other teams in the league (besides the obvious top dogs) will be making major improvements to their rosters and the overall skill will be raised quite a bit

I can’t see a world where, if GE doesn’t similarly make some large changes, they aren’t gonna be stuck at the bottom of the ladder. Just brutal honesty.

posted about 2 years ago

ban was a plat ranked player when he started valorant. not ironically like actually
the fact that he made it from there to here is enough for me to believe in the guys ability to improve

posted about 2 years ago

why do you say never? it's very possible. 100t have bank

posted about 2 years ago

lil bit of both
he judged the timing based on the center of the flash and guessed, good spatial awareness

posted about 2 years ago

i agree with you lol i don't think he's a criminal, i just think he's an idiot

posted about 2 years ago

how do you feel about carlos throwing out g2's franchise spot for zero reason?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

there are some players that i feel like have such similar playstyles. i just watched a jinggg montage and i swear these two are the exact same lol

posted about 2 years ago

wait why did you think people would stop saying one team region if the one team won champs LOL

posted about 2 years ago

doubt it because of inexperience, even when they had lakia they only had him play 1 match lmaoo

posted about 2 years ago

the same vk that got bodied by xerxia lul

posted about 2 years ago

yeah igl does nothing

posted about 2 years ago

they're in grand finals right now lil bro

posted about 2 years ago

the goat of killing cloud9s lcq potential

posted about 2 years ago

i always see this happen with players and igls especially
when they're mixed buy why don't they give the rifles to the stronger players
like why would angel have a vandal over shao for example there
is it just ego or what

posted about 2 years ago

that's not a punishment that's a reward tf

posted about 2 years ago

i feel like he was so mediocre on CR but language barrier + role probably had to do with it
he really started to pop with ONS sad they didnt make it through lcq

posted about 2 years ago

possible but u gotta admit the guy has some insane utility, decision making and sense of timings that would be wasted on a duelist going in taking space then dying

posted about 2 years ago

mako was a jett/duelist main before he joined VS, where they made him roleswap to controller
clearly his skillset shines way more in smokes

who are some players you think could role swap and succeed/do even better?

posted about 2 years ago

my friend says he carries a shitty cheap phone with him as extra in case he gets mugged, so that he can just give that to them and run
its happened three times apparently :(

posted about 2 years ago

my understanding is it was mostly just one big streamer bitching and getting his fans to get upset for no reason
i think most br fans understand its not an issue

posted about 2 years ago

imagine thinking this when a team with fucking nivera and jamppi is losing to BOASTER
mans was literally tier 15

posted about 2 years ago

weird, i'll check out mch tho for the upper final game thanks for the recommendation👍

posted about 2 years ago

that sucks, i watched his stream actually to see reactions for loud matches. but i guess his attitude is kinda weird huh

posted about 2 years ago

you only think of things as fans vs fans where one group has to be merit and the other has to be demerit

reality is everything is mixed. for fans it's wrong to be like "ohh they just played bad. unlucky" because they don't know anything.
but for the players, they know if they're playing like shit bro. they know if their aim is off, their teamwork is bad, etc (examples)

he got interviewed after he lost and just said he felt like he played bad. thats it. not everything is an attack on the other team

posted about 2 years ago

this is what i mean, if you take everything negatively then of course u will feel that way

you look at it from a fans pov and not a players, if he feels like he played like shit of course he will say that. all of the players are friendly, why try to make enemies?

posted about 2 years ago

did people really get offended by this, it sounds like he was just disappointed by how he and his team played. not everything is meant to be an argument ykno

posted about 2 years ago

Notice how the people saying shit like that aren't drx fans, they're just loud haters lmao

posted about 2 years ago

if you're gonna have a weak link (skill wise) it needs to be offset by the other 4 players.
like optic have FNS but all of yay/marved/crashies/victor are capable of popping off

either that or you have a spread out skill distribution but your igl is also able to go crazy, like DRX or LOUD

posted about 2 years ago

what has acend done since then

posted about 2 years ago

you think they can take down optic this time?

posted about 2 years ago

i think the way you frame it is just obviously disingenuous
struggling to close out the map pick of the defending champs is somehow a sign that they suck? Lol

Almost lost to 2nd seed of br
Almost lost to 3rd seed of na
again all you do with work with "almosts". they ALMOST lost to the enemy team's map pick, where they have all their preparation. in the end both of those games were 2-0s. if that's all you have to complain about i think its a sign that there isn't much to say at all

posted about 2 years ago

"only won because of x player" is such weird logic, both teams had miracle rounds where one player popped off. why make it sound like only drx were getting saved by heroics

posted about 2 years ago

i would favor loud. but it is close. 60/40 at best.
what i don't understand is the br fans on twitter think it will be an easy game. they keep saying leviatan is much better than drx, they're gonna choke, they kept it close to furia on ascent, all these things that don't mean anything. watch the actual matches and you can tell these are both very good teams

posted about 2 years ago

they always shit on prx, everyone knows this
lev weren't good at masters 2

posted about 2 years ago

i love making statements where the only evidence is my emotions
would be crazy if i did the basic math required to actually support my argument right

posted about 2 years ago

mbdtf owns both sadly

posted about 2 years ago

you are not a very smart individual i suggest actually calculating the probability instead of going omgggg na always gets fuckedd
its not some groundbreaking, unbelievable outcome

posted about 2 years ago
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