Flag: Poland
Registered: April 21, 2023
Last post: December 20, 2024 at 3:04 AM
Posts: 718
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i get the xeppa point, however you gotta consider that when oxy is running it down to secure the stunned player he is open to many other possible players that could kill him, and then would be traded by xeppa giving him the advantage for the kill. Oxy can also just dash into jett smoke when entering site and just get spammed, like I think the duelist role is not as free as some people describe, but whilst they suffer some quite unfortunate deaths that are completely out of their hands they definitely get some of their kills are basically gifted by teammates. ( a workshare of like 70/30 between the ini and the duelist with the duelist getting all the credit for the 30% he did)

posted 2 months ago

Biased examples tbh, Sacy won champs as a heavy fragger and an mvp candidate, and c0m had insane fraggers on his team and good org support. Lakia went positive at masters shanghai and was also impavtdul with his gun. I would argue that every team that won thsi year not only out utiled and out stratted teams but also had better mechanics and didnt have major slackers dropping 0.8s and 0.6s . NRG didn't even have a proper igl and I am sorry but victor crashies and marved are not a 2024 superteam core. I care about kd because we are playing an fps game, if leo can do it on sova you can do it too. I think having good mechanics and being confident in fighting wins games and allows you to make more plays, if you are very sacrificial and think that you can compensate for tour low number with util you are not a complete player and you are limiting yourself and your team.

posted 2 months ago

Lowkey talon could go full thai the reason has some crazy talent and Sscaey just got out of jail too...

posted 2 months ago

6k posts and 0 stars is an achievement

posted 2 months ago

Oczywiście, że zrozumiałem co masz na myśli. Po prostu się z cb śmieje bo starając się wyśmiać zasady zdecydowałeś identyfikować się jako debil

posted 2 months ago

Marginalized male is a term used to claim that you are like a dumb man, like a cartoonishly dumb guy with a smart wife who plays tricks on him and gets him to do chores and shit. if that's what u wanna be up to you

posted 2 months ago

para olympiad for gold players coming soon dont worry

posted 2 months ago

i misspelled ofc my bad

posted 2 months ago

yeah man a lot of people are 14 on this site so it makes sense

posted 2 months ago

You can change your vibrance/brightness in monitor settings but ai would advise meeting with a doctor

posted 2 months ago

According to riot:

Valorant Game Changers is a series of domestic competitions for women and other marginalized genders within Valorant esports.

No mattee what you think about trans and nonbinary people, THIS LEAGUE IS MADE FOR THEM BY RIOT. That's it , that's the point of the league.

Not just women

posted 2 months ago

They hosted open tryouts allowing indian players to porve themselves. India does have the largest (depending on what data you use) population on earth. But only a very very small percentage of that population has access to good setups, is interested in valorant and has the time to practice enough to be good.

Na education moment

posted 2 months ago

Extremely cold take zekken did what reduxx did but even fucking harder and was top 1 in pretty much every stat and just in the eye test, like reduxx was unable to go negative and zekken was unable to go less than 1.5 kd its just levels to this shit, kfc people are gonna dickride. I am jsut suprised at how many more votes marved boostio and narrate got

posted 2 months ago

My man got 2% of the vote whilst being the 2nd highest rated player at the event and bejng so fucking consistent, I get it marved had that 30 kill game but it felt like reduxx was just there on every map, every half even. Vwry promising start, looking good for T1

posted 2 months ago

Having a 1.88 kd after 106 rounds of val against T1 pros who (maybe except that boaster team) were genuinely sweating their asses of for the rolex is criminal. like how do you allow this 3 foot 8 filipino boy to run your shit over and over again

posted 2 months ago

I remember watching highlights of him hitting radiant on every role and those streams were simply speedruns. 90% wr just fucking owning like way beyond what I would expect from watching curry and root

posted 2 months ago

People dont like him so they are looking for diet cause he is succeeding rn. To me it doesnt sound like he said the n word just said "an idiot" fast and the syllabes sound similar

posted 2 months ago

It would be fair if they invited Turks,Northern mfs and Russians. This is just western europe + a pole and 2 latvians

posted 2 months ago

Why does the clip seem censored lmao, like he stipped mid word and then added the r.

I feel like he most likely said jett's swigning mid like anidiot swear to god and it came out sounding like this cause he talks fast af

posted 2 months ago

i am polish and poland has been ass throughout vct , 2025/2026 look promising tho ngl

posted 2 months ago

Sadly true...

posted 2 months ago

Bait or mental retardation

Secret option: both

posted 2 months ago

Dont understand the argument? Johnqt is from morocco but has been living in canada / us for a long while now so he is rightfully from the NA esport scene but he wants to still represent his country of oritin even though it has nothing to do with his esports background but is still important for him as a person. Pretty reasinable to represent NA ESPORTS whilst rocking the morroco flag on socials/vlr

posted 2 months ago

derke finnish, sayf swedish residence originally MENA, sayf swedish. 3/5 your picks prove my point XDDD

posted 2 months ago

Not looking too good at Ludwig Tarik tbh, but I feel like it's a massive nerf. Just realising how much we r carried by these mfs

posted 2 months ago

Why are we disrespecting Kr1stal like he didn't just fucki g farm China Ascension as an IGL. Foxy9 and Beyn are mechanical demons that have made it to (recent) internationals (which is something a GE player has never done before joining the team) and done pretty well. DSG guys are solid. This is the best GE has ever looked no joke

posted 2 months ago

So many good takes gettign downvoted, people really don't understand what improvement means. If a player had a high peak at the start of the game later failed to maintain that relevance in terms of gameplay and then revitalised himself and became a top 10 itw THIS IS FUCKING IMPROVEMENT. The game isn't the same as at the beginning, players are a lot better and teams are way more punshing. There is no such thing as becoming unwashed if you were actively playing when u became "washed".

posted 2 months ago

Please never post again

posted 2 months ago

There are black players in tier1 man shut up

posted 2 months ago

Bro two of their players are playign for c9, the rest are trialing for different teams. This is 40٪ of m80 playing at 30% synergy. Stop voicing your opinion on topics you dont know shit about

posted 2 months ago

Bait or lobotomy pick your posion

posted 2 months ago

Nah Sushi, Foxz , Forsaken is already a crazy amount of talent, this build is interesting af

posted 2 months ago

+1 I love the guy but watch a ranked stream of his where he interacts with people in english and tell me that's not a comms issue

posted 2 months ago


talks about a ranked experience

posted 2 months ago

If genuine :

Go psychiatric hospital, ask morphine

If bait:

Go phone, call parents, tell them you love them and have a nice talk to rid yourself of ghoulishness

posted 2 months ago

You do realise that everything can be explained away this way right? Like SEN dominationnat the start? Oh the game was just new, strats erren't developed, Mickey Mouse. Acend got lucky with a champs run, optic won when russian players got fucked bh visas and their best player was on the most broken agent in the game, FPX shouldn't have won but PRX simply choked etc. etc.

This shit is so boring man

posted 3 months ago

There will be only 1 team with a non-negative record and a 5 way tie break to deicde who goes in. Absolute insanity

posted 3 months ago

With TenZ and Sacy gone they have an open slot for both smokes and main initiator , who do you think the team will be picking up.

RIP Unwashed but now retired GOAT , and RIP TO NA VIEWERSHIP XDDDD

posted 3 months ago

He just got lucky having a friend who is absolutely cracked and was light enough to be carried to this point despite having like a 0.7 kd overall. I read here that he had to duo with Anguist to make it out of Ascendant and that the original plan was to get him to radiant but Anguist gave up cause he was just that bad.

The worst agent pool I have ever seen, no mechanics , no micro gamesense and a weird style of igling that shouldn't work

posted 3 months ago

man die lit is actually a pretty much no skips album, wlr is interesting, self titled is a vibe too like ... he isn't lyrical or anything but thats not the point in the genre so i don't count it as a deterrant

posted 3 months ago

And where is cnoob in 2024 and wherre was he in 2023 and 2022? Oh at the mid station, damnnnn i forgot. The game wasnt out in 2021 in China and Kangkang has (arguably) achieved more in the last 2 years than cned his whole career

posted 3 months ago

What seperates you from an immo player, like what do you do much better

posted 3 months ago

"Ofc I am talking about rational baiting where you still perform your role (..) Aspas can dash into a smoke see an enemy and just sit there until his teammates swing him and just get an easy kill."

posted 3 months ago

not true, oxy teaches you how to be confident and aggressive but not fully braindead. he uses the shorty really fucking well, he uses jett movement to put people in situations where they are fucked unless they hit a really good flick, he finds good timings and beats expectations a lot. it seems braindead but a lot of people he peeks are just not ready and not looking at him.

posted 3 months ago

I think he is a big brand risk (although he was not found guilty by the investigation, he failed to fully comply (said he would provide a video the audio of which was provided by the accuser and then backed down, also didn't participate in some training) so orgs have to weigh that in) plus he hasn't been that great and that notable in recent years after the suspension.

Sidenote: his girlfriend also failed to fully comply at multiple points and had the video and was willing to provide it. Their relationship was seemingly flawed you had a guy who was rich and accomplished but still very insecure and validation seeking, with a girl who admitted to having major abandonment issues and feaeing that she would be replaced if she wasnt an "ideal girlfriend" for him. Thier situarion was incredibly toxic and complicated

posted 3 months ago

If you are able to trade and are truly the best player on a team. Ofc I am talking about rational baiting where you still perform your role, for example Leo can drone dart and whatever, and then fully play to trade a teammate who is running it down into site, or Aspas can dash into a smoke see an enemy and just sit there until his teammates seing him and just get an easy kill. There can be 1 baiter per team (or honestly even 2) and a team can be great

posted 3 months ago

I have started to watch oxy( i watched every single vid.on his channel) and played only jett since, 70% wr and 1.36 kd in my own rank on the agent since. Playing like him will make u a ranked demon. I hope my goat gets a good team in 2025 and wins an international trophy

posted 3 months ago

You fit into the german stereotype by not recognizing a joke. Unfortunate

posted 3 months ago

this is not the situation you described, the neons have momentum and are not stuck. also the players in your gaems arent hitting that consistently , even the pros can only do it from time to time. you are moving on the neon's screen as fast as she is on yours in both those clips

posted 3 months ago

Hit your shot man stop being a bot, a low momentum slide really shouldn't kill you consistently, especially if you know the neon is there, just hold wide and micro adjust.

posted 3 months ago
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