They have always been the 2nd JPN team, ZETA players just feel like they win that and DFM gotta think that they're gonna lose like always. Mental matters
Flag: | Poland |
Registered: | April 21, 2023 |
Last post: | March 28, 2025 at 10:39 AM |
Posts: | 838 |
They have always been the 2nd JPN team, ZETA players just feel like they win that and DFM gotta think that they're gonna lose like always. Mental matters
NRG (i like all of the players and think they can go big)
APEKS (i dont want people to.commit hate crimes against flor, so hopefully she performs most of the time and the team does well enough)
TH (obvious)
G2 (jaw is a goat)
Wolves (i like juicy and it would be funny if they did well)
GENG DRX T1 SPG (I wanna see what that new wave of KR talent can do)
I am telling you he needs to calm the fuck down, he makes too few mistakes, like bro it's valorant, get lost in the chaos a bit, get caught by a piece of util, whiff a free kill man fuck ,live a little
Why is this guy shockdarting himself to not give away an orb, bro this shit is too optimised.
This is like swapping 3 heroes in spawn in ow to get out of spawn 0.5s faster like this shit is just wrong, let the enemy team breathe fuck
What dows this gameplay even look like , I havent watched the games. This man has AVG 50% hs on CYPHER is he fucking aimbotting
I don't fully agree with starsoul's point but I think your point kinda diminishes the strength of VS/early DRX. it was possible for them ngl. also Karon is a star on that Gen G and he has performed on par with mako if we compare those peak iterations of geng and drx. both are great I think karon might make a claim for the top after 2025 if they maintain their form
+1 he didneverything he needed, just at his own pace. Every time he had sova ult he played far and got like 1 kill and forced 1 guy to int away his life cquse he was putting on so much pressure. He worked main really well with mada, basically giving nothing to the defenders whilst taking control. He caught lurks on defence etc.
He plays the good kind of passive that comes from a really good understanding of what he needs to do and confidence in himself to win key fighta, not just being scared of taking fights
Ethan looking like he's back on 2023 EG and Verno is unkillable on scan initiator, legitimately insane he just doesnt die
I donf really like this genre of peobability so I didnt check conditonal P just blows man its too much work
i just fw kamyk tbh, seems likea good guy who loves to compete, his gym progress is really nice to see too. I ll change it some time but idc for now
Tyloos biggest opp is getting into the airport to even fly to an international
1.What I meant in the first point is that ok A site has some retake rate around 54% ( I watched a video on it some time ago data might not be accurate idgaf ) but the b site has a retake success rate of somewhere less than 40% meaning A sites easy retakability does not make the map as a whole positive for retakes
False, I am talking about the existence of TPs making defenders less mobile. The strats dont work because defenders are donsistently commiting resources to contesting them, i.e. defenders have less resources for other shit
As kanye provided overall its fucking t sided but I am too lazy to scrape data when I know I am talking with somebody who doesnt respect my opinion and will just stick with his
I will not reply further the data proves my point
I can be a nerd and say no because really it could have been 0/14 1/14 2/14 and then whatever combination of losses and wins resulting in 3/16 but I dont think Komekko meant that
Not every good aimer has "calm aim "man, benjy is pretty snappy and he fights kinda dirty, doesn't make.him any worse btw
WHAT ABOUT THE B STIE :))))) how easy is it to defend and retake :))) (IF I RECALL ITS THE HARDEST TO RETAKE)
also A site being the easiest site to retake doesn't mean that it has a very high retake success rate like , b is held in post plant a much larger percent of time than A is successfully retaken.
what about the teleporters which allow for attackers to fake and rotate incredibly quickly, what about the attacker viper walls denying information and creating lurk timings, combined with the tp forcing you to have 2 people playing at A (or A + ct rotator) :)))
if you look at SEN's bind notably they do better on attack
Lowkey forgot that they stomped talon , farmed 1st map too hard for my brain to register it was a T1 team
is still stomping t2 teams and beating SEN, i feel like that haven map could have been dominant if they cared enough to not push through thier own smokes into ct in postplant or played time. This team can be a lot better with a few small fixes
I checked and its just not true
I thinkmthe team might really benefit in terms of fire power, possibly C9 could do something
havoc lowkey not a bad player he just had the sym issue with playing against T1 pros like he was super hyped and genuinely a mechanical talent but had the worst opening game ever and got mentally fucked prob. We ll see maybe he will do sth this season
6130 posts and 0 stars, be real with me for a second
if the user is Brazilian they are either smart af or the dumbest mf alive it's a 50/50
Bro shit on everybody at SEN city played poorly 1 match at soop and now we wanna replace him?
Me when the ethnically foreign player who has been living in NA for 5+ years (or their entire life lol) and has had their entire esports career centered around NA, doesn't go back to their home country to compete :
Reatrded take when talking about Leo who literally said like days after Lock-in that it doesn't matter and that as a player you are not a sum of your trophies but how you play today.
Ironic coming from a paper rex fan, the fun > winning team (nothing wrong with that I love watching PRX)
My glorious balding king finessteride did everything he could to avoid it...
Are there any english broadcasts for SOOP
brother I said that I prefer math + economics = econometerics than colouring books whihc is business xddd
Possible reasons:
Set plays don't really work out in ranked cause your enemies and teammates play random shit.and do what they want.
Same applies to setups to a lesser extent. you need to figure out what type of team u r playing and adjust properly.
A lot of people like hard bait or play safer when they are not enjoying the game , making them get better stats without actually contributing anything (good stats low impact type shit)
Cant explain why but this feels like a hate crime
Insane that DACH is germany + aus swiss and then we have a league thats the entirety of east/cent europe + nordic + uk like what
I think it would be good to sort search results by relevancy (tier of play, team rating, earnings, avg clicks per search etc.) because the current search algorithm is kinda ass
(searched "geng" got 5 inactive pug teams and their gc but didn't get the main team, itsg sometimes its easier to find a fan team like a famous pro lovers than the actual pro.)
"ignoring anything that influences team performance sen diffs geng because i like them more"
You also have to consider chemistry when talking about teams btw :) you have LATAM, NA diff personalities and EU . I think LEV is a team that works better when you just compare individuals , byt NRG is an actually good TEAM. Their listen ins during SEN city seemed like they had it all figured out comms wise (like literally you couldn't really complain abt anything important not being said, shouting, useless comms etc.)
Also you have the FNS s0m (b)romance and ethan, mada, verno , although maybe a bit more reserved all seem chill and don't have any negative rep.
Btw lowkey a lot of your >>>> matchups are kinda fraudulent
My boy c0m is taking over for Demon1, respect him
There could have been, but he truly is just a phenomenal driver. I knownit might be kinda boring but it's genuinely astounding how hardworking and dedicated he is.
Econometrics man I actually fw economics and business but I am better at math then colouring books so I didnt get in to business school...
Natank is the only non US resident xd. People in the US like to keep their heritage in mind and maintain some traditions, hence their vlr flags
Are they trolling or genuinely getting diffed hard by a tourney full of GC pros? I can see that they were pugging their comps (which really isn't an excuse for tex cause he should be farming on iso) but I havent actually watched the games. What happened?
Idk man he got the most first vloods on his team and fragged out on a duelist so I think he did his job. Remember nit every game is up to you and keep fragging, its fine
Hello Dignan from hivemind, big fan
oh my bad, I remember peter was cooking him though. Didn't my washed king start oping to get rounds?