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Registered: December 15, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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Lcq they also did the same thing which was why they found success
But then again it is the first series, so they r prob over thinking things

posted 6 months ago

He instantly earned my respect with that

posted 6 months ago

sorry bro, i didnt mean to make that one.

posted 6 months ago

u look so bald without the guard flair

posted 6 months ago

u look so bald without the guard flair

posted 6 months ago

are most likely to start arguing with one another
(from the same team)

posted 6 months ago

i started giggling and kicking my toes in the air

posted 6 months ago

i mean how r u suppose to entry when ur initiator in on the other site

posted 6 months ago

least delusional sen fan
hey man, i support how optimistic u r. all fans should be like this

posted 6 months ago

I think nrg should win on paper, but their games have looked really shaky. unless they r hiding something, im not sure whos gonna win.

posted 6 months ago

bro r u that one sen fan they interviewed that wouldnt stop talking about zaddy zellsis and who seemed to have severe autism

posted 6 months ago

i mean 8/10. he got it right

posted 6 months ago

ok wait what, that literally goes against riot's rules. does that mean sentinels will be punished in some ways.

posted 6 months ago

fax bro

posted 6 months ago

no u have to try for every match

posted 6 months ago

This map is t sided right

posted 6 months ago

Is it map wins then round diff?

posted 6 months ago

bro is getting mad

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

def not
if ohtani had a bad game, no one is going to say drop him lol

posted 6 months ago

everyone overrates some players after a map or two and dont even give them a chance to prove themselves. look at tex, popping off on cypher. now ppl are flaming com because he did so bad, "should have never been signed". jesus yall switch sides too fast

posted 6 months ago

nawww, was that the average sen fan in the interview

posted 6 months ago

Bro, everyone remembers u rocking that navi flair

posted 6 months ago

not my proudest nut

posted 6 months ago

Way to prove the doubters wrong

posted 6 months ago

disagree, im a monkey

posted 6 months ago

holy shit 100t fans responded so quickly

posted 6 months ago

lft eg

posted 6 months ago

ngl if u watched eg before 2023 u would have known he was actually good. I like kinda sad to see him get benched

posted 6 months ago

gg eg 2-0

posted 6 months ago

wya... kinda quiet rn

posted 6 months ago

Eg 🤡org 🤡team
#11 in americas 🤡

posted 6 months ago

keep yapping
already saw the potential of this team on paper

posted 6 months ago

ok but like how tf does he have 0 assists

posted 6 months ago

bro y r u so pressed lol. mb bro

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

brawk wants to stay with moist and nismo i believe wanted to stay on m80 too
cuz ik both of them got t1 offers

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

bro im rooting for eg <3
ive been a fan of apoth for a while now in val. glad to see him back on the starting roster now, back with jawg

posted 6 months ago

he played well but sometimes like I feel like he flanks way too much. not trying to spread hate but something I found really annoying when watching(i was hoping lev would beat loud) was his flanks. especially being on the initiator role, its not very often you see one of them lurking this much. idk after last year where he made good flanks, hes just like doing it way too much. its like hes just doing it because thats what everyone sees him as, a lurker. if yk what im saying, yk what im saying. i dont really know how to explain. its like you don't wanna lose that hype around you. theres so many times where his flanking is just too unnecessary where he could have done better if he stayed with his team to support. Like i remember that one round on ascent, lev planted b and like at the last second he decided to flank mid way too late and by the time he got to market, his whole team was basically dead.
i still think hes a good player, but u gotta know when your overthinking isnt needed. hes still young though, so I think he will get better on his lurks. just my opinion though

posted 6 months ago

thats what i was thinking, but even so, u cant be looking that rusty. they didnt really look coordinate from what i watched

posted 6 months ago

(had better showing against loud than lev especially on ascent)

bro based it off 1 map
watch sen vs lev first
after all, sen did get 2-0 while lev didnt

posted 6 months ago

idk about nrg. c9 isnt even in the topic of being the best in americas and they kinda struggled even if it was a 2-0. But i mean overall, i feel like they just don't feel comfortable and r really relying on solo plays and really demon1 to carry. like the way the teams in the death group r playing compared to nrg is a huge gap. maybe nrg r just playing to the levels of their opponents.

posted 6 months ago

i like them but not that much. especially after watching nrg vids, bro I'm dying of cringe :(
still a good team to watch but I won't get upset if they lose

posted 6 months ago

yeah bro but have u watched the kills he got? like a lot of them were super super clean. im actually watching it rn and he has hit a few crispy sheriff 1 taps

posted 6 months ago
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