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Registered: December 15, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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i literally live in the west and no one gives af about trans bro. everyone here are really annoyed about trans. Its only the ones with clout and have a reputation that actually care about them(unless u are weird which there are a few ppl who are weird and believe in trans)

posted 5 months ago

Yesss same

posted 5 months ago

Meeeeee… can i be at the top please 😭

posted 5 months ago

Fax bro, they will clear lev and maybe nrg(they havent been looking too good ngl)

posted 5 months ago

Lol they arent. They are top 5 rn and have the potential to be higher up rn

posted 5 months ago

So then whats the point of saying we have 100t when they could be top 2 in emea

posted 5 months ago

100t clears koi and basically most of emea rn

posted 5 months ago

Yeah like sen will drop zekken. And like they will have to wait for leaf to finish contract. Nrg aint dropping etham anytime soon too

posted 5 months ago

We all remember heat cuz of his ace on breeze

posted 5 months ago

I read it as girlfriend 😂😂
Fuck im heartbroken rn. If yk, yk

posted 5 months ago

I mean most ppl didnt think apac would be good at the beginning of the year

posted 5 months ago

i really dont know why people say it doesnt matter. Even fns says it doesnt matter when that literally just doesnt make sense. people who tend to do better in scrims tend to do better overall....

posted 5 months ago

this kid actually might be selling

posted 5 months ago

sen when they realize they cant outaim everyone.

posted 5 months ago

Idk bro… i didnt watch the game but cmon… not to mention this is low tier 2 compared to tier 1. He aint even performing. I like him but he was def one of the problems on 100t

posted 5 months ago

i mean if u think about
dinner 6
breakfast 7-8 ish :)

posted 5 months ago

Victor 🤓 Ethan 🤓

posted 5 months ago

they arent commentators. if u dont want to listen to bias talk, go watch the offical channels but eu casters r hella biased.

posted 5 months ago

op aim is similar? they cant hit easy shots but hit flicks lol
both insane at rifling too

posted 5 months ago

this is why u r gold. scrims matter. look at geng, went crazy in scrims and where are they now? in playoffs. yk when optic was at their prime, fns said they made a chart of scrims and literally never lost any scrims, what did optic do? win masters! isnt that crazy? also if a team loses every scrim, how do you think they will feel? happy and confident going into the next match?

posted 5 months ago

"as i recall"
classic sen fan raging lol

posted 5 months ago

ok if this is true, whats wrong bro. he was just hyping his team and himself up. As for as I recall, he didnt scream at prx players like their coach did.

posted 5 months ago

THATS WHAT IM SAYING BRO. dont be listening to these noobs

posted 5 months ago

and not to mention that one eco round they threw
and also they threw another eco round vs sen and lost all momentum. who knows what could have happened

posted 5 months ago

Hes only rated bad cuz theres this one person who rides him and that rider isnt really liked

posted 5 months ago

lev is not making it bro. not even to champs

posted 6 months ago

ngl last year matches were more hyped imo

posted 6 months ago

Yeah but thats the thing, if the other team actually finds away to just counter zekken, its over for them. U cant just rely on him to do his job

posted 6 months ago

I think they r a great team but like how is zekken carrying them most of the time. He literally averaged 100 acs plus than the next teammate

posted 6 months ago

jesus y r u so mad lmfao

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

idk how ppl r falling for this bait
ppl alr said 100t were doing hella good in scrims, and 100t just like 19-4 lev or something
also Tactical Rab the goat <3

posted 6 months ago

I mean u have to account the teams they play against
But def overhatijg asuna, his stats werent bad last year on raze

posted 6 months ago

not this matchup again lol. excited af tho

posted 6 months ago

naw loud is still hella good. if they -qck +mwzera... might be number 1 ngl

posted 6 months ago

damn china alr 0-10

posted 6 months ago

100t 2-1
nrg r really just relying on plays and they dont really look good together as a team imo
but then again it was only kickoff, maybe they actually look like a team during split 1

posted 6 months ago

dont choke this again clown9
c9 2-0 mibr

posted 6 months ago

g2 fell off so hard
100t 2-0

posted 6 months ago

both team r on a losing streak lmfao.

posted 6 months ago

lev 2-0 not even close
edit: i seem to have made a huge mistake bois

posted 6 months ago

Well u must be blind, 100t def got more hate

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

s0m literally said that was only map one which meant he was just nervous

posted 6 months ago

yeah.. keep going u arent finished lol

posted 6 months ago
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