Flag: Israel
Registered: March 16, 2022
Last post: January 14, 2024 at 7:03 PM
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what is he going to do? roster changes? sgares will have real impact, being a GM is a glorified PR person to bridge relationships in the industry to bring in talent. not sure DDK has the skillset to evaluate talent. all his castings were overshadow by sgares ACTUAL understanding.

ddk is like shaz = early to the game took advantage, but not a lot of REAL talent, hence why both left CS because they couldnt hang there

ps i love ddk casting and he was the best with sgares. just feels like an unqualified position with no real substance.. just PR and its smart by 100T

posted about 2 years ago

lol what can ddk possibly do to help?? tell hiko to get young? tell asuna to stop waving his hands up in the air and focus?? are they going to cast their scrims and re-watch together and create content??

sgares is only legit part.

posted about 2 years ago

i always wonder why not just rush C every round on haven with a late b lurk??? its not hard

posted about 2 years ago

out played by big brains v1

give up site with chamber tp intel
buy wall + smokes knowing retake will be played from main / dish.

shaz cant even think of those things.

posted about 2 years ago

almost all the flashes were either team flashed or behind lol? the thought process was there but never executed. at least be honest

posted about 2 years ago

true, good point.

posted about 2 years ago

the above comments are not of my opinions. i think tenz is top 3 in NA personally. what i am reporting is what my sources are telling me.

posted about 2 years ago

just the negative attitude towards PROD you can tell, its not hard anymore.

posted about 2 years ago

found the racist + jasonR fan

posted about 2 years ago

i can understand the reaction and comment and don't disagree tenz skill > zomb but there are some chemistry and roles that most dont understand outside of the team environment. zombs support roles remove his stats but his composure in the team + experience seems to be more valued than the inconsistency of tenz + the amount of energy team puts in to putting him into position. thats what my source tells me.

posted about 2 years ago

DaZeD - easily top 2-3 NA IGL's

posted about 2 years ago

rumors behind the scenes is zombs is actively trying to get sinatraa back in the team. shaz doesn't want him back bc he believes in tenz. looks like team is fractured about how to fix. Sick and dapr pushing for sean gares as coach. below is what source tells me will happen after they fail to qualify


+Sgares (coach, manager)

posted about 2 years ago

So I was home sick with a fever of 102. Just sort of laying in bed being a miserable piece of human waste. Then my mom told me to go to the store to fetch some supplies for dinner. I told her I shouldn't but she insisted I go. I threw a bit of a fit then went into my car just seriously gassing up the whole way like really good solid farts that make the stomach feel good. Really helped me get over my flu symptoms. So I proudly walked through the store grabbing my stuff and checked out faster than normal. Today was really looking up for me. Then as I open the car... I let out an audible no. As I look at a huge shit stain on my car seat. I look back at my pants and the entire right leg of my pants is stained in shit. Which means not only had I shit myself but everyone in the grocery store had seen it and decided not to let me know. Just... a proud man walking through the store covered in waste. So I got into my car and stood while driving, hard but I managed. Ran home stripped naked threw all my clothes into the shower and stood there in my shame. Using the dog shit carpet cleaner to clean the seat.

posted about 2 years ago

potter as coach might help if you ask me

posted about 2 years ago

real question is whats your opinion SEN problems??

posted about 2 years ago

another player bullied by steel. sad. probably had race to do with it too knowing steels past

posted about 2 years ago

i dont see a problem with shaz playing more. the more you play something the better you get in any facet. tbh you never know if there is the next trent or someone in your ranked lobby. you can find new off angles and peeks. its a smart move.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil. Brazil has the seventh-highest crime rate in the world with exceptionally high rates of violent crimes. Brazil's homicide rate was 23.6 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020—and it has been as high as 30.8 in previous years.

In 1888, Brazil, with a mostly black and mixed race or mulatto population, was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery.

posted about 2 years ago

damn get all anti-semitic over one's opinion. i am not saying stan himself is responsible i am saying the whole corporate structure and staff is designed for finding advantages and winning at all cost. maybe do some research and see who runs the whole esports side of that business and their past and maybe you can connect dots.. but you'd rather be anti-semite and bring hate into it. smh.

posted about 2 years ago

The owner of the Guard, Kroenke Corporation / Stan Kroenke, has been cheating in corporate America / Real Estate Markets as well as NFL for years.. Shady org with shady $$. Riot anti cheat can't detect internal software on peripherals from what i've been told behind the scene.

posted about 2 years ago

lots of active pros are certain he is cheating.

posted about 2 years ago

so you think riot only choose women to abuse them? i doubt that lol. pretty radical and would be against all their core values/principles. women are not weaker than men, in fact most genders are fluid and you can be either one. you cant have a weaker one because that would imply genders are physically/mentally different. i think they are just culturally smart and know women need more chances in video games and its their job to make that happen. the game is free and the community comes 2nd to whats right in t he world. just my opinion

posted about 2 years ago

hi jasonR

posted about 2 years ago

agree. best NA team

posted about 2 years ago

i agree i just believe diversity should out weigh meritocracy, especially when meritocracy is systematically racist/sexist in most cases. riot values that and thats why i love the game + community. its a breath of fresh air compared to a game like CS or Call of Duty

posted about 2 years ago

yeah shes great. i liked sean too but he's already had success in cs and other games that its time for him to take a backseat and let others, especially women, get a shot. merit isn't always everything. sometimes you have to do whats right.

posted about 2 years ago

Riot always 2 steps ahead. mimi is a great caster and represents a lot of the player base. will mimi be at masters? hopefully!

ps GO GUARD!!!!!!!!

posted about 2 years ago

TLDR: Riot is full of marxist technocrats.

posted about 2 years ago

Sell the roster to Brazil and pay for the Guard.

posted about 2 years ago

trent can cheat on lan too. they are some top level coding embedded in the mouse software.

posted about 2 years ago

shaz was a tier2 NA cs player who got lucky switching to valorant early and not playing any talent. those days are over and he's back to being tier2 player. he was never an igl in CS so now that meta has turned to strats and using agents properly hes done. they won in the early days strictly on aim duels. no brains on sentinels.

posted about 2 years ago

Shazam called out jasonR and all went downhill. tier3 cs player is finally being exposed by the other players in the game, shaz deserves all the fall out. all about himself and always has been.

posted about 2 years ago

looks like a jasonR fan. anti-women and sexualizing women.

hopefully riot looks into this. this is basically what sinatraa did. when will the community stand up for rights of women and not allow them to just be looked as sexual tools? sad.. gaming will never change until we change the sexist player base.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

1.) Remove HD
2.) Wash in hot water + dish soap
3.) Air dry in rice + noodles
4.) Eat rice + noodles once absorb liquid
5.) Re install HD
6.) Re install windows
7.) Play games

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

cant wait for todays matches in NA. me and the boys are headed to town square to watch some val outside and promote the game. any suggestions how we can showcase the beauty of the game?????

cheers and bless the blessed!

posted about 2 years ago

nice racism. typical from the region

posted about 2 years ago

love sean and love this game, thank you!

posted about 2 years ago

you can have a different opinion, thats ok my friend. but to bring out racism / anti-mental health bullying? seems low and not cool.

posted about 2 years ago

sean didn't fit the woke agenda of riot. instead they will employ more non-white-straight-males

someone should advise sean to start his transition journey and re apply as Seanty or Shawnty.

posted about 2 years ago
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