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Registered: April 22, 2020
Last post: February 17, 2025 at 8:11 AM
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map crashed @ 7-2 w2f

posted about 4 years ago

your wish has been granted

posted about 4 years ago

sorry :(
will get this fixed sometime tomorrow along with a bunch of other stuff it's not currently hiding

posted about 4 years ago

map 3 can't start because riot servers are broken

posted about 4 years ago

updated the team stats page to be a bit more detailed:


see: https://www.vlr.gg/team/stats/106/team-solomid/

posted about 4 years ago

Also A-tier events should count 5 times B-tier events , so for example TSM and T1 making the finals of T1xNSG should be way better than grinding 5 small cups cause EU teams like Fabriken and NMDM are grinding these events while others are just attending the meaningful ones

there already is different weighting for events, but it's relatively minor in terms of impact

regardless though, I agree with you on all points and there will be many, many changes and iterations coming

posted about 4 years ago

appreciate the reddit threads you make ?

posted about 4 years ago

i'll move this up in priority and work on this in the next few days since it's been requested so many times

posted about 4 years ago

you got it

had already planned on reworking the listings in /matches and also on event /matches pages anyways

no ETA though

edit: thought you meant team logos, but on second look the event icons were bugged and not showing up, which has been fixed

posted about 4 years ago

do you mean here?


posted about 4 years ago

from the cast it sounds like the match will continue

posted about 4 years ago

tough situation for all parties involved

posted about 4 years ago


Update on this. Nolpenki aren't being accused of cheating but another team apparently did to the point it screwed the bracket up.

posted about 4 years ago

unfortunately there really aren't any

the closest you'll get is if a site chooses to implement some sort of traffic verification, such as for quantcast

posted about 4 years ago

none are even remotely close

most of those website worth calculators just base everything off alexa rank which is... inaccurate to say the least

posted about 4 years ago

not possible yet but maybe in the future with riot API

posted about 4 years ago

hltv is the gold standard

i'll take a cheap imitation as a compliment

posted about 4 years ago

updated streams

thanks for the tip

posted about 4 years ago

No personal profiles, scouting tools, guides based on individual players, or personalized data of any kind, UNLESS an individual player chooses to share their data. We want players to have ownership of their data, and we don't want to share it if that player doesn't want it shared. What this looks like can take multiple forms, but it will involve a Riot-owned authentication structure we can unlock for you if we believe your application design warrants it.

Example: Player X wants to see their own profile, match history, and stats. Player X will need to login to their Riot account, via RSO, to confirm their identity before being permitted to view their own profile.

Example: Player Y wants to see Player X’s profile, match history, and stats. Viewing another player’s profile should only be possible if the player has verified their identity, via RSO, and opted into making their profile public. You should be able to provide an audit history of each player opting in.

not sure what sort of anonymized data will be available though

posted about 4 years ago


on a side note we'll be reworking rankings soon (I know the NA ones are way off off save for maybe top 3)

posted about 4 years ago

nope they'll be unranked

posted about 4 years ago

manual input :(

posted about 4 years ago

match moved

posted about 4 years ago

match postponed until tomorrow due to server issues

will be played offstream

posted about 4 years ago

there are obvious limitations of an elo system in a team game with limited data so all of your criticism is very valid (and appreciated)

posted about 4 years ago

i'll do a quick update to factor in round differential before today's NA matches and see how that impacts things

posted about 4 years ago

in broad strokes #2 is right, but your point about map win margin is on the mark.

+/- gain currently factors in match win margin (e.g. 2-0 vs 2-1 in a bo3), but not map win margin (13-0 vs 13-12), which I plan on implementing soon.

TSM's relatively small gains are to be expected given that they're the highest rated team in the system at the moment, but T1's big jumps are because they've been inactive for the past month and thus have been stuck close to the initial 1500 rating every team starts at. in the long run this shouldn't matter much, but in the initial stages of the scene a possible remedy could be to manually give clearly "good" teams a slightly higher initial rating.

posted about 4 years ago

have access to official tournament stuff

posted about 4 years ago

server crashed map 2
no stats

posted about 4 years ago

the official stream will only be this match + sentinels/gen.g + T1/100 thieves, but it looks like players will be allowed to stream their POVs

we'll update all these matches with player streams too as they become available

posted about 4 years ago

map 3 postponed

posted about 4 years ago

updated lineups

stats for 2nd game not available yet, will add when they are

posted about 4 years ago


currently doesn't calculate group rankings according to round differential

true group a rankings:

  1. Prodigy
  2. Mattistack
  4. nolpenki

working on fixing this asap

edit: fixed, forgot to update this post

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

aka possibly sometime this week

posted about 4 years ago

fixed it thanks for the spot

posted about 4 years ago

... yes we're in agreement

posted about 4 years ago

99% of the data we have is taken from stream vods

the exceptions are when it can't be found or are from personally requested screenshots

posted about 4 years ago

upper brackets finals and onwards starting 3 pm edt (1.5 hours from this post)

posted about 4 years ago


we've added a stats tab to each event that functions just like this one

posted about 4 years ago

watch a ton of Valorant esports and want to help out? we're currently looking for volunteers to help update our live match ticker.

if this is something that interests you, please shoot me a pm on our discord:


posted about 4 years ago

they are

you can check the g2 channel twitch commands

regardless, won't be using them as a source anymore

posted about 4 years ago
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