whoever made the decision to bench poach is a moron and that comes from the bottom of my heart. if you were going to make a roster change at all why poach and not poised? just confused on the thought process
i feel like they shouldve just kept poach even if it was personal shit. unless it was so bad that the team couldnt bear to play with him. they had an insane record with poach and a mediocre one with flyuh and shot up
Bro the only value poach had on the roster was as an igl. His firepower and decision making were subpar. They obviously like poised igling more and flyuh has far superior firepower for the team.
yeah i think flyuh will do well with faze in time, but its a bit late to be making such a roster change when the previous roster was solidified and played well together.
Yea but flyuh is playing around a new roster, but I agree with u dropping poach after the first game is just braindead if they wanted to drop him they should've done it before groups