Representing EU and beating the best team in NA, KR and now China to go 22-0 since lower bracket run in LEC (EU League).
t1 winning msi chill
G2 era!!!!!!!! caps is back!!!!!!! best mid world rn
G2 is greatest Western LoL team ever !!! They always stand strong againts Chinese and KOrean giants
I'm just hoping they wont choke. They look strong af
G2 looks so good. They don't really have clear weaknesses outside of maybe early game. Flexible roster, plays well under pressure, discipline, good team fighting, carry potential players. Feels good after MAD Lions last year.
Yeah for sure. Mad lions were so inflexible, got exposed quick.
these guys own MSI lol
Wp bot2, fed some copium to LEC fans for 2 days
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