When you lose in low elo, why do you make excuse like "They don't use their brain, I can't read them" shit?. Why don't you accept that there are some decent aimers in low elo.
Are you implying if low elo players used their brain, you would've won?
You're prolly right. Maybe high elo players wants to survive more, but low elo doesn't care if they die as long as they get one kill. There may be one or two such plays max and definitely that's not the reason high elo players should give when they lose to silvers
Omg Bro saaame
I'm high Plat and all my friends are iron-bronze and whenever I play with them they expect me to carry but it's just that the enemies are so unpredictable and I almost never perform lol while in play I top frag next game
Ive climbed from Iron to Plat and I must say Plat games are so easy for me compared to Silver. I play with good discipline so I can get a kill and back off without worrying about a random flank through spawn.