Head Coach : sgares
Asst Coach : MikesHD
R&D Coach(🤭) : sliggy
All strats , anti strats , comps are Childs play
Ahem, hear me explain my failure of a joke.
As good and 5head sliggy is, he is too experimental sometimes.
There is no failure in R and D he can try his best to create his comps and strats.
If they work in scrims, they pass on to next stage.
Like the concept of R &D is suitable for sliggy.
Just some scientist cooking his stuff up, not giving shit about consequences and going all out
yes i get the fact that the change should be necessary and agree that a team like 100t shouldnt have performed this bad. The main problem is the strats they are running is the main issue. If we compare the performance on icebox and ascent we can see clearly, the strats and agent compositions are not letting players draw their best. The previous iteration of 100t has a good balance of agressiveness and defence. But this roster is pure defencive in most cases. That is hugely affecting the performances.
The fact that they didnot rectify their mistake on ascent from the game with sentinels only tells, that the analysis part from the 100t is very bad. Their preperation is very bad. Sometimes it feels they dont have pride of being the champions of first strike while attacking. They are too careful at checking that they allow enough time to rotate.
This said Hiko is kind of too passive these days. I hope they cut him off respectably if they consider it.Or he should stream less and give himself enough time to catch up with all the trends and have enough rest.They have nitro who is already pugging with sova sometimes. They can make him play sova and try and get another duelist player. Or kick both steel and hiko(possibly not considering their contribution to the team) and let nitr0 igl. Better they soon hope ethan tries out duelists.
That said I completely agree with your point. I also see valorant slowly trending to more agressive style, which some teams like 100t take a lot of time to adapt, especially since they were trying to completely go the opposite direction. Still 5 to 6 position is not bad, but it is far from their standards.