where are you? back to hiding in your caves? wippie > yayster and it's not even a matter of opinion at this point
yay??? Relax
I said what I said.
Yeah but what you said was blasphemy lol
wippie > yay
You probably thought marved was trash before champs
i did, what's wrong with that?
You just contradicted your own statement…
It's not a contradiction at all, its just a dumb bait take that you fell for lol
noone doubted wippie and hes not better than yay
lot of wippie doubters are wardell fanboys
Wippie > Yay is a bold statement but Wippie is cracked
non sparare minchiate per favore
Wippie is not better than yay, sorry.
wippie is on a life-goal-being-met buff. mans here to stay, life is good and so is he.
ong it's minature!!111111
Don't believe that wippie > Yay, but if it's wippie > wardell then it's true