Jett: already changed
Pheonix: Wall (C) -> 150 credits
Flash (Q) -> time taken to cast reduced , flash duration increased
Molly (E) -> infinite range
Reyna -> orbs increased to 4 , heals for 75
blind (C) reduced blindness range, reduced credits to 200
Neon -> already changed
Yoru -> Teleport (E) timer will not start counting down if it is casted before buy phase
Raze -> nade (E) reduced damage for the smaller nades
Sova -> already changed
Skye -> dog (Q) reduced credits to 200
flash (E) reduced credits to 200
Breach -> able to charge up his fault line (E) during buy phase
time taken to pull out his flash (Q) reduced
aftershock (C) range reduced
KAY/O -> no change
Fade -> N/A (not enough time to see if she needs changes)
Killjoy -> Alarmbot (Q) has infinite range, but if she is not within 30m of alarmbot, enemies will not be affected with the vulnerable effect
Turret (E) has infinite range, but if she is not within 30m of turret, enemies will not be slowed
Sage: Wall (C) -> reduced to 300 credits but takes less time to break
Heal (E) -> heals for 75
Chamber -> headhunter (Q) is reduced to 6 casts
operator (X) -> pull out time increased
Cypher -> Cage (Q) will instantly decay enemies for 25 when they step in and will not increase
Camera (E) gives enemies the vulnerable effect when they are tagged
Ultimate (X) shows their location for 3 seconds , ultimate increased to 7 orbs
Controllers :
Omen -> Smoke (E) reduced credits to 100
Ultimate (X) if he is still in ultimate form upon left click he can blind enemies within 5m of him for 3 seconds
Astra -> 5 stars
Brimstone -> Stim beacon (C) will reduce reload time if stimmed
Viper -> N/A (balanced)