This guy makes great content and I think he is very right in the way he explains that there is a big problem with these flash duelists and initiators (who are overall much much better).
I think a perfect fix for this would be to make initiators focus on setting up your team and not necessarily flash for your self (rightclick flash on kayo and the instant skye flash).
If I were riot I would:
- Remove or nerf the kayo right hand flash so much that you cant really play off of it yourself, rather relying on your team and you initiating the fight.
- Make skye have a minimum amount of air time the bird has to pass before you can pop the flash, or make the flash a lot slower.
- breach is already quite clunky to play with so I would not change him.
for the flashing duelists:
- make phoenix flash really easy to peek with, possibly even make phoenix immune to his own flashes
- just overall buffs (2 molly's? or longer range on the molly being thrown?)
- Yoru is fine
- rRyna is probably also fine
This way there is a distinct difference in the initiators and the flashing duelists. Initiators have more util but as a trade off are harder to play with that utility yourself. It would give these flashing duelists a better place in the meta I think.
Any thoughts?