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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: February 9, 2025 at 12:23 PM
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posted 1 month ago

emea on top !

posted about 2 years ago

redgar said his english isnt amazing but he used to queue and hang out with starxo alot and currently playing the redbull opens w a squad that'd be speaking english, so id guess its enough to communicate? not sure tho. nevertheless excited : ))))

posted about 2 years ago

excited to see if navi (fpx) can continue their dominance within emea with cned instead of ardiis and of course excited to see ex-gmb boys play again even if they're on diff teams :') really hope we do get to see more of d3ffo, even if its an ascension team. miss watching the guy

posted about 2 years ago

doesnt matter if they fix the game if the game changers teams are explicitly told that it is a bug they cant use, then warned AFTER they used it then go on to use it again in the SAME game. quite obviously not a strat, just abusing a bug?

posted about 2 years ago

well i mean, nearly every report ive seen so far from anyone has been correct but who knows rn tbh

posted about 2 years ago

tbh last rumours i saw were FUT were taking the last slot, but i wouldve thought itd have been BIG. think theres still a world we dont see G2

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

nah man give them some credit. you can support and congratulate other teams without bringing optic down, sure there might have been unfortunate circumstances earlier this year that could've given optic a slightly easier win but they still won it and continue to prove they are in contention for best in the world. they have the most consistent results of any team in valorant, most teams aren't even constantly in the running for winning events but optics been in 3 grand finals. maybe take into consideration that since valorant is a changing meta that allows other teams to rise to the top (exactly why we have 6 different major winners) yet optic can still float above. if they stick as a 5 they'll win something else

posted about 2 years ago

posted about 2 years ago

hiiiiiiii : 3

posted about 2 years ago

who are u lil bro

posted about 2 years ago

this is actually sick

posted about 2 years ago

this press conference is so funny lmaooo

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

history bound to repeat itself

posted about 2 years ago

i heard somewhere kingg said that the crowd affected them but i'm not sure how much truth there is to it. but even if he didn't say that i feel for them, not even mentioning the fact they have many young players on their roster, they're playing in a different continent infront of thousands of people for probably the first time. yeah it's not really an excuse, but you've gotta feel bad after going 4-0 in groups.

posted about 2 years ago

his sage on this map is the best ive seen, this tournament and copenhagen. its just crazy

posted about 2 years ago

maybe best in the world is a bit of an overstatement lol. but they're definitely in contention for top 4, and i see a world they could actually win if they carry on playing like they have been - especially with how many pistols they win, its fking insane. we haven't seen enough of them on LAN to call them the best itw (honestly don't know if we'll ever be able to call a team best in the world, if you play every grand final in valorant 10 times over you'll get a different team winning every time. im sure of it) but what we have seen of them is incredible, definitely an amazing team that shouldn't be underrated any more

posted about 2 years ago

nah man, there is such a shortage of t1 igls in this game and boaster fills that gap. even if he's not a fragger you've got to give him credit for his igl abilities. fnatic were probably frothing trying to get him to sign a longer contract, teams without a good igl are bound to fail in a game like this. stats today were kinda abysmal though i cant lie

posted about 2 years ago

same aha, couldnt be happier w the result today. gonna be so sick for them to have so much time to prep going into playoffs

posted about 2 years ago

was rooting for lev to win against prx but still had prx beating them and lev qualifying through lowers, so proud of them showing everyone theyre the real shit and making playoffs first!!!

posted about 2 years ago

holy fuck that was so sick

posted about 2 years ago

TL plays great in regional events and okay at an international level once they get going but I've always thought m3c played amazing at an international level... just always chokes in qualifiers :(

posted about 2 years ago

yeahh, its rough. watching prx vs edg is scaring me even more

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, i got big faith in Lev (and Kru) though. maybe just copium though lol

posted about 2 years ago

f0rsakeN PRX
kiNgg LEV

shao FPX
klaus KRU

mazino KRU
SushiBoys XIA

melser LEV

had my 5 players as: f0rsakeN, shao, mazino, melser, fns (igl/captain)

posted about 2 years ago

wish i could go back to then :(

posted about 2 years ago

WWWWWWW love hearing about panpoc

posted about 2 years ago

game he grew up on and was his dream to go pro in it. wouldve been a bigger name in it had it not been for his vac ban which basically meant he couldnt attend any LANs backed by valve iirc (which makes it impossible to ever become a t1 pro)

posted about 2 years ago

pretty reasonable list, its tough to rank the top 3, 5 or even 10 going INTO a tournament because it usually depends on players performances from months before or players that haven't performed on an international stage in a while (or ever), also taking different roles into account. maybe id have atleast 1 fpx player in the top 3 but maybe thats just emea bias lol

posted about 2 years ago

fnatic bootcamped stage 1 iirc, or atleast some of the players did? as far as I remember m3c didn't bootcamp stage 1 but I'm not really sure, they bootcamped most of stage 2 but for the last final games went home and didn't bootcamp for lcq. not that it's an excuse, but yeah

posted about 2 years ago

that sweet chili wrap hits different some days

posted about 2 years ago

yeah this happened to me the other day, idrk what it means bc you can't do it. just pops up for no reason

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, I don't expect them to win the whole thing but I'd give them a damn good chance to make it at least out of groups, if not further. Sure this iteration of the roster has never made it to a LAN but they've also only played in 2 qualifying tournaments and looked extremely dominant in the final games of LCQ, if they keep playing like they have been they're gonna be a hot team to look out for at champs. It's anyone's game

posted about 2 years ago

haha no worries i was a bit confused

posted about 2 years ago

? fnc placed badly in m1 and okay in m2, drx placed meh in both. drx places higher on average

posted about 2 years ago

highest average placement this year?

posted about 2 years ago

jady doesn't play jett + chronicle not comfortable on jett = purp0 can play and is comfortable on jett

posted about 2 years ago

I've defended d3ffo and his roles within the team so many times on here but honestly I don't think it would've made a difference this time around, just felt lackluster on the last few maps and no matter if they'dve played with Jady, d3ffo, purp0, the outcome would've stayed the same imo. still sucks to see them lose especially after trying to "fix" things but it is what it is, hope franchising treats them all well 😀

posted about 2 years ago

the ping thing is fucked but what can u do, shit happens and rito doesn't fix it. personally, i don't think having d3ffo on the roster would've made a difference, jady is great on his own roles but there were deeper issues in this run definitely. im a massive fan of d3ffo but it's hard to compare them and, looking at stats and how he performed, jady is a more well rounded player. just unfortunate and sad they didn't qual :')

posted about 2 years ago

yeah i agree fnatic doesn't seem as adaptable as maybe some other teams that are supposed to be top tier, fpx is an amazing team that can adapt on the fly with minimal prep time. probably thanks to their insane players with very deep agent pools, they also seem to have a deep map pool aswell. fnc has great players and are great when they're winning but when they're losing they seem lost and lackluster, maybe they'llve learnt this time and look cleaner in champs

posted about 2 years ago

honestly i think a rematch will 9/10 times favour the team that lost 1st (if they are around the same level), it happens so much. a team that loses will learn more from their loss than a team that wins
*not that all finals n shit are rematches, just alot of the time they are. also just a lb run will learn more from their losses

posted about 2 years ago

its kinda scuffed but so was the whole tourny, liquid and g2 having to play two bo3s in one day was also stupid. just strange all round

posted about 2 years ago

first off 4 months isn't going to solve those problems they were experiencing and im positive it still has lasting effects (maybe im wrong though!), chronicle's tweet (https://twitter.com/chronicleEZ/status/1558879869597089792) whilst i paraphrased it in my original reply, explains that they no had "sponsors, no comfort zone to train & compete with 50-60 ping against 5-15". sheydos' tweet (https://twitter.com/Sheydosk1ng/status/1558877894406971392) whilst not explicitly stating they was a bad mental obviously, unless you're blind, shows that this tournament had a toll on their/his mentals. you have to have no empathy at all if you're trying to argue the fact this whole situation isn't tough for them, i'm not arguing against liquid deserving this win im simply stating that it's quite obvious this year for them hasn't been great for them mentally. (Also they never qualified for iceland, that was fpx.)

posted about 2 years ago

im quoting things the players have said themselves? you can easily find everything i have mentioned in their own tweets or interviews

posted about 2 years ago

tough for them, liquid played very well tho

posted about 2 years ago

im repeating things the players have said themselves lmfao, not really an assumption when its an obvious bad effect

posted about 2 years ago

chronicle not as comfortable on jett as chamber, rather have one of your best players on an agent they can perform on instead of sticking them on a different agent and no one else on the roster can play jett except purpo

posted about 2 years ago
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