Kayaba Akihiko (茅場晶彦), known as Hiko (ヒースクリフ) in Valorant Champions Tour, was the main antagonist of the Masters Berlin Arc and a supporting character in the Champions Arc and VCT 2022 Arc. He was the Game Designer and Clutch Master (CM) of VALORANT, as well as the designer of the Sova meta,[3] the Art of the Clutch, [4] and Asuna.[5]
As his avatar Hiko, Akihiko eventually founded what later became VALORANT's strongest team, the 100 Thieves. He was the owner of the first trophy, named First Strike,[1] and was considered to be strongest player in-game.[6] He wielded the collective Owl Drone and Sova Dart called shock. He also was able to engage the boss of the Finals in battle for 5 maps by himself, which earned him the title Clutch Master (伝説の男).[7] It was also rumored that Hiko's hit points (HP) had never reached the death zone.